What's New February 2011
Featured Article
Long time fan Bonnie Moss had the opportunity to become a sponsor for the "Secret Selves" exhibition at the Massachusetts Museum of Modern art, meet Mr. Nimoy and have her picture taken by him. My heartfelt thanks for sharing that very special experience with us at Beyond Spock.
Through a business associate/friend of Mr. Nimoy's that I met in Boston last November, I found out more about Mr. Nimoy's photography exhibition to open in July at MASS Moca - the largest contemporary arts center in the U.S. I was determined to go and Gary (the friend) encouraged me and said he would help if he could.
I developed a pleasant correspondence with Rebecca Wehry, the Special Events Coordinator at MASS MoCA, who was wonderful in giving me details of the event, which included opportunities to assist in sponsoring "Secret Selves." My friend, Susan Fox and I decided to contribute in this capacity. When I later found out that Mr. Nimoy would personally photograph anyone as their "secret self" at another level of sponsorship, I decided to move up to become a "supporting sponsor." The opportunity to watch Mr. Nimoy work as a photographer was a thrilling prospect! To my delight, Ms. Wehry called me a few weeks later and asked if I would like to attend a private dinner the Friday before the opening that included museum trustees/sponsors and the Nimoys! Of course, I accepted. Read more here.
(To drop Bonnie a note, please use the guestbook.)
I've been looking for anything at all about Mr. Nimoy's part in General Hospital and now saw with some delight that Ribbonrain found at least a picture. The source, General Hospital Forever, lists him in the cast for seasons 1963 and 1964.
Peggy Mercer’s new-found happiness was short-lived when a pill pusher named Bernie showed up at her home with a delivery for her beau (Roy Lansing).
Wonderful news for one of the best (in my totally subjective view) Sci-Fi series out there after Stargate Universe got cancelled.
Trek Movie speculates that Mr. Nimoy might appear in the season finale since "Following tonight’s episode there are just seven more episodes left in the third season, most of which have already been shot."
TOS in Germany
The digitally remastered Original Series comes to German public TV at ZDFneo and their promotion department had a bit of fun with it.
Don't you know it? Washed out colors after beaming just once!
Kirk to McCoy: "Can you explain how that's possible?"
McCoy: "Sorry, can't."
Commercial (Starfleet shirts blowing gently in the wind on washing line.) Enough of that. Vibrant colors from now on thanks to cutting edge digital technology
Spock: "Fascinating."
The original. Starship Enterprise. Digitally brushed up. Starting February 28th. Only on ZDFneo.
This Entertainment Tonight clip about Star Trek V has mainly William Shatner talking, but there is some behind the scenes footage I can't remember having seen before with Leonard Nimoy.
Leonard Nimoy at a George McGovern for President campaign, 1972. Please see also this newspaper article, Mr. Spock senses movement in Richland, for more information. Many thanks go to Bonnie for making these available.
Play photos as slide show.
In 2009 FOTO (Friends Of The Observatory) hosted a concert, conducted by Arthur B. Rubinstein, at the Griffith Observatory. It featured Observations, an original composition by Mr. Rubinstein. Live narration for the program was provided by Mr. Nimoy, who was also available a for pre-concert VIP reception. A recording of the concert will soon be made available, according to Mr. Rubinstein's web page, but no definite release date has been set yet by Intrada Records.
LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwire - July 28, 2009) - Friends Of The Observatory (FOTO) will host and present the debut of "Cosmic Conjunction 2009: Music*Moonlight*Griffith Observatory," a special one-night-only concert at Griffith Observatory on Sunday, October 4, from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m., P.D.T. For the first time in the Observatory's history, a full symphony orchestra will perform on the Observatory lawn. The program will feature the world premiere of "Observations," an original orchestral composition by Arthur B. Rubinstein of Symphony In The Glen with live narration by Leonard Nimoy. This concert marks Griffith Observatory's first "Cosmic Conjunction," an annual program developed to link astronomy and the arts.
Source: Marketwire.
Leonard Nimoy appeared in The King and I and My Fair Lady at the Milwaukee's Melody Top Theatre. There are two recollections of Mr. Nimoy's performances in the Submitted Stories part of the website and two photos in Production Pictures.
Season Twelve Memories (1974)
Jo Anne Worley (Winnifred in ONCE UPON A MATTRESS) and Leonard Nimoy (The King of Siam in THE KING AND I) showed what excellent stage actors they are. Both were so associated with their television work that they probably never got the stage opportunities they deserved, but their "small screen" fame got them summer stock jobs which enabled people like me to see how skilled and magnetic they are!

Season Fourteen Memories (1976)
Leonard Nimoy was an excellent Henry Higgins in MY FAIR LADY with a fine, consistent English accent, again showing he could be a lot more than Spock from STAR TREK. His Eliza, Linda Michele, performed at The Top several times and always displayed a "loverly" lyric soprano and a charming stage presence. She appeared a couple of times with John Raitt, and together they made a very effective team.

