What's New March 2011
From way back when we all thought Mr. Nimoy was going to retire here's a FOX news report.
Secret Selves
Some more footage from the photo session appeared on YouTube.
Hope he got out of bed all right the next day for his Selected Shorts reading assignment, unlike on this occasion...
Selected Shorts
Leonard Nimoy did another reading for the Selected Shorts series at the Harold M. Williams Auditorium at the Getty Center in L.A. on March 27, 2011. The motto was Delicious Fictions. (All info found by Grace. Many, many thanks!)
Life and Lunch
Sunday, March 27 at 3:00 p.m.
"Halibut" by Etgar Keret, performed by Josh Radnor
"Bayonne" by John Cheever, performed by Mary Kay Place
"Graven Image" by John O'Hara, performed by Denis O'Hare
"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love" by Raymond Carver, performed by Leonard Nimoy
More here. Programs we sadly missed...
Willful Women
Sunday, June 25, 2006
“A woman who thinks too much can become dangerous. She’ll invent things. She’ll plot.” --Jose Alcantara Almanzar, “My Singular Irene”
Willful women in the American South and South America.
Eudora Welty lived a long time, from 1909 to 2001, and lived most of that life in her house in Jackson, Mississippi. She won the Pulitzer Prize in 1973 for her novel THE OPTIMIST’S DAUGHTER, and, in 1992, the Rea Award for the Short Story. This sassy tale of small town gossip, set—where else?—at a beauty salon—was the perfect showcase for comedienne Cynthia Nixon, one of the stars of the hit television series, SEX AND THE CITY.
The author “My Singular Irene,” José Alcántara Almánzar, has written five collections of short stories, many of which are gathered in the 1993 anthology, El sabor de lo prohibido. He lives and works in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. This comic and magical story, which starts with a couple on a journey in their car, was part of a SHORTS evening at Symphony Space called “Transformations”. With that in mind, listen for some amazing changes undergone by at least one person in that automobile. Some may be reminded of a similar scene in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ One Hundred Years of Solitude. Reader Leonard Nimoy presents a masterful turn as a baffled male.
“Petrified Man,” by Eudora Welty, read by Cynthia Nixon
“My Singular Irene,” by Jose Alcantara Almanzar, read by Leonard Nimoy.
Source: WNYC
Personal Odyssey
Sunday, May 14, 2006
“Because they don’t want to be perfect, because only God is perfect, Indian people sew flaws into their pow wow regalia.”
--Sherman Alexie, “What You Pawn, I Will Redeem”
A Native American undertakes a personal odyssey; and Raymond Carver anatomizes grief.
“What You Pawn, I Will Redeem” is about homeless Native Americans in the city of Seattle, Washington, and follows its narrator through a dark night of the soul, into the light of a recovered past.
Sherman Alexie is the author of the story collections TEN LITTLE INDIANS, THE TOUGHEST INDIAN IN THE WORLD, and THE LONE RANGER AND TONTO FISTFIGHT IN HEAVEN. The reader is the stage and film actor Keir Dullea, iconic star of A Space Odyssey 2001, David and Lisa, and Space Odyssey 2010.
Raymond Carver is considered one of the masters of the American short story; his spare prose renders emotion even more powerfully than does excess. Carver’s story collections include: Furious Seasons (1977), What We Talk About When We Talk About Love (1981), Fires and Cathedral (both 1983), and If It Please You (1984). This poignant story of the death of a child, Lemonade, is given an equally powerful reading by Leonard Nimoy.
“What You Pawn, I Will Redeem,” by Sherman Alexie, read by Keir Dullea
“Lemonade,” by Raymond Carver, read by Leonard Nimoy
Source: WNYC
Snow Poem
Sunday, July 03, 2005
"He stood still, and loved it. Its beauty was paralyzing beyond all words, all experience, all dream."
—Conrad Aiken, "Silent Snow, Secret Snow"
A dream poem written in the snow.
Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and short story writer Conrad Aiken was born in Savannah, Georgia and was a contemporary of T.S. Eliot’s at Harvard. His collections include Earth Triumphant and Selected Poems; his short story collections were Bring, Bring, and Among the Lost People, and he was also awarded the National Book Award for his surreal and penetrating fictions. He was a contributing editor and writer to The Dial and The New Yorker, and the father of children’s writer Joan Aiken. His mysterious and compelling fiction, “Silent Snow, Secret Snow” is compellingly read by Leonard Nimoy.
Source: WNYC
The shows are not available, in reply to a comment the producers wrote:
However, all the details about the authors and readers can be found on the individual program pages, and more information on where the stories featured on SELECTED SHORTS are available in print can be found at, www.selectedshorts.org.
Nimoy's Birthday on Good Day Sacramento
The show visited a couple who remodeled their home Star Trek style and had gathered with other fans to celebrate Mr. Nimoy's birthday.
