What's New October 2011
Now I've got a bit of a problem. In both photos Mr. Nimoy looks the same. The second is from the program book of the 50th Detroit Autorama. It dates the picture to 1975. The third is from Flicker and it says Chicago Auto Show, 1971.
Promised Acting Appearances?
One can at least dream.
Stage - Visit to A Small Planet 1968
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To cross promote his album Two Sides of Leonard Nimoy a contest was held at the Pheasant Run Playhouse in St. Charles, Illinois during the three week run of the pay where the LP was handed out as a prize. (Sources: Billboard, March 23, 1968, p 46 and Teen, May 1968, "The Ears Have It! - Pointedly", p 87.) A synopsis of the play can be found on enotes.com.
Creation Convention Chicago - A Con Report by Grace Lenihan

While I've been a staunch fan of Mr. Nimoy's for years, believe it or not, I'm a real newbie to the convention scene. While I'd hate to say that it was my "first and last", something tells me that without Leonard there, it simply won't be the same.
I arrived Friday afternoon, just in time for Connor Trineer's talk full of humor and then the autograph signing by himself and Dominic Keating. Dominic called me "Sweet heart" and Connor conversed briefly with me about a friend of mine and fan of his he's come to know over the years. (Note: While ST:TOS will always be my favorite, I must admit that "Enterprise" was #2 in my heart).
Read more here.
Creation Convention Chicago - A Con Report by Bonnie Moss
After the wonderful experience (and expense) of the Las Vegas Creation Con in August, I was unsure as to my attending the Chicago convention just a month later. However, as time went on, it sounded like Mr.Nimoy was very serious about this being his last convention appearance. When I saw his tweet that Mrs. Nimoy and the rest of his family would be there, I knew had to be there too.
Arrangements were made and I was to meet/room with a fellow Nimoy fan, Grace Lenihan, who would be flying in from Washington, DC (my flight was from Raleigh, NC.) We sound like the ‘Mary’ and ‘Sally’ from different parts of the country that Mr.Nimoy talks about ‘finding’ him years ago in Montana!
The first day of the con (Friday) focused on the “Enterprise” TV show and its stars. However, at one point Mr.Nimoy and his family were spotted in the lobby! Grace was already on the scene and had a nice LLAP exchange with Mr.Nimoy. As I was walking up, Aaron (his stepson) was passing me. He stopped when I shook his hand and told him that we had met briefly at the “Secret Selves” reception in July 2010. I went on to say how special it was for Mr.Nimoy to have all of them there. He grinned and said “yes, and thank-you.” Mrs. Nimoy was very striking with her silver hair and a black jacket and tights. The family departed in a van some moments later. We were unsure as to why they were there at that point, as Mr.Nimoy’s seminar was the next evening and his convention talk was scheduled for Sunday.
Read more here.
Voices: A Retrospective on Leonard Nimoy's Career by RevCast: from RevolutionSF.com
At first I wasn't convinced the podcast was right for this page, but you have to continue to listen to realize they're not only fooling around but get into some serious analysis, too. Thank you, Grace, for pointing the podcast out to me.
Wed, 19 October 2011
Roundtable 127 - The Leonard Nimoy Edition
Guess who's 80 years young this year? That's right, Leonard Nimoy! So join Deanna Toxopeus, Gary Mitchel and Scott Duschene as they look at the career of this geek icon. And while, it is Spock heavy, they also take time to look at his musical career (5 albums!), his photography career, his audio production company and his other acting. They also examine his cultural impact as Spock.
Download the podcast here. The part where they talk about Mr. Nimoy starts at approx. 22.00 min.
In Related News - Zachary Quinto's Coming Out
What's Up Spock. Found by Grace. A really good find and great interview. Another one commenting on the unassuming way in which Mr. Quinto breached the news, Zachary Quinto and the Art of Subtlety, is here.
Zachary Quinto and the Art of Subtlety
What this is a critique of is the fact that it seems like everything we do has to be way over-the-top and melodramatic. We’re fascinated with “real” housewives who flip tables, pull hair, and throw scathing insults like it’s no big deal. We watch messed up starlets ticked about being slandered Twitter-screams about it until their thumbs bleed and are glued to the tube when crazy celebutantes go bridezilla on their wedding day.
Everything’s either a party, a brawl, or the end of the world.
I think society used to fear that no one felt special, so we’ve encouraged personal sharing in an effort to bump up our egos and our super-shiny “special” factor. Unfortunately, we’ve gotten to the point where “special” isn’t special anymore - it’s just annoying. So you know what’s special and shiny now? Subtlety, understatement, and making the effort to come across with class and grace.