Leonard Nimoy and DeForest Kelley appeared together in 1986. In the last part of the video they read the winning entry of the convention's story contest.
Dreams of Flight - Space. In this documentary Mr. Nimoy talks about his memories of the moment people first set foot on the moon, how science fiction influences science, Star Trek's influence, and SETI. The DVD contains two episodes with clips of him in both, To the Moon... and Beyond the Moon. Available at Amazon.
Join the early pioneers such as Robert Goddard and Hermann Oberth as they began turning science fiction into science fact. Meet Wernher von Braun, whose leadership would take America to the moon. Relive those moments in time when the Russians shocked the world - first with the launch of a vehicle into space and then by sending Yuri Gagarin into space in an orbit around the earth. Follow the drama of the space race from Project Mercury to Gemini and Apollo. Share in the tension, anticipation and excitement as Apollo carries Neil Armstrong, Edwin -Buzz- Aldrin and Michael Collins toward man's first steps into another world. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Beyond The Moon
Relive the drama and tension of bringing Apollo 13 safely back to earth after the crew reports - Houston, we have a problem. Meet prominent space enthusiasts and visionaries like Arthur C. Clarke, Robert McCall and Leonard Nimoy as they speculate about our future in space.
Rick Berman talked to StarTrek.com about producing Star Trek series TNG to Enterprise and why Leonard Nimoy gave Generations a pass.
Read more here.
Sun Sentinel
November 01, 1995
By Steven Goldsmith and Seattle Post-Intelligencer
He Is Spock, After All
Leonard Nimoy Admits An Actor Is Linked To The Character He Creates
After decades of having to correct people, Leonard Nimoy thought the public finally had it straight:
His character is Mr. Spock (the pointy-eared Star Trek alien), not Dr. Spock (the advice-dispensing pediatrician).
Imagine the potential identity crisis, then, that could arise from the honorary doctorate Nimoy was handed in Chicago last week.
Despite such perils, the 64-year-old actor says he is quite enjoying the supernova of honors being bestowed upon him, including dazzling recent profiles in magazines from TV Guide to the New Yorker.
Even his hot-selling new memoir, I Am Spock, is drawing admirers for being a thoughtful manifesto on the ties between an actor and the character he portrays.
"I take that seriously - an actor is responsible for protecting his character," Nimoy said in a recent interview at the University of Washington, where 700 fans waited outside Kane Hall to hear him speak and to get him to autograph copies of his new book.
Whether this is what Mr. Nimoy referred to in his tweet about his return to Fringe remains to be seen, but it's damn sure a nice touch by the people who run the series to keep "Belli" around (with a little help from Photoshop) after his probable heroic demise. The stills are from the episode Concentrate And Ask Again and the in-joke of William Bell keeping a book by Dr. Spock around is much appreciated.
Other mentionings of William Bell

"A closer-up look at William Bell’s obituary [...] reveals that the same paragraph repeats several times. While this is not the first time such a thing has been spotted (“Night Of Desirable Objects”), it’s most likely just a “generic” prop thing (i.e. convenience) more than an underlying message." (Source: Fringe Bloggers)

At http://www.fox.com/fringe/thereismore/ a Fringe ARG website existed in 2009 which is now defunct. At FringeARG the contend is preserved, though. Among which is this clipping of a short bio for William Bell. On top of the clipping are letters in braille. According to the page the braille reads "as letters: 'add hi ee cd ba ae hc' and numbers: '144 89 55 34 21 13 8 5'"

Massive Dynamic, of course, has it's own company website. When you click on the photo for William Bell, the same text as in the clipping above will appear. At the time the page was launched, though, the part hadn't been cast, since a very generic picture was used for the CEO's profile.
Prime Time Postscript
Don’t Call Him Mr. Spock
Leonard Nimoy shows he’s more than an actor in his latest project
Leonard Nimoy has been in more than 50 movies and television shows, while most people still know him as Mr. Spock from Star Trek, underneath the alien ears lies an artist who wields a camera instead of a Vulcan salute. Listen as independent producer Michael Krall brings into focus Leonard Nimoy's other calling: photography.
Listen to it here.
At Fan Expo 2009
Star Trek Convention in São Paulo-Brazil with actor Leonard Nimoy.
date: 10/25/2003
Pioneers of Television - Crime Drama
The Girls on Film
At the beginning of the year the group uploaded their rendition of the "recruiting" scene between Kirk (Chris Pine) and Pike (Bruce Greenwood) at the bar close to the Starfleet shipyards in Iowa from the 2009 movie Star Trek. While Spock is not part of the setup, an appearance by "her" is announced in the future. So stay tuned.
THought you might enjoy the latest episode of our web series: we recreate a scene from the 2009 Star Trek movie (We don't have Spock in it, but we plan on having a Spock episode in the future!
We'd love some feedback if you have the chance: like, comment or subscribe!
The Girls on Film
My apologies to Katerina Taxia who plays Pike, but that voice of Bruce Greenwood is forever locked in my mind. I'm looking forward to seeing their version of Spock, though. While what The Girls on Film does is substitute actresses for actors in the scene, it helps put a finger on what Star Trek has often been lacking. Female lead characters that are more than a tight costume filled in a shapely manner. (After all, we dig Spock for his brains, right...right??)
If you'd like to know more about The Girls on Film and their other projects please visit their page or Trek Movie, which has a short Q&A where you learn why TGON got started or why Star Trek and this particular moment in the film were chosen for the newest entry.
Leonard Nimoy reads “Port Cochere” by Peter Taylor. The download is available for one more day. (Thank you, Grace, for catching this in the nick of time. Via Leonard Nimoy the Great)
Week of January 27, 2011 - February 2, 2011
Happy Families?
“Port Cochere” by Peter Taylor, performed by Leonard Nimoy
From: The Old Forest and Other Stories (Picador USA)
“Enough” by Alice McDermott, performed by Fionnula Flanagan
From: The New Yorker (April 10, 2000 / www.newyorker.com)