YouTube description "Leonard Nimoy speaking in Burbank, CA. at a "Clickers and Flickers' photo group meeting on March 22, 2011."
Happy 80th Birthday
Play pictures as slide show.
Thank you for making us laugh, think, cry and scream (no, not like that - you, Sir, frightened the hell out of me as a teenager watching Invasion of the Bodysnatchers around midnight, alone, in a dark house.) Thank you for being an intelligent, funny, fallible, caring, romantic, adorable (forgive me, I'm fan, I can't help it), creative human being and an inspiration.
For anyone wanting to convey their personal best wishes directly, I would recommend doing so via Twitter. But I've also set up a comments function here for those wanting to wish Mr. Nimoy a happy birthday.
A career so varied and extensive it cannot be done justice in one video. I hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless. Therefore, here's another one by Deep1Purple2 that I found highly enjoyable.
Shaping up for the big event...
Our German news broadcaster n-tv compiled a tongue in cheek photo tribute with rarely seen pictures of William Shatner and Mr. Nimoy to commemorate their upcoming birthdays. In other news, Fringe was picked up for a fourth season. Time to break out the Champagne a day early for those of us following the show.
Interviews Updated
Star Trek.com posted an interview in three parts with Mr. Nimoy prior to his upcoming birthday. In Part 1 Mr. Nimoy was asked why Spock smiles in the pilot, how people reacted to the character in the 60's, what project of his had deserved a better fate at the hands of the audience and which he is particular proud of, the advantages of photography as a creative outlet and more.
Let’s start in the present, go back to the past, and then look to the future. So, first, you gave some people a scare a few months ago. What happened and how are you feeling?
Nimoy: Yeah, I had a surprise. (Laughs). That’s the best way to put it. I was in Massachusetts, North Adams, Massachusetts, to do a presentation at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art. They had an exhibition of my photography that was up for several months and I was there to give a talk. I was at a hotel across the street from the museum. I was set to go over in an hour or two and I suddenly started having severe stomach pains. And instead of going to the museum I went to the hospital and I had some colon surgery. Fortunately, the hospital and the surgeon were excellent and did a very good job for me. The rest was just a story of recovery. I’m fine now. It took a few weeks because it was rather severe surgery, with a lengthy incision from down the middle of my chest into my stomach. But I’m fine and I’m fully recovered.
You’ve retired, but we keep hearing – including from you with your recent tweet – that more Fringe may be on the horizon. What’s happening with that?
Nimoy: I did it. One episode. I can't say if William Bell will ever be back or if this is the finale of the season. I thought the character was finished, but they came up with a wonderful idea.
Wait, wait. Did you mean to say finale of the season or finale of the series?
Nimoy: I don't have either answer, season or series. I have been through many resurrections in my time!
You still attend the occasional convention. Why? Is it kind of a thank you to the fans at this point?
Nimoy: That’s exactly what it is, a thank you. I still feel an obligation to be out there for them, to tell them the Star Trek stories and to bring them up to date on what I’m doing. There’s still a lot of interest. I don’t know when I will stop doing this. I think there is an end in sight. I will not going on doing it indefinitely, but I am scheduled for three or four events for this year.
In Part 2 Mr. Nimoy talks about directing The Search for Spock and The Voyage Home, how The Motion Picture shaped Star Trek's future and his decision to accept Spock's death in The Wrath of Khan, his hopes and aspirations for The Undiscovered Country that weren't realized, that it was his idea to have Spock to appear on The Next Generation and why Spock wouldn't be a part of the proposed Phase II reincarnation of Star Trek on the small screen.
Star Trek: The Motion Picture actually rose from the ashes of Star Trek: Phase II, the series that Paramount aborted when it became clear from Star Wars and Close Encounters of the Third Kind that sci-fi movies could be huge moneymakers. Phase II has been in the news again recently with stories about how involved you might or might not have been…
Nimoy: It's being reported that Mr. Roddenberry offered me a contract to appear as Spock in two out of every 11 episodes of Star Trek in the '70's when there was a new series contemplated. This is true and (it’s) also true that I turned down the offer. I didn't feel comfortable being hired on as a part-time player.
That's interesting. Was that Roddenberry's choice or was that Paramount trying either to keep costs down or hoping they'd entice you with a less exhausting schedule?
Nimoy: Since Mr. Roddenberry is gone, we'll never know. He was also hired to develop a series for me at Universal in 1971. It was called Questor (The Questor Tapes). When it was time to cast it, he chose Robert Foxworth instead.
Star Trek V was, for all intents and purposes, William Shatner’s movie, so let’s move on to Star Trek VI. Was it time to say goodbye? And were you satisfied with the justice the story did to the franchise and cast?
Nimoy: I had some other wishes for Star Trek VI. I had some other hopes that weren’t realized. I thought the film served its purpose, again. It didn’t create any problems for us, but it didn’t quite accomplish what I’d hoped.
