What's New April 2012
Star Trek 2013
Spoiler 1: Leonard Nimoy returns as Spock Prime
The first spoiler was actually let out of the bag by the actor himself when talking to CNN last week (see video), and now AICN is reporting that Nimoy returning for the sequel. TrekMovie sources have confirmed that Nimoy indeed is back as Spock Prime and he has already completed his work for the film. Spock Prime was last seen at the end of the 2009 movie sending off the new crew of the USS Enterprise, leaving him to help the Vulcans who survived Nero’s destruction of their home planet.
This spoiler comes as somewhat of a surprise, as Nimoy himself had previously indicated that he was happy to let the new cast take the reigns of the franchise forward. But apparently JJ Abrams and crew were able to convince the actor and Star Trek legend to come out of retirement one last time to play Spock. On a historic note, this would be Nimoy’s eighth appearance in a Star Trek feature film, which will be a record (he and Shatner are now tied with seven movies each).
Source: Trek Movie
Behind the scenes photo of Leonard Nimoy giving an interview to Fox News
Submitted by http://mrssylargray.tumblr.com/ Thank You!!!
Now the Daily Mail has Quinto "handpicked" for the role of Spock by Mr. Nimoy...
Wearing a Steve Jobs-approved black mock turtleneck and grey slacks, the 34-year-old star didn't exactly look thrilled about living long and prospering as the iconic character.
Past pictures from the set have seen the Starfleet officer in fights scenes with a new villain played by Sherlock Holmes star Benedict Cumberbatch and being lowered on a wire wearing a 'volcano suit.'
The American Horror Story star did not grow up watching the series, so when Leonard Nimoy hand-picked Quinto to play Spock in the 2009 remake the two became fast friends.
The pair have been tweeting back and forth a lot this month about getting together for dinner and at one point the 81-year-old ordered his pupil to 'get back on the set! ST needs you!'
On April 15, Zachary responded to his mentor over Twitter after the meal.
'@TheRealNimoy we showed that shortcake who's spock. i mean boss. thank you for dinner. my treat next time. i have twitnesses. safe travels!' Zachary tweeted to his 462,000 followers.
Nimoy, who has recently shot episodes of Fringe and Big Bang Theory, told CNN that he was still in talks about joining the cast of the new Star Trek film. Thanks to the film's time travel plotlines, the original Captain Kirk William Shatner could also have a guest spot.
Source: Daily Mail
More from the Enterprise
Looks a bit chilly in NY. More photos of the Enterprise taking the scenic route to JFK at Laughing Squid. See also Hollywood Grind. Submitted by Grace. Thanks!
And here's the video where Mr. Nimoy says he's in talks about apprearing in the next Star Trek movie.
Forget 'Fringe,' Is Leonard Nimoy Coming To 'Star Trek 2'?
Off-the-cuff CNN interview now has some fans wondering
While mainstream media was amused about the geek connection to the space program, genre fans -- especially those anticipating J.J. Abrams' upcoming "Star Trek 2" film -- had something to be distracted about. In an interview before the Enterprise's landing in New York, Nimoy talked to CNN, and implied that he was in talks to appear in the upcoming film.
Nimoy was being interviewed by CNN reporter Jason Carroll, communicating with anchor Carol Costello in the cable channel's studio in Atlanta. Carroll was listening to Costello through his earpiece, so anything the anchor said to Nimoy -- which wasn't too much -- had to be relayed through Carroll.
The interview started out simple enough:
JASON CARROLL: You think about it's [the Enterprise] going to a museum. but you can't help but think about the future. When you watch Star Trek, it's always about this vision of what the future might be. What do you think the future will be in terms of NASA ...
LEONARD NIMOY: Well, Star Trek was always positive about the future, that was one of the great things audiences always enjoyed. It was always a very optimistic future, very positive. And I think one of the most important things Star Trek had to offer was to explain to young people what the possibilities of science were. To excite people about the idea of being scientists, engineers and so forth. We need those kind of people who have a vision for the future like that.
Soon after, Carroll wrapped up the interview, but back in Atlanta, Costello couldn't help but stargaze a little bit.
CAROL COSTELLO: Could I just say that I admire you? And in the new Star Trek movie [the 2009 version] you had a very prominent role, Leonard Nimoy, and I enjoyed it very much. You're fantastic.
