What's New May 2010
#11 Illegal Aliens
Primaster's group has been spotted and attacked by the military. He orders that only the helicopters' weapons are targeted. The military, feeling suddenly naked without their guns, orders a tactical withdrawal. MacMahon finally gets his dearest wish. He and Primaster shake hands. By the time the men in black show up on the scene, the party is gone. In the oval office, the President blows a fuse over loosing track of the aliens. Thinking nobody would look for them there, MacMahon hides them in an old building he owns that is scheduled to be torn down soon.
They discuss strategies for getting to Zeerus and convincing the U.N. that the Primortals are really the good guys when the FBI comes knocking. It comes to a fight. Not wanting to hurt any of the attackers, Primaster uses his returning energies to create a protective bubble and transports them away. (more)
Leonard Nimoy will talk about his role in Star Trek at the Carpenter Center in Long Beach on October 23rd:
Back in April Leonard Nimoy was given the 2010 Douglas S. Morrow Public Outreach Award by the Space Foundation. Here at the Media Boulevard you'll find photos, videos and an account of the ceremony.
Leonard Nimoy Douglas S. Morrow Award MediaBlvd Magazine | MySpace Video |
Leonard Nimoy (part 2) MediaBlvd Magazine | MySpace Video |
“Fringe” Stars Talk Nimoy’s Final(e) Performance
While we are bidding farewell to some notable genre shows this year like “Lost,” “24,” “Flash Forward,” “Happy Town,” and “Heroes” (in addition, I am still mourning the loss of “Dollhouse”), some good news to report is that “Fringe” will return to FOX for season three in the fall.
Stars Joshua Jackson and John Noble spoke with Access about their season finale, which featured Leonard Nimoy in his last performance.
“Leonard is probably THE icon of science fiction television,” Noble said.
“In the finale you are going to see Leonard at his best. And it’s his final performance,” he said. “He does some extraordinary work, in my opinion, in big important scenes. And then he announced his retirement straight afterwards. So it was pretty special.”
“To have someone like that join your cast is always a great thing,” Joshua Jackson added. “I’m very proud to have been a part of the last Nimoy performance.”
John Noble, who had his long awaited encounter with Nimoy in the season two finale, was very pleased about the intricate storylines featured on the show this year.
“The interesting thing about ‘Fringe’ is our writers have planted seeds way back in the beginning of first season which has paid off in the last few episodes. So, for avid fans, it’s extraordinary.”
“You can drop in when you want to, but for those fans who have been rabid from the very beginning, we are paying off that dedication,” Joshua added.
“If you put in that time, you really get something back out of it. And that’s really good storytelling, Jackson said.
More here at Access Hollywood
Fringe Reviews Updated
Going out with a bang: the first summaries and reviews are in for part two of Over There.
Scenario: To get from the other side (and is that a proper noun now?) to our side, Olivia has to create a tiny portal. But since our heroes lack the backup from last week, they need a particle accelerator to act as a door jam and hold the portal open. Unfortunately, they also need the energy from all of Leonard Nimoy’s atoms splitting apart. William Bell, we hardly knew ye.
Plausibility: 5 of 10. The door-jamb analogy strengthens this one quite a bit, though what’s not clear is how Bolivia, without possessing Olivia’s Cortexiphan-heightened abilities, can open the portal in the first place. I suspect something has been over looked. But I suppose concessions had to be made for that cliffhanger. I’m forgiving, but that’s kind of a big one.
A very detailed summary of the episode can be found at Entertainment Weekly, who find it hard to believe that this was really it:
Leonard Nimoy plays his most active role yet in a Fringe episode, and since he announced his retirement from acting last month, this may also be one of the last times we ever see him on the small screen. If this is his swan song, it's certainly a worthy one. The William Bell character truly comes to life with Nimoy at the helm. There's a classic bit of "old man" banter between Bell and Bishop when they meet again for the first time in a long while. The two have a few bickering moments that are just priceless, and portrayed by two veteran actors. The on-screen dynamic between John Noble and Nimoy is one of the better parts of the episode.