Which was?
Nimoy: I had a very interesting conversation with Gene Roddenberry in which we’d been discussing the idea of this movie being about going into the Klingon territory, into the Klingon Empire. I came up with the idea that since Nixon, who was a known conservative, was the person who could go to China to make a deal, who were obviously not conservative – they were a very deeply red Communist country – that Captain Kirk would be the ideal choice to go to the Klingon Empire to deal with them to create a détente between the Kingon Empire and our side, the Federation. That idea intrigued Nick Meyer and he wrote a very workable screenplay, but what I was hoping for was that once inside the Klingon Empire we would find out something about the Klingons that would surprise us all. Why are they so angry? Why are they so hostile? Why are so warring? Why are they so bent on conflict and paranoia and suspicion? What’s going on in their minds? What’s inside that Empire that we don’t know that would surprise us? We never quite got to that. We never quite did. We did do an interesting story about the political faction within the Klingon’s structure, but we didn’t quite get to that amazing revelation about what the Klingons were really all about.
Part 3 moves on to the 2009 movie, the necessity to come up with the alternate universe concept, what it would take to entice him to into doing another appearance, his most prized memento from the show, William Shatner, gadgets from the show that have become today's reality and turning 80.
Some fans loved the alternate universe concept, as it will free the writers and actors to go in any direction, while others disliked the breaking of Star Trek canon that resulted, particularly the destruction of Vulcan. What are your thoughts on the debate?
Nimoy: I think the alternate universe was necessary. I think it was a very solid idea and necessary because, although it broke canon in a certain kind of way, if they didn’t do the alternate universe, they would have broken canon in other ways. It was constricting. There was so much history to be dealt with that if they did not do the alternate universe it would have been so constricting and it would have been very, very difficult to tell an exciting story without stepping on some toes somewhere. So, by doing it this way, I think they gave themselves a new canvass to work with. I think it was a very wise idea.
You’re about to turn 80. Does that excite you? Frighten you? Both at once?
Nimoy: You know, the alternative isn’t very attractive. (Laughs) Not turning 80 is not a very nice event in your life. So… But I’m very comfortable with who I am and what I am and how I am. I feel strong. I feel good. I feel happy and healthy. I have a wonderful personal life. I will get out this year and see people and tell the stories. I love telling the stories that audiences want to hear. I’m really excited about this year. I’m doing a few conventions and appearances. I’m going to be in Dallas and Vegas and Atlanta. I’m giving a speech in Long Beach, at the Carpenter Center, at the end of April. I’m doing a reading in L.A. I’ve got some really exciting and fun things to do this year, and I’m looking forward to it.
Let’s assume you’ll live to 100. What do you hope to do with the next 20 years of your life?
Nimoy: I hope to stay creative, but to keep my personal life at the forefront. I have three kids and six grandchildren and a great-grandson. I’m thrilled with the way their lives are developing and it’s great fun to see them grow into themselves. I’m looking forward to enjoying that, and I want to keep some of my life available for creative possibilities. You’re talking to a very, very happy, thankful, grateful guy.
Elizabeth LeCompte with REDCAT Circle members Leonard Nimoy and Susan Bay Nimoy at a brunch celebrating REDCAT's four-year partnership with The Wooster Group
The REDCAT Circle is the patron group at the Roy and Edna Disney/CalArts Theater (REDCAT). It brings together people who share a passion for contemporary performing and visual arts, and who are committed to ensuring the financial health of this artistic endeavor. Annual gifts made through the REDCAT Circle support the dynamic artists we present and help maintain our state-of-the-art facility in downtown Los Angeles.
All REDCAT Circle members are invited to attend REDCAT Salons throughout the year. REDCAT Salons are often held at private residences, providing members the opportunity to meet and mingle with performing and visual artists, and to engage in lively discussions with fellow patrons, the REDCAT Council, CalArts trustees and community leaders.
In an interview with Digital Spy John Noble commented that William Bell's return will take a bizarre turn
"I've heard the same rumours! In fact, I think Leonard [Nimoy] announced it on his Twitter or something. All I can say is that there will be a return of Leonard's character in a way. In a way. It's not going to be, 'Hey, here's Leonard again'. It will be something different but really quite bizarre. Very bizarre, in fact."
In the episode Stowaway Olivia continues to channel William Bell to Walter's unbridled elation. Peter is unhappy with the arrangement of Bell inhabiting his lovers body and wants him evicted yesterday. Bell assures the Fringe team there won't be a problem since Olivia's consciousness would be in a state of rest. That would give them the time needed to find a new human body to host him. Which might take weeks since Bell's requirements are quite specific. Urgency is introduced when suddenly Olivia surfaces for a few seconds at the end of the episode at the sound of a distant church bell, prompting William Bell to remark that he might have been wrong and things are a bit more complicated than he thought.