CARROLL: In fact, Carol, we were talking about that ... [to Nimoy] Carol, Carol Costello, the anchor ... remember we were talking about the new Star Trek movie. It was great, you did a great job in it. And we were just about talking about that just before ... will you be in another Star Trek movie?
NIMOY: Uhh, we're talking. We're talking.
CARROLL: Talking, Carol. [laughs] Hopefully.
Will Nimoy make a return for "Star Trek 2"? The script is done, and Nimoy has said before that he was done acting. Yet, we have word that Nimoy is going beyond voice acting (like he did in recent episodes of "Fringe" and CBS' "Big Bang Theory") and could be back on screen again for "Fringe" -- possibly by the end of the current season.
Could he be talking about making another appearance in a Star Trek film?
Source: Airlock Alpha
If anyone wants my two cents on the topic...the scene/scenes might possibly already have been filmed.
At least to me Mr. Nimoy eyebrows appear more fully complete than they were in January at the DEMO Enterprise Disruption 2012 conference. But watch the videos down below and compare yourself.

Also, in March of this year he wrote on Twitter about having had lunch with Fringe producer Jeff Pinkner and this month he (via a CGI generated version of him) was spotted in an episide of the series. In Oktober last year he met with J.J. ... Hmmm...
Space Shuttle Enterprise Touches Down in New York Updated
Shuttle Enterprise lands after soaring over NYC skyline
Welcome home, space shuttle Enterprise.
The NASA shuttle soared over the Statue of Liberty and the world's most famous skyline Friday morning before landing safely at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City. Hundreds were waiting to greet the aircraft, including NASA dignitaries, fidgety schoolchildren and Leonard Nimoy.
"It feels like a reunion," Nimoy told CNN. Nimoy, who played Spock on the 1960s sci-fi series "Star Trek," recalled being photographed with the Enterprise when it was first unveiled as part of a politics-meets-pop culture moment. Then-President Ford had ordered the shuttle named after the show's fictional star ship Enterprise following a letter-writing campaign by fans of the series.
Source: Los Angeles Times
Spock meets NASA’s Enterprise for final flight
NASA this week has delivered the next of several shuttles from their now-complete program, this most recent perhaps being the most famous in its name and history: The Space Shuttle Enterprise. This particular shuttle was never actually flown into space, instead reserved for test missions vital to the success of the NASA shuttle program. This shuttle was named after the popular 1960′s Star Trek Original Series ship, the Starship Enterprise, and was greeted at its birth and here at its final resting place by no less than Mr Spock himself!
Leonard Nimoy was on hand this week to see the ship make its final berth, he having been one of the crew to be there when the ship was first christened back in 1976.
Source: Slash Gear
Leonard Nimoy to Shuttle Enterprise: 'Live Long and Prosper' in NYC
NEW YORK — Science fiction met fact with a "Star Trek" twist here today (April 27) when the space shuttle Enterprise, named in honor of the starship from the beloved television show, came face-to-face with Spock — Leonard Nimoy, that is.
The "Star Trek" actor was on hand at John F. Kennedy International Airport when the shuttle Enterprise flew in atop a jumbo jet Friday morning. Enterprise was delivered from Washington, D.C. to the Big Apple, where it will eventually go on display at Manhattan's Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum.
Source: Space.com
Nimoy to Enterprise: 'Live long and prosper'
NEW YORK — Science fiction met fact with a "Star Trek" twist here Friday when the space shuttle Enterprise, named in honor of the starship from the beloved television show, came face-to-face with Spock — Leonard Nimoy, that is.
The "Star Trek" actor was on hand at John F. Kennedy International Airport when the shuttle Enterprise flew in atop a jumbo jet Friday morning. Enterprise was delivered from Washington, D.C., to the Big Apple, where it will eventually go on display at Manhattan's Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum.
The actor wasn't the only one feeling the "Star Trek" vibe at Enterprise's landing.
"To the Enterprise and to the Intrepid Museum I say, live long and prosper in your final resting place," said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., echoing Mr. Spock's words.
Source: MSNBC
Leonard Nimoy, Senator Charles Schumer Welcome Enterprise Shuttle to NYC
Today the Space Shuttle Enterprise arrived in New York City today, thanks to a lift from a Boeing 747. The Intrepid Museum, its future resting place, held a small welcome ceremony for several hundred guests, who included Leonard Nimoy and Senator Charles Schumer.