Zachary Quinto’s coming out was all of the above, and I applaud him for not only openly owning who he is, but for doing it in a way that was nothing less than classy. Gay or straight, we could all take a lesson from the sexy Mr. Spock.

2002 Austrian Formula 1 Grand Prix Personal Pass. Currently for sale on Ebay.
1994 frontpage of a guide on how to collect autographs.
Photo of the Day
Anyone who wants to comment on the picture can do it here. (No registration with Disqus or Tumblr needed.)
Description on the Hammer Museum page: "9/13/11 --- Actor turned photographer/folk anthropologist Leonard Nimoy discusses his photographic project, Secret Selves. Inspired by the Greek mythological idea that ever since Zeus split humans in two each person has been searching for his or her other half to feel complete, Nimoy asked subjects to reveal their hidden halves in front of his camera. The result is a collection of more than 100 portraits and interviews that explore humanity's alternate self. Nimoy will discuss what was revealed about his own secret self while capturing others'. Q&A with Zach Quinto. (Run time: 1 hour, 3 min.)"

Still from Deathwatch. Leonard Nimoy with Robert Ellenstein. Both were honored by the Company of Angles theater company before Ellenstein passed away last December. (Photo contributed by Bonnie. Thanks.)

Stills from the series Combat. Leonard Nimoy acting with a friend of his in the episode, Vic Morrow. (Thanks, Bonnie, for the pictures.)
Creation Convention Chicago
The Search for Spock
How do you know when your life has been touched by an iconic character? When he can make you cry over buffalo wings and jalapeno poppers.
That’s how my story starts, at least, as I searched Twitter on my phone and found the update, “Leonard Nimoy prepares for final convention.” I was shocked to learn of his retirement, but not as surprised as I was to feel tears welling up in my eyes.
I’ve never been a person to fawn over celebrities; anyone who’s been to a convention with me knows that. I’ve never before paid for an autograph, picture, or commissioned a drawing. But somehow the knowledge that I would never again get the chance to meet Nimoy, the iconic Spock, brought me to tears.
Go on reading here how it all turned out for this fan who thought she’d missed her chance to really see him in person. (Con report found by Grace. Thanks for pointing me to the page.)
Creation Convention Chicago
Star Trek at 45: Live long and prosper, Leonard Nimoy
Chicago, October 7, 2011 – Actor Leonard Nimoy recently received a collective hug from “Star Trek” fans as he bid the standing room-only crowd a final “live long and prosper.” Best known for his legendary portrayal of Mr. Spock in TV and film, Nimoy announced he is finally hanging up his pointy Vulcan ears and retiring from the lucrative Star Trek convention circuit.
Thousands of “Trekkies” converged on the sold-out Chicago Creation Convention recently to celebrate Star Trek’s 45th anniversary and to get one last glimpse of Nimoy, the 80 year-old elder statesman of the worldwide 1966 Gene Roddenberry franchise phenomenon.
But is this really goodbye, Mr. Spock?
Star Trek’s logical Mr. Spock
“Star Trek fans do not really believe in goodbyes,” reflected longtime Trekkie Jonathan Steely as he watched Nimoy exit the stage.
The Trekkie has a point.
In Star Trek, there is no need for goodbyes. Not when this cult fan series made us believe things like time travel and alternate universes were possible. Not when an adventurous Captain Kirk, an ornery Dr. McCoy, and a stubborn pointy-eared Vulcan made us want to “boldly go where no man has gone before.”
Submitted by Grace. Go on reading the full article at The Washington Times
Creation Convention Chicago
Leonard Nimoy has gone to his last Star Trek convention
Leonard Nimoy will, we hope, live long and prosper. But wherever the heck he does that living and prospering, it won’t be at a Star Trek convention. Because he just attended his final con.
When he departed, Nimoy signed autographs and asked that a cake which had been prepared for him be shared with the fans in the sold-out room. (We don’t know bout you, but if we’d managed to snag a slice, we’d have saved it as a souvenir rather than eating it!)
Source: Blastr.comWell, SyFy’s online page might draw a blank on Mr. Nimoy’s whereabouts, but the November 2007 edition of Art and Antiques was invited to take a look at the Nimoy’s home and art collection.
Creation Convention Chicago
Tribute video by the new Star Trek cast.
“Hollywood Nation: Dr. Spock’s Last ‘Trek’ Fest”
Fox News Headline Blunder. TrekMovie runs an article on the Dr./Mr. Spock mixup that regularly occurs.
I especially liked this comment on TrekMovie suggesting a few lines in the next movie that would settle the issue once and for all
38. dmduncan - October 5, 2011
Sure. In the movie they’re talking about Mr. Spock and you could say like
McCoy: “Mr. Spock has a PhD in SCIENCE.”
Nurse Chapel: “Well…what kind?”