What the Press has to say:
Anna Torv creates Bellivia by channeling Leonard Nimoy. I was very iffy on the prospect from what little I saw last week. I came into this week expecting to dislike Bellivia. The rasp of her voice seemed almost goofy, but I hardly noticed since “Fringe” did everything else right. The cadence of her words was dead on, and his/her interactions with everyone else in Fringe Division were pitch perfect. Peter is understandably angry that Bell jumped into Olivia’s head; while Walter enjoys the situation a little too much. I don't think he showed any concern for Olivia. He was too busy playfully solving word problems on opposite sides of a transparent dry erase board with Bill Bell. Anna Torv creates Bellivia by channeling Leonard Nimoy. I was very iffy on the prospect from what little I saw last week. I came into this week expecting to dislike Bellivia. The rasp of her voice seemed almost goofy, but I hardly noticed since “Fringe” did everything else right. The cadence of her words was dead on, and his/her interactions with everyone else in Fringe Division were pitch perfect. Peter is understandably angry that Bell jumped into Olivia’s head; while Walter enjoys the situation a little too much. I don't think he showed any concern for Olivia. He was too busy playfully solving word problems on opposite sides of a transparent dry erase board with Bill Bell.
How much you enjoyed this week’s Fringe depended on how much you’re enjoying watching Anna Torv do her Leonard Nimoy impersonation. Me, I think her act is aces, very wry and amusing. But you may feel as Peter did when the William Bell inside Olivia said he might be using her body as a host for weeks. “Weeks!” yelped Peter. “Not a chance!”
Conventions Updated Again
In January Mr. Nimoy promised that he would show some pictures at the Creation Con in San Francisco he never showed before. Among those was one of him in the army presenting - a mop? He also read one of his poems. On Star Trek.com there is now a more detailed account of the talk he gave and questions addressed.
Nimoy has shared numerous tales with us by this point, but it’s his recollection of how he came to title his memoir, “I Am Not Spock,” that gets us all going. After an experience in San Francisco, when a woman introduces him to her son as Mr. Spock, Nimoy got to thinking about how he and the character are distinct. “I called the chapter, ‘I Am Not Spock,’” he says, and when his publisher asked him for the title of his book, he suggested, “Let's go with I Am Not Spock; people will find that interesting. They found it interesting, all right, in the wrong way.”
He was unsurprised when Trek was resurrected for films, after the success of Star Wars in 1977. But after the first Trek movie, Nimoy says there was no sense that the movies were ongoing, so when he was asked if he want to do a death scene in The Wrath of Khan, Nimoy agreed, thinking the death scene would be among Trek’s last. “Came the day to film Spock’s death scene, though and I was thinking, ‘this is a terrible mistake,’” Nimoy deadpans, raising laughter from the crowd. When the studio asked if he’d like to be involved in Star Trek III, “I said ‘I’d like to direct it.’” And thus, simply, Nimoy’s directing career was born.
After sharing some of his photography— the focus of his career for the past decade-plus— and reading some poetry to the spellbound crowd, Nimoy addresses the question everyone is wondering. “I'm totally satisfied,” he says of his career. “Do I have an identity issue? Of course I do. When somebody yells Spock, I'm the one who looks around.” After Nimoy exits the stage, the void is felt by all.
According to Trek Movie Mr. Nimoy didn't say a word at the Creation Con in San Francisco this Saturday about what direction his further involvement with Fringe will take. The series itself got one step closer to bringing William Bell back in the episode Os. Walter is dearly missing his old lab partner as universes unravel and fixates on a theory Bell looked into involving "soul magnets." But please let Walter explain himself and heed what happens when he rings William's bell.
Editorial Rant - Spock and the Magic of the Black Swan

Is it true? Is he really the only one that could work the magic of being Vulcan? The interview is from 1982 and since then we've seen a few more pointed eared fellows. My first reaction reading that was to wonder if it still was true. (more/close)
There is the late Mark Lenard as Spock's father, Sarek, who clicked with the audience. One might have been angry with him because one was on Spock's side as a viewer but Sarek's charm, integrity, and humor won us over in Journey to Babel. He was a character that one would like to see more of. (If only to gain one more shred of information about Spock.) Mark Lenard could carry the mystique that surrounds Vulcans. With him, as with Spock, there was audience knowledge that there was more going on within the characters than one saw on the screen and glimpses of it were kept to treasured moments. Those characters had an inner life that made them interesting, complete, and endearing to the audience. Scrap endearing and even T'Pring and T'Pau would fit the bill.
Sybok's storyline (digging up previously unheard of close relatives often is a device employed by long running soap operas) upset me at first. But he's really grown on me in fan fiction where his existence has enriched the lore.