Source: Forbes
Caption This: Spock And Schumer
As a piggy-backing Space Shuttle Enterprise touched down at JFK Airport in New York City, Sen. Chuck Schumer and Leonard “Spock” Nimoy were both on hand to witness the event and possibly have a mind meld, with this photo tweeted by the senior senator’s twitter feed.
Source: Capital Tonight
Mr. Spock schickt Raumschiff-"Enterprise" in Rente
Das US-Space Shuttle "Enterprise" kommt in New York ins Museum. Die "Star Trek"-Ikone Mr. Spock alias Leonard Nimoy hielt die Laudatio und verriet, wie das reale Space Shuttle zu seinem Namen kam.
Source: Welt Online, has video footage.
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com |

1996 October Leonard Nimoy at Chicago Borders Bookstore. More here.
Star Trek 40th Anniversary in Germany
Star Trek had it's debut on German TV on May 27th 1972. ZDFneo is celebrating the occasion with a broadcast of 10 fan favorite episodes on May 27th. You can vote for your favorite episode here.
Each episode of course was given a German title in 1972, which sometimes turned out quite imaginative and not in a good sense. (In an aside, I recently read that fans of Glee were asked to submit title suggestions in order to avoid massive fan criticism in that department.)
The German title originally given to Amok Time was Weltraumfieber (Space Fever). It seems there was an effort to retitle the episode, as ZDFneo now gives it as Pon Farr, with the old title listed in brackets.

Selected Shorts
Selected Shorts: A Passion for Central Park with Paul Auster
Wed, May 23 at 7 pm
Peter Jay Sharp Theatre at Symphony Space
Central Park is much beloved by New Yorkers, tourists, and artists of all kinds, including hundreds of writers, whose characters have walked through, kissed, killed, birdwatched, played football, played tennis, run, fallen in love, fallen out of love and been inspired by this beautiful oasis in a busy, noisy city. In an evening of selections mostly drawn from the new collection Central Park, edited by Andrew Blauner, Paul Auster will open the evening by talking about how the park has been his muse. Leonard Nimoy and other Broadway and Hollywood actors read selections by Auster, Colson Whitehead, Susan Cheever and more.
Source: Symphony Space
Thank you Grace!!!
Fringe: 4.19 Letters of Transit

We open with a text crawl that explains that the Observers seized control of our world in 2015, quickly defeating the original Fringe team and all organized resistance before purging millions of humans who wouldn't follow them. Now, the Fringe division exists only to police "native" (human) crime, while the Observers are satisfied that all major resistance has been crushed. Flash forward to Boston, 2036.
Inside the former Massive Dynamic building, the trio [Etta, Simon and Walter] accidentally set off an alarm that notifies Fringe division of a break in. Unaware of what's happening, Broyles notifies his Observer boss, Captain Windmark (Michael Kopsa). Inside one of the abandoned labs, Simon gives Walter a sedative and a shot using his old brain matter to heal his mind.
When Walter wakes up, he is remarkably lucid and even harsh towards the agents. Downstairs, an Observer and his cadre of armed loyalist soldiers prepare to shoot the intruders on sight. Upstairs, Walter reminisces about the Observer known as September, who tried to help humanity before Walter admits that he can build a machine that will get rid of the Observers. As the Observer and his men close in on them, Walter assembles an impromptu anti-matter bomb and declares himself and the agents to be insurgents.
Shortly thereafter, the Observer and his men find the bomb moments before it goes off and completely destroys the building. Walter tells the agents that he now remembers where the rest of his team is. Back at Fringe headquarters, the guard from the train station alerts Broyles that Simon and Etta were transporting Walter without proper clearance. As Broyles assembles a team to find them, he activates a tracking device in Simon's body. At the hidden tunnel, the trio free Astrid Farnsworth (Jasika Nicole) from the amber, shortly before she and Walter see another person who was ambered beside them: William Bell (Leonard Nimoy)!
But the device Simon used to free Astrid and Walter begins malfunctioning as Broyles' team closes in on them. Realizing that they have only one option to save another person in the amber, Simon takes his place. Moments later, Broyles and his team find Simon trapped in amber while one of Walter's trademark licorice links has been left behind. On a train leaving the city, Astrid chides Walter for leaving William Bell behind, but he reminds her that Bell did something to Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv) that Walter considers unforgivable.
Walter also reveals that he severed Bell's hand for an unknown purpose.
Source: Crave Online
Facebook Videos Updated
The Big Bang Theory
Mr. Nimoy talks about his involvement with the show.
