What's New July 2013
Leonard Nimoy to Retire
by Laura Kelley Posted 3 years, 70 days ago
After a 60-plus-year career as an actor and director, Leonard Nimoy has decided to retire. In an interview with the Toronto Sun, Nimoy said he’s not only retiring from acting but he also only plans for a few more public appearances, including this weekend’s Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo. Nimoy, 79, recently filmed his final episode of Fringe as William Bell and does not plan to return in the 12th Star Trek film, having appeared in the Trek franchise after 12 years away from acting. Nimoy believes he’s leaving Spock in the good hands of Zachary Quinto and is “very flattered the character will continue” in more Trek films in years to come.
This is sad news for Trekkers (or Trekkies, if you prefer) the world over, myself included. Leonard Nimoy is such an amazing actor and has had a great career, and it’s good that he is going out on such a high. Nimoy has always been great to his fans and he’s left us with not only Star Trek, but also his two autobiographies and his photography, which has been his focus in recent years. I can’t even say how much Leonard Nimoy’s work has meant to me throughout my life. Like a lot of you guys, I’ve been watching TOS since I was a kid, and I’ve always loved Spock the most. Nimoy created such an enigmatic, memorable character that is being passed on to an incredibly talented actor who will no doubt keep honoring Nimoy’s legacy as Spock in years to come
Article from 3 years ago on an anually recurring subject ;) Submited by Grace.
Vincent as as played by Jean-Michel Richaud as Theoat Symphony Space, in NYC
My Review: Leonard Nimoy’s ‘Vincent’ at Symphony Space, in NYC
I ventured to New York City on June 15th to see a limited run of Vincent, the passionate one-man show about the life of Vincent van Gogh, and I am so glad I did!
Vincent takes place a week after van Gogh’s death, his life recalled by his mourning brother, Theo, as he ruffles through a suitcase filled with hundreds of Vincent’s letters.
Written by Leonard Nimoy in the 1970’s, and based on the play Van Gogh by Phillip Stephens, Vincent is an astonishing, fervent piece; a 90 minute, non-stop, bang-bang monologue which left me happy, sad, breathless, and totally satisfied. This production starred Jean-Michel Richaud as Theo, and directed with deft passion by Paul Stein.
Mr. Richaud was marvelous, and he totally wraps the audience up in Theo’s remembrances. Early in the show, as we’re told of Vincent’s attempts to be a minister, he impersonates Vincent giving a fiery sermon; all completely in French. This not only showcases Richaud’s heritage, but adds even more to the intensity of the moment where Vincent, ever trying to heal and save his flock, nearly brings the house down. It’s a stunning, exciting moment that, in the original production, was done in English. But even non-French speakers can all the more appreciate the urgency in Vincent’s words with Richaud’s perfect delivery.
Source: Basket of Kisses
Vincent as as played by Jean-Michel Richaud as Theoat Symphony Space, in NYC
Seeing Leonard Nimoy in Person (Again!) Only 300 miles and 36 years Later- (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
The play, of course was just amazing, leaving me exhilarated and emotionally exhausted, but now the moment was coming that we all were waiting for: Question and Answers! The night before, I had carefully printed out posts from this blog in hopes of giving them to Mr. Nimoy later (This, this, this, this,this and this) and I had a question I wanted to ask about the connection between creativity and sanity. (I just had to be called on! I was in the front row for heaven’s sake!) So we’re all on pins and needles awaiting the moment when he’d walk on. First we were introduced to Laura Kaminsky, artistic director of Symphony Space, Vincent director Paul Stein, and the delightful (and most handsome) actor Jean-Michel Richaud, who had played Theo. Then came Mr. Nimoy; a figure in black and gray, smiling broadly, with hair shaggier than it had ever been in the 1970′s, and the applause erupted two-fold. My heart fluttered a little; damned if I wasn’t 16 again!
The four talked for a bit about the production, and I snapped away when I could, keeping my camera on the discreet (quiet) setting and no flash so as not to blind them up there. I even took a little video, where Nimoy talks about the original and new productions, and if Vincent’s death was abetted by teenage bullies:
I cannot tell you what a delight it was to be sitting only a couple feet away from the stage, and joy in hearing Mr. Nimoy and the crew discuss this production. One moment I didn’t get a picture of, but will never forget was when someone asked if Nimoy would write yet another play, possibly about another artist, to which he said “One’s enough!” On cue, director, Paul Stein chimed in with “Gauguin!” which sent the four into gales of laughter!
Of course, all this time I was hoping I’d be called on, but I suspect that Ms. Kaminsky might have noticed that the backside of the paperwork I held had photos of Mr. Spock on it, and steered clear of this Trekkie. Truth be told, all the questions asked were very well informed and high-brow, no doubt the questions preferred in this setting. (But I wasn’t going to mention Trek at all!) Anyway, when she asked for the final question, she pointed right at the lady to my right in a red jacket who casually said “Leonard, Bob says Hi!” and “Can I get a hug?” Oh well.
However, as I headed out of the theater, a band of fans were waiting outside the stage door in hopes of seeing Mr. Nimoy. I figured I better hang around too, but after 10 minutes I said “He’s not gonna show up is he?” And another fan said “Yes he will, he’s right there.” And she pointed to the cafe window behind me and I could see him in the cafe with several people… soon they all had their pictures taken with him, the lady in the red jacket too! As they disembarked I ran out to the front of the theater in hopes of saying ‘Hi’ to him, and by gosh, I got my wish (albeit brief) — Now,
What I wish I said to Mr. Nimoy:
“Hello Mr. Nimoy! I loved the show! I’ve always wanted to see Vincent, and it really moved me. It was so beautiful and heartfelt! Jean-Michel was perfect! My name is Therese Bohn, and I wanted to ask you a question, but there wasn’t time. But you’ve been a wonderful inspiration in my life in relation to my own creativity and photography. I’m also so happy to see you today because the last time I saw you, it was 36 years ago, but I forgot my camera, so may I please finally get my picture with you? (I’d like to think he’d say here “Of course!”) Also, I write a silly little blog about Star Trek which features Spock prominently, and I printed a few posts here for you to enjoy. Thanks so much, and Happy Father’s Day! (Insert hug here).
What I actually said to Mr. Nimoy:
“ExcusemeMrNimoySorrytobotheryou!ThelasttimeIsawyouwas36yearsagoandI didn’thavemycamera!!!!”
To which he replied:
“Well, you better hurry up because I gotta catch my cab!”
And as someone in the crowd attempted to take our picture with my camera, Nimoy kept saying “Hurry up, hurry up!”
Source: TrekkerScrapbook
ST Into Darkness Radio Interview via Telephone (Seattle)
Leonard Nimoy narrates the Making Of for SciFi Channel original series Mission Genesis.
1979 TWO GUYS DEPARTMENT STORE Live appearance tour!
One day Leonard traveled to a few NJ Two Guys Stores 45min outside of Manhattan.
THOUSANDS lined up surrounding the large buildings in double lines.
Promo photo was given out in place of asking him for signatures, which was frowned on.Only a few people at the very end got real signatures.
Source: Ebay

Star Trek III Premiere Event
I've been away for a while from this page. I hope the video makes up for that a bit. I'm still working on the print interviews, though.
Let's hope it's not all for nothing and Yahoo wages a war next on anything even remotely having to do with Star Trek or other franchises on Tumblr in the name of CBS/Paramount in the name of copyright.