Moving on to the two other main Vulcan characters. I didn't connect to Tuvok the same I did with the TOS characters. There's nothing wrong with the actor, the ears, or the character, but then Voyager itself is a bit of an acquired taste for me. Modeled after TOS he was supposed to be close to the captain. That didn't really materialize along with some other promises the show didn't keep - at least at first. Trying to define what quality Tim Russ brought to Tuvok I'd say he made him a good sport. If I'm going to rewatch any of the post-TOS series, it would be Voyager and I think I would be looking forward to rediscovering their resident Vulcan.
And then there's Enterprise. Don't get me started about what's wrong with that series. Casting, for once. Doesn't T'Pol scream "fake" from head to toe starting with the wig? A Vulcan quality that the production team on the new Star Trek movie and Zachary Quinto seem to have realized appears to be authenticity. When Entertainment Weekly ran a cover with the new Kirk and Spock on it one of the main points of contention was that the hair on Zachary Quinto looked like a wig. (2) There was a bit of an outcry but Quinto could placate any and all concerns with the assurance that it really was his hair in the film and that the experience actually helped him with the character. (3)
Restraint is another feature that lends itself to their appeal. The problem with T'Pol is that her character was geared from the beginning for excess. Starting with the choice of a former model/actress that filled the costume rather than the space between the ears and the invention of the decontamination chamber for the sole purpose to provide an opportunity for nakedness and groping. (4) She's Vulcan's answer to sex, drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll - or Jazz, as is the case with her. (5) With restraint comes subtlety, a powerful tool that Leonard Nimoy discovered while watching Harry Belafonte perform on stage and that provided him with the key to Spock's mannerisms. (6) At a time where much can be shown and done on TV, subtlety has become a rare commodity. Would Spock have become the object of fantasy and articles about the Vulcan's sexual appeal if it hadn't been for the powerful lure of the hunt of the elusive object? (7) T'Pol, readily available, not only becomes the subject of physical excess but also of emotional melodrama in relation to Trip and Captain Archer which makes her a controversial character. (8) Though, she and Spock actually do have something in common. They both, for different reasons, don't fit into Vulcan society and found Earth/Star Fleet as a means to carve out a niche for themselves. There even is authenticity, tying Jolene Blalock's experience of alienation to her character's background. (9) But while a whole section of society, the adolescents, could find themselves represented in Spock at the time, the same cannot be said for T'Pol. (10) The struggle that could have made her character relevant was exploited for cheap and easy satisfaction in the fan fictionesque treatment of the Trip/T'Pol story arc with Archer thrown in for good measure. (11) In terms of being a good Vulcan, she's a complete failure. But maybe that's the (more thorny) path to appreciation of her character. Starting with Sybok, we have been made aware that Vulcan has its flotsam and maladjusted, too.
The one actor with the potential to portray a Vulcan character that can reach the general audience again and not just the Star Trek watching segment of the population actually plays Spock, namely Zachary Quinto. But he is convinced that the same merger that fused Spock and Leonard Nimoy together in public imagination will not be happening to him, citing the different status of science fiction since the 1960's, people's shorter attention span, and most importantly, that he didn't create Spock.(12) A feeling echoed in a review from the past of I'm Not Spock where the author says that "Nimoy would be seen and remembered as the 'real' Spock just as many think of Sean Connery as the 'real' James Bond." (13)
Star Trek has often been talked about as a phenomenon. In the vein of Nassim Nicholas Taleb it could also be called a "black swan," a singular, random event that could not have been predicted at its time with profound ramifications. (14) It becomes part of the collective consciousness and is passed on to coming generations as a (cautionary) tale through narrative. There were signs pointing to the event looming on the horizon, but because of people at the time having blind spots, is not recognized and can only be explained after the fact. (15) While looking at his graying beard and thinking how it made him look ten years older, Taleb reflected on the reverence that society bestows on the elderly and realized that this might function to compensate our short term memory. The elderly are repositories for inductive learning (induce a general rule from a set of observed instances), he says, and possess knowledge of rare events. They're sought out for advice. (16) At one time or another all cast members have been asked to explain the phenomenon Star Trek had turned into, the inference being that they had to be experts on the subject by having been part of it. Aside from Taleb having a special room reserved in hell for experts, the blind spot those involved suffer is undeniably in evidence. This remark made by Mr. Nimoy in 1969 about the future of Star Trek falls in the category of famous last words:
"Someone was quoted as to the possibility of us all making a Star Trek movie, but I think such talk is bad. All it does is to rekindle emotional campaigns to get the show back on the air. Every time I hear or read about such things, I try to discourage the people involved," he pointed out. (17)
Good thing forty years later he heard Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci out when they came proposing a Star Trek movie. Having the movie revolve around William Shatner would screw up continuity was the reason given for his absence, since Kirk would be physically older than when we last saw him die in Generations. Spock on the other hand would have outlived them all, with a life span at least twice that of a human, which would also take care of the need for further cameos by the original actors. But maybe Spock was a good choice for another reason, if the filmmakers wanted to add credibility to their efforts. That reason would have to do with the very different public image represented by the two actors. The respected artist, intellectual, teacher (plus the many other qualities attributed to him in the public eye) against the self-styled clown with a propensity for self-parody (which worked to great advantage in Boston Legal). In addition, within Star Trek, Spock himself was a "black swan", unexpectedly soaring past the ship's captain in popularity within a short time. If you would like to remind your audience of an extraordinary success story, going with the more recognizable and respected icon is not a bad idea in itself. (18/19)
With Zachary Quinto and the others signed on for only three movies so far, compared to the many hours of television and film the original crew did, it looks like Leonard Nimoy still has it right. But far more is involved than just putting the makeup on the right kind of face. It's the individual he helped create and bring together at the right time at the right place that made them both, "iconic". To cite again from the review of I'm not Spock, "Thus, Spock may well have to write that book: I Am Not Nimoy, and Leonard Nimoy may well be remembered as himself more than he thinks."