Q&A Part 1
Leonard Nimoy answers two questions from fans on his Facebook page. Did he have a backup plan if he wouldn't have made it as an actor, and as an actor and director, what project was the most fun for him to do.
Q&A Part 2
Two more questions about his favorites in flavors for dessert and current TV shows are answered.
More Big Bang Theory Reviews
'The Big Bang Theory': Leonard Nimoy Reminds Sheldon of His Human Half
During the episode, the icon voices a Spock action figure that Leonard (Johnny Galecki) gifts to his roommate and encourages the highly illogical Sheldon (Jim Parsons) to embrace his "human" form and play with a valuable mint-in-box Star Trek transporter toy.
But what could persuade the anal retentive collector in Sheldon to open the box and destroy the toy's value? In a clip from Thursday's "The Transporter Malfunction" episode exclusive to The Hollywood Reporter, Nimoy's "little Spock" uses logic and reason to help convince Sheldon to live a little using phrases like "illogical" and "fascinating."
"I thoroughly enjoyed myself," the Star Trek legend told The Hollywood Reporter of his experience filming the episode. "[They're] a talented company and a smart show; they made me welcome."
Co-creator Chuck Lorre told THR at Big Bang's 100th episode party last year that the episode in which Penny (Kaley Cuoco) gives Sheldon a Nimoy-signed napkin -- complete with his DNA -- stands as his favorite "nerd moment" on the long-running series.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
'Big Bang Theory' creator on tonight's Leonard Nimoy cameo: 'Fantasy get'
How do you achieve nerd nirvana? Book Spock and the smartest guy on the planet for cameos.
The Big Bang Theory was already enjoying its most watched season to date (16.3 million) when it exceeded expectations by luring Leonard Nimoy and Stephen Hawking in the same week. “These are two fantasy gets,” Co-Creator/Executive Producer Bill Prady told EW. “Nimoy hits that level of pop culture fandom, and Stephen is the heir to Einstein. It’s a thrill beyond thrills.”
Nimoy had helped out the CBS comedy before: He actually provided an autographed napkin for a previous episode. This time, he spent an evening on the set with the cast and crew. Though Parsons was never a Star Trek viewer, Nimoy’s visit was a huge deal to Prady — though the scribe says he was “really restrained” around Spock’s alter-ego.
Hosting high-profile guests now leaves the show in a bit of a pickle: How do they top Spock and Hawking? “George Lucas, maybe?” suggests Parsons. “Sheldon would want to give him a piece of his mind for certain episodes of Star Wars.”
Source: EW.com
'The Big Bang Theory': Leonard Nimoy Voices Tiny Spock Action Figure As Sheldon's Conscience
"The Big Bang Theory" (Thu., 8 p.m. ET on CBS) has never had any problem scoring major genre guest stars, but they certainly hit the jackpot this week, by nabbing one of Sheldon Cooper's biggest idols. Or at least, they got most of him.
Leonard Nimoy appeared in the form of a Spock action figure, but the venerable actor voiced the little figure in several dream sequences throughout the episode. It was all while Sheldon wrestled with whether or not to open and play with the vintage Transporter Room toy Penny had gotten for him in thanks for all the mooching she's done.
Eventually, he succumbed, but broke the action figure and quickly switched it for the one Penny bought Leonard. But a guilty conscience, in the form of Tiny Spock, convinced him to come clean, and after several, several, several lies, he finally did. Zap2It honored Nimoy by skipping the rating, instead giving the episode Spock's signature line.
Source: Huffington Post
'Big Bang Theory': The tell-tale Spock
After years of sponging off of her neighbors, Penny (Kaley Cuoco) decides to do a nice thing and get Sheldon (Jim Parsons) and Leonard (Johnny Galecki) a present they'll each appreciate - a classic "Star Trek" transporter room toy.
Being the geeks they are, they refuse to open the gifts as it would immediately devalue them. But curiosity gets the better of Sheldon after "Action Figure Spock," voiced by Leonard Nimoy, tells him in a dream that it would be illogical to not play with his present. This goes well until the transporter quickly breaks. Sheldon is now faced with the conundrum of what to do next.
He quickly decides to swap the toy with the identical version that Leonard has. But in a scene reminiscent of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart," we soon find out that the pressure may be too much for even Sheldon to handle.