McCoy: “All of it.”
Creation Convention Chicago
Abschied von Spock
Ich beam dann mal weg
"Faszinierend...": Mit diesem Spruch wurde Mr. Spock zum bekanntesten Außerirdischen der Welt. Die Brücke des Raumschiffs "Enterprise" hat Darsteller Leonard Nimoy längst verlassen. Nun gab er einen weiteren Abschied bekannt - und fand dafür natürlich die richtigen Worte.
Für Fans vielleicht ein bisschen tröstlich: Mr. Spock argumentierte an Bord der "Enterprise" immer streng logisch - und tat sich oft schwer mit den impulsiven Entscheidungen seiner menschlichen Kumpels Captain Kirk und Dr. "Pille" McCoy. Zur Logik gehört aber auch: Alles hat ein Ende, auch die Karriere von Nimoy als Spock.
Zum Abschied spreizte der 80-jährige Nimoy seine Finger zum vulkanischen Gruß, der eines der Markenzeichen Spocks ist. Er verabschiedete sich, wie so oft schon in den Filmen, mit den Worten: "Lebt lang und in Frieden."
Source: Spiegel Online
Creation Convention Chicago
Leonard Nimoy tells Star Trek fans to 'Live Long and Prosper' at final show
The 80-year-old made his final appearance in Chicago at a show marking the 45th anniversary of the first episode of the science fiction series. He entertained Trekkies with stories about his life for about an hour as they cheered and held signs saying ‘We love you Leonard’.
Adam Malin, chief executive of Creation Entertainment, which runs Star Trek conventions, has toured with Nimoy for nearly three decades and said he ‘will be missed’.
Famed for his pointy-ears, the half-Vulcan science officer was known for a lack of emotion and methodical approach to problems. His fan base is huge – he even has an online church devoted to his character called The Church of Spock of Latter Day Science Officers.
More here. And they didn't make up the thing about The Church of Spock of Latter Day Science Officers, I checked.
Creation Convention Chicago
Leonard Nimoy Bids Farewell at His Final Convention Appearance in Chicago [Photos]
Around 2 PM, Nimoy made his way on stage to a standing ovation and thunderous applause. Similar to his presentation at this year’s Las Vegas Star Trek Convention, Nimoy presented a retrospective on his career, discussing his life and career through images, poems and narrative.
Nimoy discussed growing up in Boston, moving to Los Angeles, his early work in Hollywood and being cast in Star Trek.
Following the heart-felt presentation, Nimoy held up the Vulcan salute, wishing all the fans “Live Long and Prosper.” He was then presented with a cake, which he shared with the audience.
More here, including a photo of the cake at TrekNews
Creation Convention Chicago
Leonard Nimoy says farewell to 'Star Trek' fans
Trekkies, we hope you got your Spock fix, because Leonard Nimoy is closing the door on "Star Trek" related appearances. At 80 years old, the iconic actor has decided to stop attending "Star Trek" conventions, symbolically passing the torch to the newest incarnation of Spock, Zachary Quinto.
"This is hard. I thought it would be, and it is," he told fans at his final Trek convention appearance this weekend. "I'm so grateful for the support we have had and the exchange of love that we have had for so many years... May each and every one of you live long and prosper."
Try to keep your emotions under control.
More here.

Creation Convention Chicago
Leonard Nimoy Attends His Final 'Star Trek' Convention
The 80-year-old actor played Mr. Spock on the sci-fi television series and in several movies.
Leonard Nimoy attended his final Star Trek convention this past weekend in Illinois.
our editor recommendsPacific Standard Time: What to Expect From Los Angeles' Big Art Moment
The 80-year-old actor, who portrayed Mr. Spock on the sci-fi television series and in several movies, held a photography seminar Saturday evening and gave an hour-long speech about his life and on Sunday at the event, which celebrated the 45th anniversary of Star Trek.
While he was bidding farewell to Star Trek faithful, Nimoy's personal art collection was part of the Pacific Standard Time museum extravaganza held this weekend in Los Angeles. The invite-only VIP Access program gave tours of the art holdings of names such as Nimoy, Michael Ovitz, attorney Alan Hergott and producers Gail and Tony Ganz.
More here.
Creation Convention Chicago
Goddess: An Exploration of the Divine and the Secular Forms of Beauty
Thursday, September 15, 2011
The videos from the lecture are here. Photos here. One more here. Plus photos at the Richard Michelson Galleries webpage here.
Nimoy attends his last "Star Trek" convention
Sorry, no embedding allowed by CBS :( Go to YouTube to watch it.