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32. Norman - October 15, 2008 #30 – it looks as if Spock is wearing a wig. whereas Nimoy got his haircut Vulcan Style… 97. bdrcarter - October 15, 2008 Didn’t they use Zack’s real hair? It looks like he’s in one of the TNG-era vulcan wigs. Bummer. http://trekmovie.com/2008/10/15/star-trek-cover-story-in-entertainment-weekly/ |
And what about the sideburns? Because they look really cool. The sideburns … All of it was mine, all of it was mine. My hair, my eyebrows: Everything that we did in this movie was really mine. I mean, you know, I shaved my eyebrows, I cut my hair into the bowl haircut, and the sideburns were pointy. It was all me. http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2009/04/star_treks_zachary_quinto_on_h.html |
How was it wearing the ears? Once they were on they were no problem at all. I honestly didn’t even know that they were there. It was getting them on in the morning that could be tedious just because it required me to show up to work two hours before anybody else. But the one thing I didn’t really anticipate through this process was how impactful the physical alterations would be on my personal life. Having no eyebrows and having to shave everyday and having my hair in this sort of horrible bowl style really alienated me from myself and alienated me from other people. I tended to isolate a lot more during the process of this film and I think it actually served my relationship to the character because that kind of alienation is something that he struggles with greatly in his life - particularly in this film. http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Zachary+Quinto-7172-page2.html |
Decontamination chamber sequence see YouTube and http://www.myvideo.de/watch/1306815/Jolene_Blalock_The_sexiest_Star_Trek_Girl_ever | |
5. | Pa'nar, trellium, mind melds, and emotion see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T'Pol | |
6. | Nimoy, Leonard, I'm Spock, Century, London, 1995, p. 45-46. | |
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T’pol is the worst Vulcan in existence. Oo, look at me, I have an eating disorder! Ooo, look at my lovely collagen-filled lips! Ooo, I’m addicted to Trellium-D! Ooo, I was mind-raped! Ooo, I like to explore my emotions! Oo, let’s decontaminate each other in slow motion, Trip! Oo, Trip let’s have sexy Vulcanneuropressure times! Ooo, Archer I don’t want you to die, I love you! Oo, but I love Trip! Oo, Trip I am so jealous of that corporal bitch! Oo, I’m a fucking failure. Seriously, even Spock is more Vulcan than her and he is half human! http://rudeandnotginger.tumblr.com/tagged/T'pol |
She said of her childhood: "I was such an awkward-looking child, I've no idea what happened. I didn't have a good childhood because I never could get along with other kids. I was the child that sat in the corner eating lunch by herself. I worked in the library at lunchtime because I had no real friends. I read a lot and educated myself a different way because me and school didn't get along. Even boys were never interested in me. I remember playing kiss-chase in the first and second grade. I would run but no one would ever chase me." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jolene_Blalock |
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Since fan fiction has become the subject of respectable academic study and knowledge of it wormed it's way into the consciousness on the production end of media content, I believe there is a trend in television to cater to those needs written out in fan generated stories. Enterprise did it very conventionally with Trip/T'Pol and I've been watching a series called Lost Girl that can only be called fan fiction's wet dream put on the screen, while The Big Bang Theory delightfully works the Slash angle. | |
"When you do Spock, you're just Spock for the rest of your life, right? It’s a part of you for the rest of your life. I don’t think I’m going to be inextricably tied to him for the rest of my life, but that’s because science fiction doesn’t have the same stigmas attached to it now as it did 40 years ago, because people’s attention spans aren’t as stalwart as they were 40 years ago, and it’s also because I know I didn’t create the role. No matter how strongly people respond to my performance, it doesn’t matter, because it wasn’t my brainchild, you know." http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2009/04/star_treks_zachary_quinto_on_h.html |
Remembering that Star Trek has often been cited as the first Science Fiction show aiming at an adult audience that it took serious, it is no wonder people flocked to it and enshrined it in light of what was available elsewhere. This video I uploaded made "Video of the Day" at Trek Movie. I recommend reading some of the comments there. |
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The Black Swan Theory or Theory of Black Swan Events is a metaphor that encapsulates the concept that The event is a surprise (to the observer) and has a major impact. After the fact, the event is rationalized by hindsight. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Swan_Theory | |
"Marketing personnel of the network complained to management that the series' cancellation was premature. New techniques for profiling demographics of the viewing audience later showed that Star Trek had been highly profitable for advertisers, though this news came too late to resume production of the series." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek | |
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Der Schwarze Schwan, Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag: München, 2010, S.106. | |
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![]() http://www.esquire.co.uk/2009/04/the-covers-that-didnt-make-it/ |
"Nimoy’s presence gives the franchise revival 'a very important sort of approval – there’s a torch being handed off there,' according to Pine, and director J.J. Abrams describes the elder actor’s participation in the film as 'essential to our goal to serve and celebrate the history of ‘Star Trek’ with this story and create something new and exciting. (...)
