
In an open letter Mr. Nimoy weights in on a possible solution for the conflict between Israel and Palestine, favoring the two state solution.
Dear Friend,
When I was a teenager, I told my dad I wanted to be an actor. In response, he gave me the only piece of advice he ever offered me--"Learn to play the accordion." And he was serious. He said, "You can always make a living with an accordion."
Because I ignored his advice, I never found out if he was right. Instead, I've lived 80 creative years pursuing acting and photography, and working as a director and poet.
If I had listened to my father, and hadn't done any of those things, chances are you wouldn't have recognized my name and you wouldn't be reading this. Now that you are, I'd like to ask you to consider what I have to say. I reach out to you as someone who is troubled to see the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians continue apparently without an end in sight.
In fact, there is an end in sight. It's known as the two-state solution--a secure, democratic Israel as the Jewish State alongside an independent Palestinian state. Even Israel's nationalist Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, has come to see this as the shape of the future. The problem is how to reach that end point. It's something we should be concerned about--not only as world citizens, but as Americans.
You might recall the episode in the original Star Trek series called, "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield." Two men, half black, half white, are the last survivors of their peoples who have been at war with each other for thousands of years, yet the Enterprise crew could find no differences separating these two raging men.
But the antagonists were keenly aware of their differences--one man was white on the right side, the other was black on the right side. And they were prepared to battle to the death to defend the memory of their people who died from the atrocities committed by the other.
The story was a myth, of course, and by invoking it I don't mean to belittle the very real issues that divide Israelis and Palestinians. What I do mean to suggest is that the time for recriminations is over. Assigning blame over all other priorities is self-defeating. Myth can be a snare. The two sides need our help to evade the snare and search for a way to compromise.
Continue reading here. Another article, It's only logical: Mr. Spock supports two-state solution for Mideast peace, commenting on Mr. Nimoy's open letter, can be found here.
Journey to the Center of the Earth, Afterword (2003)
Because of his ties to Alien Voices, Signet Classic asked Leonard Nimoy to write an afterword for their 2003 publication of Jules Verne's A Journey to the Center of the Earth. (more/close)
For more go here.
Grace Lee Whitney - The Longest Trek, Foreword (1998)
Leonard Nimoy wrote the foreword to Grace Lee Whitney's memoirs. (more/close)
I call her Amazing Grace. She rejects that name and denies
that she is amazing, but I insist, because she is. There have been countless books written about Star Trek -
many, perhaps too many, by those who were actively involved. I've
done two myself. But until now (and I admit I haven't read each and
every one of them), I would place a large bet that no one has written
as personal, moving, and powerful a one as Grace has written. If you think this is simply another book of Star Trek anecdotes and inside jokes, take a deep breath and plunge in. This is a Star Trek book which will transform people's lives. It will give insight
into a human condition and guidance to many in need.
lt is a blessing to all of us that she has put this life of hers to such generous use.
My thanks to Grace—always amazing.
Leonard Nimoy
Conversations With Mr. Spock (1976)

We must not overlook the fact that we know that Spock is part human and that we therefore suspect him of being compassionate, even a humanist at heart. Thus we feel safe in placing our fate in his hands. Certainly he would never make a decision that, though logical, would be antihuman. Logic alone might someday dictate the extermination of millions of innocent people in order to relieve overpopulation, food shortages, and ecological problems. In that case we could turn to Spock-the-scientist and know that he would find brilliant solutions to mankind's needs.
So this particular ETI or type of ETI is superior t in his decision making abilities and in his scientific knowledge. But we trust that he will apply these superior assets for our benefit.
In that same piece he also writes about the surreal experiences of having his make-up test filmed on the sound stage of I Love Lucy and how it already helped him form part of Spock's attitudes towards humanity, the interplay between actor and character, being contacted by "metaphysical" organizations telling him he was chosen to prepare humanity in the role of Spock for the future and more.
Mr. Nimoy's first book of poetry and photographs. "The story, told in poetry, is of a young man searching for his soul mate, realizing who she is, and moving through the stages of early love, doubt, and confirmation."* (more/close)
"All My Life I've Been a Searcher..."
In 1970, I renewed an old love. I turned with a new intensity toward the art of photography. I had been interested in photography as a hobby for many years, had always owned a camera, and sometimes when a darkroom was available, processed my own prints. But I had never approached the work at a more serious level than simply recording events such as birthday parties and other celebrations of various kinds. Now I was intrigued with photography as an art form, particularly in black and white.
I took some UCLA courses and began to understand the science of photography as an art form. I worked intensely until I was satisfied that my prints were suitable for publication. Now I realized that the form of publication was a major choice and decided that perhaps the format that would serve me best would be a book of photographs and words.
For the first time in my life, I sat down seriously to think and write poetically. It was surprisingly easy. Or I should say it came in an unexpectedly gratifying flow. My search for an understanding of the art of photography had led me to a new surprise. That I was capable of writing and being published successfully as a poet. Since that first book which was called, "YOU & I," I have had four other books published, all quite successful.
Source: Nimoy, Leonard. "All My Life I've Been a Searcher..." in Datsun Dicovery, Fall 1978.
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Since he hadn't expected much to come of it, he took his book to a small publisher in California. Celestial Arts (see scans above) printed a few thousand books and then sold the rights to the paperback edition to Avon which had already sold 300,000 copies by February 1974. (1)
* Quoted from a review on
(1) Van Hise, James, "An Evening With Leonard Nimoy" in Star Trek 74, SFCA, Miami, 1974.