In the other storyline, the unlucky-in-love Raj (Kunal Nayyar) enlists his parents help in finding him a mate. This goes perfectly until we find out that Raj and his date may not exactly see eye-to-eye on a few things - most notably which "team" they're playing for. But in the end Raj finds the perfect partner, and she's adorable.
In the spirit of Nimoy's guest starring role, rather than assigning a rating on Thursday's (March 29) episode, we'll just say it should "live long and prosper."
Source: Zap2it
Spock, basketball, country are winners for CBS
LOS ANGELES — CBS created its own version of March madness, earning a weekly ratings victory with college basketball, country music and a dash of Mr. Spock.
Besides scoring with special programming last week, the network had a monopoly on dramas and sitcoms in the top 10, including "NCIS" and "The Big Bang Theory."
Leonard Nimoy lent his Spock voice and spirit to the CBS comedy, haunting Jim Parsons' Sheldon after he breaks a vintage "Star Trek" toy.
Source: GoUpstate.com
All links submitted by Grace.
Upcoming: Interview with "Hero Complex: The Show"
Upcoming On the Nerdist Channel’s “Hero Complex”: Ridley Scott! Leonard Nimoy! Ed Brubaker!
One of the shows scheduled to debut soon on the Nerdist Channel is one we’re quite excited about, Hero Complex: The Show, the video version of Geoff Boucher’s great site for the Los Angeles Times with award-winning coverage of science fiction, fantasy and superhero entertainment. One of the things that has us anticipating this show with great enthusiasm is that Geoff has the ability to pull in amazing guests for amazing interviews. How amazing? We can now tell you his guests for the first couple of episodes.
The first episode, coming during the week of April 25th, will feature Geoff going one-on-one with Ridley Scott. They’ll talk about Prometheus, of course, but also about his entire career, his studies with David Hockney, and the possibility of another Blade Runner.
The second episode will include visits with Leonard Nimoy, who needs no introduction, and Ed Brubaker, who, for comics aficionados, also needs no introduction.
Yeah, like THAT kind of guest. Huge.
Submitted by Grace. Thanks! Source: The Nerdist.
Facebook Updated
Somebody's been making good use of his new facebook account. This time Mr. Nimoy reads from his book I'm Not Spock
Leonard Nimoy tells the story of how he came to be in the Bruno Mars music video, as promised in last weeks video.
Walter Koenig will get his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and everybody congratulates. Leonard Nimoy is on at 15.51 min.
25th Anniversary Star Trek Trading Cards

This is just a small sample of the cards in the set. Thanks go to Michele Brackenridge for sharing them and to Grace for scanning them.
Memories of BUTLER to the STARS or “look who is talking” has pictures of the cast and crew of 3 Men and a Baby. Try to spot Mr. Nimoy in the group shot.

“During filming of “3 men and a Baby” all my guests on my floor.
The Disney production gave me for all of them a nice basket containing a baby in a bed, which I had to place very early in front of their doors.
Every week we had a party in Ted Damson’s suite.
Who himself needed each time a water glass of Tequila to keep him away from his shyness.
In his little kitchen I cooked mostly Turkey and ones a Goose.
The dining room table were loaded with all kind of delectable goodies to enjoy. It would be to much to count on the names of all guests, mostly fellow actresses/actors staying at the hotel. Truly HOLLYWOOD NORTH.
They attended ones a hockey game and was was driving them there and picking them up. That night I was early and suddenly some back door flew open
they came running out, jumping into the car screaming “DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE.
Behind them probably 20 people hammering on the car roof and trying to open the locked doors. We got away and I ask them: “What the hack has happen?”?
Those 4 guy’s were really something else and kept me on my toes day and night.
A Nimoy Experience At STLV 2010 - Part 1
I’ve had a crush on Spock since the original Star Trek series. I loved his restraint, his contained fire. I loved that he was an attractive man who appreciated intelligence in a woman, in contrast to the skirt-chasing Kirk. Last year the combination of two Spocks, Nimoy and Quinto, lured me to my first Star Trek convention at Las Vegas. This year, no Quinto alas. But Leonard Nimoy was here and talking about his latest photographic project. So I decided to attend this year's Trek convention.
I won’t do a blow-by-blow report – other sites have done that well: Trek Movie for example. I’d like to share with you the magic of experiencing Nimoy.
Read more here.
Nimoy and Secret Selves At STLV 2010 - Part 2
Nimoy reappeared for Q and A after the video. I asked how long he had taken with each, curious about how he drew them out so well. He said it was about 10 minutes per person. Wow! He said that once he understood what they wanted it was easy for him to direct them. Oh yeah, he’s a director as well as actor - as well as photographer as well as poet.