'This is the first and only time I ever had a filmmaker say, ‘We cannot make this film without you and we won’t make it without you,’” Nimoy said with another one of those startling smiles. “J.J. Abrams said that – that’s a pretty heavy statement. And when you see the film you see how central the character is to the story they’ve told.' Nimoy stands as 'the figure of credibility' for the franchise, as Orci put it, which sounds like an unintended ding on William Shatner, the original Kirk and an actor who publicly lobbied for a role in this new $140-million film." http://herocomplex.latimes.com/2009/05/11/leonard-nimoy-star-trek-fans-can-be-scary/ |
If you would like to know more about Vulcan and Vulcans in Star Trek please also visit Vulcanology, a blog about "the people who designed Vulcan props and costumes and created the culture for the Star Trek films and television series." You'll also find reviews of "Vulcan-related books, comics and other merchandise." In case you need to brush up on your Vulcan, the Vulcan Language Institute offers language lessons and a dictionary.
Mr. Nimoy has done a new commercial for a company providing a facebook ap for its Optik TV.
And here's the clip.
Dallas Morning News via Chicago Tribune
December 13, 1987
By Philip Wuntch
Doctor Spock
Director Leonard Nimoy Saves An Ailing `Baby`
In 1975, when Leonard Nimoy wrote his autobiography, the aura of Mr. Spock may have felt like an albatross. In any event, he named his volume ``I Am Not Spock.``
An interview with him tends to disprove the book`s title.
In person, Nimoy is crisp, decisive and even curt. Does that sound like any Vulcans you may know from the ``Star Trek`` series? He seems like the least likely man to direct a charming if slight comedy about the joys of unexpected parenthood. But that`s just what he has done with ``Three Men and a Baby,`` an early holiday box-office winner in which Tom Selleck, Ted Danson and Steve Guttenberg play three Manhattan bachelors whose carefree lifestyle is altered when they find a baby on their doorstep.
Was working with the three stars really as easy as everyone insists?
``Hey, they`re just three pushy guys. I`ve been in this business long enough to be used to pushy people. Tom works hard and makes it look easy. I`ve known Tom and Ted a reasonably long time. Ted`s going to get some flack for his performance because he`s the cause of all the trouble. He carries the movie`s negative load. I never knew Steve before we started filming. He was the last one I got to know and like.``
But not, apparently, before some rounds were fought.
Guttenberg, speaking on the telephone from Ireland, confirmed that he and Nimoy had not always seen things eye to eye.
``In some ways, I felt that my role was the least well-drawn,``
Guttenberg said. ``I kept on making suggestions about how my character should be treated. At first I had some trouble with Leonard. He felt I was acting like a stubborn kid, and maybe he was right to a degree. I kept on making suggestions. It became like a game. I would say, `Leonard, I have a suggestion.` He would say, `Steve, I thought that you might.` And when he would say it, he would somehow sound like John Huston.``
He has seen ``only a few minutes`` of the new ``Star Trek`` series and indicates with a wave of his hand what he thought of it. He has interests away from the movie and television cameras. He sings. He has written nine books of free verse.
At the moment, though, he seems most interested in continuing his career as a director.
``I first started directing 30 years ago. I then got sidetracked. Right now I`m at a point in my career where I`m doing what I`ve wanted to do for the last three decades. I couldn`t be happier.``
He didn`t smile when he said it, but you sensed that he meant every word.
More convention appearances are planned for this year. A list for all the Star Trek actors' scheduled appearances in 2011 can be found here at Star Trek Actor Current Appearances.
Leonard Nimoy has been interviewed for the documentary Hava Nagila: What Is It. A film realized, in part, through individual donations. According to the production companies website
Hava Nagila: What Is It? is a documentary romp through the history, mystery, and meaning of the great Jewish standard. Funny, deep and unexpected, the film will celebrate 100 years of Jewish history and culture and reveal the power of music to bridge cultural divides and bring us together as human beings.
