What's New March 2012
Happy Birthday Mr. Nimoy
Finally, this year I managed to make a trip to Boston. Even though I found out Chambers Street has been torn down and replaced (see entry further down), I have to say I now understand why you've remained proud and attached to the city you were born and grew up in. One of the places I visited was the Skywalk Observatory at the Prudential Center in Boston, where a display showcases famous people born in Boston. Since a photo of Mr. Nimoy as Spock from TOS was used for the 'wall of fame,' it seems kind of appropriate that one headline in the exhibits would read "Changing Attitudes Towards Aliens." (Link)
Here are two of the many birthday tributes to Mr. Nimoy that could be found on the web that made my personal favorites list:
Happy Birthday, Leonard Nimoy! - Trekkie Birthday Song by The Doubleclicks
Lyrics: Today is Leonard's birthday so it is time to sing (Thanks go to Grace for pointing this video out to me.)
it's LEONARD NIMOY's 8Ist BIRTHDAY ◄ TRIBUTE to an AWESOME MAN ► by Deep1Purple2 |
Please also check out her other videos.
The Big Bang Theory: The Transporter Malfunction
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Penny (Kaley Cuoco) gets Leonard (Johnny Galecki) and Sheldon (Jim Parsons) a collectible Star Trek transporter toy.
Wikipedia Episode Summary: When Sheldon complains about Penny constantly mooching their food, she buys both Leonard and him a mint, in the box 1975 Star Trek transporter toy. She's disappointed when they refuse to take them out of the boxes to preserve their value. That night Sheldon dreams his Spock action figure (voiced by Leonard Nimoy) declares it illogical to own a toy that does not get played with. When Sheldon awakes, he joyfully opens the transporter and promptly breaks it. Sheldon immediately switches it with Leonard's hoping he won't be found out since Leonard was not planning on opening his toy. Later Sheldon has a nightmare about being chastised by his toy Spock about his actions and being attacked by a Gorn. When Leonard decides to play with his toy since it was a present from his girlfriend Penny, Sheldon is forced to confess that he broke it and return Leonard's property.
Meanwhile, Raj, depressed at the prospect of attending Howard's wedding alone, asks his parents to find him a potential wife. He hits it off with the new girl until she admits she is a lesbian, looking for a sham marriage to cover her homosexuality, and that she assumed Raj was also gay. Raj contemplates going through with the marriage, feeling as though he will never find someone, who is not gay, that actually loves him. To cheer him up, Howard and Bernardette get him a female Yorkie puppy.
Leonard Nimoy Beams Into CBS' 'The Big Bang Theory'
"For years, we thought it would be fantastic to have Leonard Nimoy appear on the show and we think we’ve found a really different and fun way to make that happen," executive producer Steve Molaro tells THR. "As thrilled as we are he's doing it, we're even more thrilled just to get our pictures taken with him.”
Added executive producer Bill Prady in a statement released shortly afterward: "Leonard Nimoy's first appearance on Big Bang was as DNA on a napkin. For this episode, we are delighted to hear his voice. We look forward to introducing Mr. Nimoy, body part by body part, over the course of many seasons to come."
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
‘The Big Bang Theory’: Leonard Nimoy dazzles in a new way
CBS had the most viewers Thursday night, and Fox had the most young adults.
Fox’s “American Idol” remained the most-watched program with 15.9 million viewers, according to updated ratings. A year ago, the comparable “Idol” had 22.6 million viewers. Heejun Han was ejected from the Fox singing contest, leaving the final eight.
Three CBS series were close behind “Idol”: “Person of Interest” with 14.6 million, “The Big Bang Theory” with 14 million and “The Mentalist” with 13.6 million. The weak link in the CBS lineup was “Rules of Engagement” with 8.7 million fans.
But “Big Bang Theory” was the most popular series Thursday with young adults. “Big Bang” featured an unusual guest appearance by “Star Trek” legend Leonard Nimoy, who provided the voice for a Spock action figure.
Here are the prime-time averages for the broadcast networks: CBS with 13.2 million, Fox with 12.4 million, ABC with 4.9 million for mostly reruns, NBC with 3.1 million and The CW with 1.9 million. Fox finished its night with “Touch,” which brought in 8.9 million Kiefer Sutherland fans.
Source: Orlando Sentinel (Submitted by Grace)
Preview for TBBT - The Transporter Malfunction
Clips from the episode
Review by TV Reception on Tumblr:
New poem, Chambers Street, by Mr. Nimoy about the neighborhood in Boston where he grew up. I tried to look Chambers Street up in Boston and on Google Maps. It no longer exists.
In an interview about his film, Margin Call, Zachary Quinto also mentions Mr. Nimoy
Quinto also plays the recurring character of a gay ghost on the television series American Horror Story. Probably the highlight of his career thus far has been meeting Leonard Nimoy.