John Noble does a great job of playing both sides of the Walter coin. On one side we have the confidence and control of Walternate, and on the other side there's the frustration, sadness, and self-loathing of Walter. The scenes with Walter and Bell in Walternate's old lab really say everything about this show's mythology and the history between two of its main characters – there's Walter's animosity at what he perceived to be greed on Bell's part, Bell's frustration with the consequences of Walter's actions, and Walter's feelings about having had his brain picked apart. It's great sci-fi drama, made even more poignant by Bell's self-sacrifice at the end of the story.
Before we move on, I want to acknowledge the fantastic career of Leonard Nimoy. The former Spock from "Star Trek" has announced his retirement from acting and he has stated that this would be his last performance. Fortunately, William Bell proved to be a richly rewarding role, which Nimoy played to perfection.
Bell is an important figure in the mythology of "Fringe," who was often spoken about but rarely seen. If another actor had been cast in this part, it's likely that Bell would have continued to play a larger role in the future of the series. However, without Nimoy as Bell, the character would have definitely lost the gravitas that he brought to it.
The chemistry between Nimoy and John Noble's Walter Bishop was also really impressive work from two veteran actors. Their interplay was riveting and made good use of the history between the two characters. Their earliest interactions in the restaurant are largely played for laughs, but they also captured powerful moments like Walter's realization of what he had unleashed upon the alternate world and his fury towards Bell over losing 17 years of his life to an institution.
John Noble and Joshua Jackson comment on working with Leonard Nimoy.
IGN talked to Anna Torv about the season finale of Fringe and Mr. Nimoy's final scene as an actor.
IGN: We recently learned that Leonard Nimoy has retired from acting, and that the final scene he shot was with you.
Torv: I know! And it was actually that scene that you saw in the last episode. We didn't know that. Yeah, I can't believe that! That was a shock, when I found that out afterwards.
IGN: It has to be kind of cool though, to think, "I performed with Leonard Nimoy in his final scene as an actor."
Torv: Yeah! Can you believe that? I got to clap him out. Yeah, that was pretty [great]… But we didn't know! He's so unassuming and beautiful that he just didn't make a big deal out of it. I wish he had!
More here.
Mr. Nimoy will lend his voice to Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep in the role of Master Xehanort:
A prequel to the mega-hit series, this pivotal installment takes players back to the beginnings of the KINGDOM HEARTS saga, long before Sora was chosen by his Keyblade. Players will explore iconic Disney worlds in a unique gaming experience that unfolds through the perspectives of three different main characters: Terra, Ventus and Aqua. Their journeys will take them through Sleeping Beauty's Enchanted Dominion, the Dwarf Woodlands from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Deep Space from Lilo & Stitch. Additionally, KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep includes four all-new multiplayer modes that allow players to enjoy the action with their friends.
KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep is being brought to life through voice talents including Mark Hamill, Willa Holland, Jesse McCartney, Leonard Nimoy and James Woods. With an enhanced and action-packed battle system accompanied by stellar performances from pop-culture icons, KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep continues to push the franchise forward.
More here.
People have talked a lot about the fact that William Bell's character had to be scaled back a little bit when you were cast because of your availability. You're not in as many episodes as they were hoping to feature the character. Do you know what some of those things that they were hoping to do with the character that they didn't get to do, or do you feel like there was stuff that didn't get to happen?
Leonard Nimoy: This is actually news to me. I haven't heard this before. I don't think it's accurate. I was asked to do five episodes. I did. So, I don't know where that information is coming from. It's true that, in the first three episodes that I did for them, or even the first four, I would say that my involvement was minimal. In this final one, coming up next week, I'm heavily involved. I don't know of any other plans that they had, or anything about scaling back. I don't think it's accurate. They asked me to do five episodes, and I did.}
More here at Movie Web.
At Access Hollywood Scott Mantz wrote a piece about his feelings hearing that one of his heroes leaves the screen. Of all the reports I've read about Mr. Nimoy announcing his retirement, this is one that comes straight from the heart:
As a card-carrying “Star Trek” fan, it was an honor and a privilege to interview Leonard Nimoy last year when the great “Star Trek” reboot came out. I was a little worried about meeting one of my heroes, because I didn’t want to be disappointed, but he was even nicer (and a lot cooler!) than I ever could have hoped.
Other journalists asked about Nimoy’s post-retirement plans, which included his critically acclaimed photography, but if this is indeed his last hurrah in front of the camera, at least I got to speak with one of my heroes one last time.