He said he had wondered how many would pose nude, since so much of his work shown online involves nude subjects. There were some but not many. He said the most touching was the woman in the fur coat. He commented on how body art has exploded, from the occasional anchor in his youth to the plethora now. The design curling up the woman’s calf was of bear paws, “one for each man who done me wrong”.
Some subjects scared him. They were so fragile that he didn’t feel qualified to work with them. Others found it a transformative experience - they waited outside Nimoy’s hotel the next day, to share their experience. They had in fact, invited Nimoy to join them but he declined, “I didn’t want to get involved as a mentor or father figure for a therapy group. I’m just not qualified.”
Will he continue working with this concept? He left the door open. It has been 3 years so far. Another group of people? Another small town? It was also clear from being up close to him, that Leonard Nimoy is more fragile than he appears on stage. He was carefully conserving his energy during this seminar.
But whatever he decides to do – or can do – I’ll be watching. He is not only talented in many arenas but also gracious and accepting of the humanness of mankind in a way that brings out our best.
Read more here.
Shop LLAP Goes Facebook
Leonard Nimoy joined the Facebook crowd, promising to post comments, videos, and pictures on a weekly basis. In the video already posted on the page he announces he'd explain how he came to star in the Bruno Mars music video in the next installment.
Fixed Links to the "Mr. Spock Goes West" articles down below. Thanks go to Grace for noticing the blunder.
Sighting & More
German fans will recognize the culprit, Bild Zeitung, a tabloid, who chose to post this picture instead of the one showing Mr. Nimoy on the set of The Big Bang Theory when “reporting” about his guest appearance on the show. The photo, according to the paper’s website, was taken at L.A. Airport. The blurb further states Mr. Nimoy is not yet tired of acting at the advanced age of 81 and only recently tweeted a picture of himself on the set of TBBT. The headline reads “Where Is The Beamer Mr. Spock?” and the subheadings “Sadly, in real life there is no Mr. Scott who can beam him up” and “Too bad: The “Star Trek”-Crew is getting a bit long in the tooth…”
Photos that seem to have been taken around the same time, at least Mr. Nimoy is wearing the same outfit, at Vancouver International Airport show him navigating his own course. But, unless a Fringe style miracle happened, I very much doubt the date and occasion given...?
More pictures from February 2008 at Los Angeles Airport.
Behind the scenes photo, celebrating Mr. Nimoy's birthday while filming Star Trek III at Star Trek Daily Pic.
Behind the scenes shot from Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Sweet portrait photo at Delicious Men in Cozy Sweaters. If I remember correctly, this photo was once mailed with a newsletters Mr. Nimoy's official fanclub.
Politics and the Vulcan Salute
Obama gives ‘Vulcan salute’ in photo with Nichelle Nichols of ‘Star Trek’
Actress Nichelle Nichols, who played Lt. Uhura on “Star Trek” in the 1960s, on Tuesday tweeted a photo she took in February with the one-time “Trekkie” who now occupies the Oval Office.
“Months ago Pres Obama was quoted as saying that he’d had a crush on me when he was younger. I asked about that & he proudly confirmed it!” Nichols tweeted on Feb. 29.
Source: The Washington Post
Courting Nerd Vote, Obama Flashes Star-Trek Salute With Nichelle Nichols
In a December interview with ABC’s Barbara Walters, Obama proved his trekker-ness by dropping a reference to the emotion-less Mr. Spok. When Walters asked the president what he thought the “biggest misconception” about him was, Obama responded, “Me being detached, or Spock-like, or very analytical.”
Source: ABC News
Live long, prosper and get re-elected: Obama displays his Vulcan salute
While campaigning to become the Democratic party nominee in 2008, candidate Barack Obama revealed his Trekkie roots: “I grew up on Star Trek. I believe in the final frontier.”
Well, here is a picture to prove that President Barack Obama, known to Star Trek fans as the first Trekkie president, remains an enthusiast. He can be seen showcasing a Vulcan salute for the camera during Nichelle Nichols’s – who plays Star Trek’s Lieutenant Uhura – February visit to the White House.
Source: The Globe and Mail
Danielle Smith: Trekkie?
Every voting group is critical in an election battle like the one in Alberta – sci-fi geeks, too.