“Leonard and I have become good friends,” he says.
How does he observe that Nimoy has endured the years as Spock?
“I think he has evolved incredibly gracefully. He lives an incredibly full life and is a really happy man,” he says.
“It’s great to know him. He’s a world traveller, an avid art enthusiast and collector and photographer and artist himself. He’s constantly working, constantly challenging himself. I should hope to have half as good a fortune and experience as he has.”
Source: The West Australian
Conventions Updated
The entire article is here. Tale of a Star Trek convention gone ultimately wrong.
Update: Larry Nemecek is working on a documentary about the convention and you can help him make it. Please go to http://www.larrynemecek.com/conofwrath.htm for more information about the project.
Prevent Forest Fires

PSA by the Forest Service, USDA, State Forresters and the Ad Council about preventing forest fires. Narrated by Leonard Nimoy, making use of the Spock character. (Quicktime plugin needed for the smokeybear website. Or try this)
An amazing find. Thank you so much, Grace.
I’ve come across “interviews” that I thought were bogus, but this is the first one where I think they used stand-ins for two of the pictures and one of the two looks like an accident in photoshop before there was photoshop…
"Doomsday" & More With Norman Spinrad
Going back to you being on set, did Shatner or Nimoy ever say anything to you about this script you’d penned for them?
Spinrad: Sure, but the funniest thing is there’s a sequence in there, dialogue, that goes Spock, Kirk, Spock, Kirk. While I’m on the set I see that William Shatner, in between takes, is sitting somewhere. He’s got the script and penciling out Spock lines, because he had something in contract saying that he had to have the most lines, that Nimoy couldn’t have more lines than he did. So, Marc Daniels, who was the director, starts to shoot this. Five blown takes. I’m there. It’s really an usual honor. You’re not really supposed to stick your nose into this. But I can’t stand it finally. I know what’s wrong. There’s a reaction line from Spock that’s missing. It just can’t work (without it). So I call Marc Daniels over into the corner. I said, “Listen, Marc, the reason you’re having trouble with this is because of the missing Spock line that Shatner took out. I know the whole reason why that is. We can’t put it back in, but maybe you just tell Leonard to grunt. Can you get away with a grunt?” And that’s the way they shot it.
Source: StarTrek.com
The Big Bang Theory
Finally. The moment that Star Trek and The Big Bang Theory fans have been waiting for is almost upon us. Leonard Nimoy will reprise his legendary role as Spock in an upcoming episode of the popular comedy. Nimoy won't be there in the flesh. Instead, he'll provide the voice of Spock -- or a Spock action figure Sheldon thinks is talking to him during a dream sequence -- in the episode "The Weekend Vortex."
The episode will air Thursday, March 29 on CBS.
Source: Star Trek.com
Here's a Spanish post about the show having tried to get Mr. Nimoy to do an episode for ages. Don't know what it says, but it also has a nice picture of Mr. Nimoy from the San Diego Comic Con from 2009 maybe. (Submitted by Grace. Thanks!)
Selected Shorts
Here's a photo taken at the presentation at the Getty Center in L.A. Photo taken by Justin Root. Posted with permission. Thank you very much Grace for obtaining it.
Star-studded “8” the play raises $2 million at L.A. premiere, attracts global audience online
starring a stellar cast led by Brad Pitt and George Clooney, was a big hit, raising more than $2 million for the American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER).
More than 1,000 people crammed into the sold-out Wilshire Ebell Theatre, including celebrities Barbra Streisand, Sally Field, Leonard Nimoy, Kyra Sedgwick, Sofia Vergara, Eric Stonestreet, Christopher Guest, Toni Collette, Olivia Wilde, Ty Burrell, Julie Bowen, Toni Collette and Stacy Keibler. Also seen in the audience were Lt. Gov. Gavin Newson, openly gay Ambassador James C. Hormel and California State Assembly Speaker John A. Perez.
The reading was streamed live on YouTube, attracting more than 250,000 viewers around the world. AFER and Broadway Impact produced the reading, and Bryan Singer, director of “The Usual Suspects” and “X-Men,” was the presenting sponsor.
Source: San Diego Gay and Lesbian News
A Logical Choice...
As Bonnie tells me, the original postcard from the American Cancer Society she has contributed has turned into a collectors item by now. Here is one of the few photos that caught him with a cigarette after smoking had gone out of fashion in later years.
The Big Bang Theory
Big Bang Theory Exclusive: Leonard Nimoy Finally Agrees to Cameo – But There's a Twist!
According to an insider, Nimoy will speak to Sheldon, as Spock, in a dream sequence.
More here.