We began making Hava Nagila: What Is It? in 2009. In April 2010, we completed a ten-minute fundraising clip. This sample clip touched a chord. Nearly 500,000 people have seen it online. What’s more, over 300 people have donated to the film!
With foundations drastically reducing their funding of the arts, we’re counting on hundreds of donations large and small to finish the film…And it’s working! With online donor support, we’ve been able to continue shooting with scholars and celebrities (...)
The Story
"When you find a song that says 'Let us rejoice,' there's no better song to leave an evening with than that statement. - Harry Belafonte, December 2009
Songs can take on a life on their own and carry with them an entire constellation of history, values and hopes for the future. We believe this is true for Hava Nagila.
The song originated in the Ukraine as a wordless Hasidic melody. It traveled with Hasidic immigrants to Jerusalem at the turn of the 20th century and acquired Hebrew lyrics and a circle dance based on the Romanian hora. From there, Hava Nagila journeyed to America, where it sped up, lost its connotations as a song of Palestine and exploded in popularity. Today, it is, arguably, the most recognizable Jewish thing around the world – adored by some, reviled by others and understood as musical shorthand for "Jewishness" by all.
Hava Nagila, What Is It? will follow the song from the shtetls of Eastern Europe to the cul-de-sacs of America. It will be a weave of interviews, original footage, archival footage and photographs. Scholars will trace the song through the decades and reflect on the power of music in every culture to transmit lessons, stories and messages across the generations. We will supplement their insights with celebrity interviews. Each celebrity will provide his or her own take on Hava Nagila – and entertain us with their renditions.
The resulting film will not only entertain us and make us laugh; but through its examination of our complex, ever-evolving, at times tongue-in-cheek, relationship with this fascinating song, Hava Nagila, What Is It? will remind us of the power of music to go deep, to bring a celebration to life and to connect us on specific cultural and broader universal levels.
Info via Leonard Nimoy the Great. Mr. Nimoy is on at 2.15 min.
Un-Retirement. Now It's Official
Since Fringe was moved to Friday night, there are concerns that the series faces cancellation. To promote it a new trailer, "Friday's Reanimated," was launched that includes William Bell's farewell from last year's season finale. With Mr. Nimoy's recent announcement that William Bell will be back, reanimation seems to be the keyword, indeed.
Space Shuttle Crew "Amok Time" Wake-Up Call
As Trek Movie reports,
Prior to the launch NASA held a vote for some of the songs/music the crew would greet the new work day with. Original compositions were welcome and 1,350 entries in total were received. 40 preliminary finalists were chosen and presented for public vote. The two pieces that got the most votes and will be played are
Blue Sky by Big Head Todd and the Monsters
722,662 votes. Listen live on March 8 at 2:23 a.m.
671,134 votes. Listen live on March 7 at 2:23 a.m.
By retweeting the information Mr. Nimoy also helped with promoting NASA's "Space Rock" contest.
Radio veteran Chuck Dunaway remembers meeting Leonard Nimoy meeting Jimmi Hendrix:
Two days before the phone call from Joe, I had made a fashion-show appearance at Higbee's department store with Leonard Nimoy of "Star Trek" fame. The night before the fashion show, Jerry Hall, the local promotion man for Nimoy's label and an old friend from Texas, had arranged for the three of us to have dinner together, even though I had nothing to do with picking music for the station.
Nimoy and I hit it off, talking politics for hours after dinner in his hotel room. At the fashion show, I told Nimoy of the Time magazine article. Leonard said he had heard of Hendrix, and decided to stay in Cleveland another day, joining me at the Hendrix "impromptu" guest shot with the local band. So we met Jimi at the club that night and the three of us began talking politics. We were all on the same wavelength, wanting to see the end of the war in Vietnam.
Gene Roddenberry's Original Pitch for Star Trek, 1964
In this document Gene Roddenberry outlines what Star Trek is, who the characters are, and what possible strories can be told. The captain, then, was Robert April and the ship named the Yorktown. Spock is not quite the man we've come to know, but the seeds are there. Found by Grace. Many thanks.
The First Lieutenant
The captain's right-hand man, the working level commander of all the ship's functions from manning the bridge to supervising the lowliest scrub detail. His name is "Mr. Spock." And the first view of him can be almost frightening – a face so heavy-lidded and satanic you might almost expect him to have a forked tail. Probably half Martian, he has a slightly reddish complexion and semi-pointed ears. But strangely – Mr- Spock's quiet temperament is in dramatic contrast to his satanic look. Of all the crew aboard, he is the nearest to Captain April's equal, physically and emotionally, as a commander of men. His primary weakness is an almost cat-like curiosity over anything the slightes "alien".
Sources: Blastr, Between the Pages