Creation Convention Chicago
Creation Chicago Convention, Day 3 Recap
Sunday arrived at Creation Entertainment's Official Star Trek Convention in Chicago, with the buzz of energy anticipating the arrival of Leonard Nimoy in what would be his final appearance at a convention event. Convention host and Creation Co-CEO Adam Malin greeted the sold-out audience with reminiscences of Leonard's 25 years of appearances at Creation events and the enigmatic comment that there would be surprises during the day.
And then it was the moment people had waited all weekend for: the arrival of Leonard Nimoy. Creation surprised the audience with an amazing video farewell from J.J. Abrams and the cast of the new Star Trek film. After that, attendees were treated to Bruno Mars’ hysterical music video featuring Leonard as an honest-to-god slacker (bedeviled by images of William Shatner on TV!). And then it was the magic moment, and Nimoy emerged on stage to a thunderous standing ovation, a packed sold-out house on hand to pay its respects to Leonard for his years of entertainment and friendship. As is typical for Leonard, he had a fully structured presentation with multiple images from his life on the screen. Attendees were treated to shots of him from early projects like Zombies of the Stratosphere, scenes from his childhood growing up in Boston, and several shots from his highly conceptual photography projects, among them The Full Body Project, Shekhina and Secret Selves. Nimoy was clearly moved and nostalgic as he shared this final presentation with his legions of fans. As he bid "Live Long and Prosper" one last time, the audience held up 1,000 cards all wishing him the same thing, surely a Kodak moment. After he left the stage, Creation staffers emerged with a Hagen Dazs Coffee Ice Cream cake (that being Leonard's favorite ice cream), and the audience all shared a tasty bite to help remember the sweetness of the moment, an experience we would all carry together for a lifetime. (click here to see photos from Daily Herald)Source: StarTrek.com
Creation Convention Chicago
Leonard Nimoy Bids Farewell At Final Convention Appearance
Leonard Nimoy bid goodbye to the world of conventions on October 2, 2011, at Creation Entertainment’s Official 45th Anniversary Star Trek Convention in Rosemont, Illinois. His final con appearance began with a surprise video assembled by Creation Entertainment featuring all seven of the main stars of Star Trek (2009) and director JJ Abrams sharing memories and good wishes to their costar. Perhaps the best moment was Karl Urban doing his best Dr. McCoy during his tribute. When Leonard Nimoy took to the stage, the audience cheered its own good wishes for the actor who was very much the heart of Star Trek.
Go on reading at Trek Movie.
Retirement from Conventions
The Chicago Tribune runs a piece on Mr. Nimoy's retirement plans, including a few words on the subject by Creation Entertainment CEO Adam Malin
Leonard Nimoy to seek out new life beyond Star Trek conventions
"Change is inevitable," said Adam Malin, co-CEO of Creation Entertainment, which has been running Star Trek conventions across the country for years. "We've enjoyed almost three decades of touring and collaborating with Leonard. Everything he does he throws himself into it with passion and energy. After all this, Leonard's just looking to broaden his horizons and move in different directions with his life."
"Star Trek conventions will live long and prosper without Leonard, but he will be missed," Malin said. "This Sunday is going to be unbelievably poignant and heartfelt. If we can keep it together and not all break down into balls of mush, it should go pretty well."
Leonard Nimoy Explores Secret Selves and "Dangerous Territory"
Sometimes a guy gets called "Renaissance man," and many guys (to their peril) call themselves that -- but rare and wonderful is the real deal. Consider the application form: Master of multiple arts? Erudite intellectual? Poet, polyglot, polymath, pillar of society? Maybe even: Larger-than-life persona? Risk-taker and rule-breaker? Well, check, check, check, and so on. I recently spoke with one of these guys, a real-deal Renaissance person. You've probably heard of him. His name is Leonard Nimoy.
Now, interviewing Mr. Nimoy is a pleasure, but it's also somewhat tricky. So storied a career -- six decades of elegant acting, dynamic directing, poignant poetry, velvety vocals! -- prompts in the jocular journalist a plethora of quirky questions, such as: "What's it like being totally amazing constantly?" and "Do you have any single daughters?" and "Pon Farr -- how's that goin' for ya?" But these we cast aside, for today we discuss Mr. Nimoy's career as a fine artist, a passionate lifelong photographer.
The occasion centers on Secret Selves, Mr. Nimoy's latest show and catalogue of photography, for which he recently presented seminars in two Los Angeles locations: at Westwood's beautiful Hammer Museum (where he covered the project and greeted the audience in conversation with the "new Spock," Zachary Quinto); and at Century City's elegant Annenberg Space for Photography (where he expanded the Secret Selves lecture into an exploration of the Sacred Feminine as well as a truly fascinating oral autobiography). Throughout, Mr. Nimoy appeared as a charming and sophisticated cultural hero at the top of his game. It was awesome.
Go on reading here.