Rest assured, Trekkies, you may have found your candidate. Wildrose leader Danielle Smith made a stop in the town of Vulcan Friday, visiting the town’s giant replica of the Starship Enterprise.
She struggled at first to pull off the live-long-and-prosper sign – leading to an unflattering photo by the Calgary Herald – but eventually got it right in a pose with the local candidate.
“Ha! Not my best pic to be sure. At least I now know I would be a leftie on planet Vulcan,” Ms. Smith wrote on Twitter.
Source: The Globe and Mail
Alex Rocco talks about Magic City, The Godfather and more
[AVC:] The actor: Arguably still best known for playing Las Vegas “businessman” Moe Greene in The Godfather, Alex Rocco has one of the most distinctive voices in Hollywood, one which he has put to use on repeated occasions as Roger Meyers, Jr. on The Simpsons. Rocco, who won an Emmy for his work on the short-lived but critically acclaimed series The Famous Teddy Z, is returning to regular TV work with a recurring role on Starz’s Magic City.
[AR:] By the way, I don’t know if you know this, but I took Leonard Nimoy’s acting class when I first got out to L.A. You know, Mr. Spock? I wouldn’t spend five bucks to see Leonard in a film, but he was one of the greatest coaches I ever had.
AVC: Is it true that Nimoy told you to take speech lessons to drop your Boston accent?
AR: Oh, you know about that? Yeah. The reason he’s a great coach is that he really embarrassed me. Some people go to acting classes to learn. I just kind of went for the dates. [Laughs.] But Leonard saw, I guess a germ of an idea in me. So I went to Los Angeles City College, to a speech clinic, and I started rounding my R’s or whatever you do. Now I sound like a New Yorker, but that’s totally acceptable in the business. But “pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd,” that don’t work. Either way, I’m probably not gonna do any Westerns. [Laughs.]
Source: A.V. Club
CBS News
February 11, 2009
'Mr. Spock' Makes Foray Into Art
The women appear aglow; black and white images bathed in light. Some are nude, others are loosely covered with translucent robes or Jewish prayer shawls.
They are Leonard Nimoy's embodiment of Shekhina — the feminine presence of God.
Best known as Mr. Spock in "Star Trek," Nimoy left the screen to pursue other interests — most notably, photography.
In 2002, he published "Shekhina," a book of about 40 photographs that explore his interest in the feminine aspects of Jewish divinity. Many of the images are on display this month at the R. Michelson Galleries in Northampton.
"At the heart of it all is the fact that I was trying to really completely enter into the world of the feminine," says Nimoy, 73. "I didn't want to do misty, cloudy figures. I didn't want to shroud her. I wanted to make her flesh and blood, and I wanted to make her definitively female."
With his collection of photos, Nimoy probes his understanding of Shekhina. Using professional models, actresses and dancers — not all of whom are Jewish — as well as his wife, Susan Bay Nimoy, he sought subjects who possessed "an inner life."
"I needed models who could bring the sense of spirit to life," he said. "They needed to bring vitality."
In Northampton, a liberal college town that's home to the all-women Smith College, a line of people snaked out the gallery door when Nimoy attended the exhibit's opening May 2.
"This is a perfect place for his work," gallery owner Richard Michelson said. "This is an area with a lot of liberal Jews who are interested in what he's doing and his approach to the feminine side of spirituality."
While Michelson attributes the jam-packed opening to Nimoy's celebrity, he said people walked away from the exhibit more impressed with Nimoy the photographer than with Nimoy the Vulcan.
"I was a bit surprised about how little talk there was about 'Star Trek' and how much people were focused on his pictures and his approach to Judaism," Michelson said.
A conversation between actor and Star Trek fan Ben Stiller and Leonard Nimoy, sparked by someone tweeting Stiller about a role in his next movie…

As Mr. Nimoy twittered on March 31st
http://www.shopllap.com/ is now open !!! Also have a Facebook page.http://www.facebook.com/ShopLLAP . LLAP
The "About Us" statement on the website details what's in store for us and what to look forward to
Since its launch in 2010 as a small shop on Etsy.com known as “Secret Selves,” ShopLLAP has grown to become an online store carrying products relating to Leonard Nimoy and his role as Spock in Star Trek: the Original Series.
Our mission is to make available authentic and unique memorabilia relating to Leonard Nimoy, Spock, and Star Trek. Some of our products are from Mr. Nimoy's personal collection as well.
(Thank you, Grace, for the timely alert)