Here is the video again that's referred to in the article:
In one of those reports that were derived from the conference call mentioned in the piece above, Leonard Nimoy spoke about retirement, Star Trek and Fringe:
It was "Star Trek" director and "Fringe" producer J.J. Abrams who lured Nimoy back for one last hurrah playing the mysterious William Bell, the former lab partner of mad scientist Walter Bishop (John Noble) in the Fox science fiction series. Bell is a man that Nimoy said he's tried to make disarming, but also dangerous.
"I thought I owed J.J. that, so I did this last job," Nimoy said. "I think it's a good note to go out on."
But Nimoy was tight lipped about how his character would sign off from the series next Thursday. He did give some clue that unlike most of the show's other lead actors, Bell would not encounter an alternate from the parallel universe.
'I was only given one William Bell to play and that's the William Bell you'll see," Nimoy said.
Moreover, Nimoy refused to say that if the tensions between Bell and Bishop would boil over in his final appearance, but did confirm that "...there is a very strong scene between Walter and William. I'd say it's at the heart of the episode.
He said that saying goodbye to acting was difficult and that after filming his last scene on "Fringe."
"I didn't want it to end, because the experience was such a positive one," Nimoy said. "I told the crew, 'I've been at this for 60 years, and I've never been with a better company.'"
Nimoy voiced no regrets that he was saying goodbye to his signature character, because he told reporters that he had great respect for Quinto, the actor replacing him as the Enterprise's science officer in the "Star Trek" reboot.
"He's a wonderful actor and he's very well trained, when I began working I was not as well trained as he," Nimoy said. "I had to kind of learn as I worked and that's not the best way to go."
More here at The Wrap.
Fringe Interview
Mr. Nimoy pointed out this video at Twitter.
The first reviews for Over There Part 1 are in:
There were many exciting, even moving moments last night. The meeting between our Olivia and Leonard Nimoy’s Bell was typically fraught with cryptic ambiguity. (The question always is, should she believe what he’s telling her, and the answer is always put off, but Nimoy knows how to play cryptic ambiguity with the skill of a Mr. Spock.)
Of course, the greatest comeback belongs to William Bell, played brilliantly but briefly by Leonard Nimoy. Presumably, next week's second half will have a much higher Bell quotient, especially as he and Olivia have to locate and assist the badly injured Walter Bishop. I can't wait to see William and Walter in action once and for all.
Leonard Nimoy, Dr. William Bell on "Fringe": The "Star Trek" icon's guest role as the genius scientist now residing in the alternate world was an inspired bit of writing. Not that he's the world's best actor, but Nimoy's witty presence elevated the Fox sci-fi series to greatness. The season finale, May 20, will feature his character prominently.
Two new pictures of Leonard Nimoy from "Over There" can be found here.
Cinemaspy has two videos and this to report from the set of Fringe:
We can also tell you that the way this finale is written, it marks the "end" of William Bell. Of course, this is sci-fi, so who knows for sure?
DVD Playground talked to Mr. Nimoy about the two part season finale Over There and it might finally shed some light on what motivates William Bell:
The recent April 1st flashback episode not only introduced us to the Walternate, but shed some much needed light on Walter’s original motivation for wanting to bridge the gap between the two universes. Should fans expect to meet meet William Bell’s alternate universe counterpart in the finale and will we learn what Bell’s motivation for all this is?
We will get some information in [the season finale] episode about the William Bell on this side, the younger William Bell on this side. There will be some information given. We’ll find out what his story is all about in this episode. FRINGE is a very complicated show, which is one of the things that makes it so successful. It’s intriguing, constantly intriguing. There’s no question you can answer in any definitive way that doesn’t lead to another question. [As to William Bell's motivation] Yeah, I think you’ll get more of what he’s after.
Sounds ominous, can William Bell be trusted?
Good question. Again, my grasp of where William Bell is now is given to me by the dialogue on the pages in these two scripts. It’s the things that I say to people about myself as William Bell. It’s the things I tell them about myself. And always there seems to be this question about whether or not you believe what I’m telling people about myself. He says specifically to Olivia, “I know you have reason not to trust me.” I’ve said that to her before. “But you’re going to have to. So take your choice. Either way, away from me and go your own way, or listen to me and try to take something from what I’m saying that’s useful to you.” And I think that’s the fun of the character. We have to decide whether you want to trust him or not and see what evolves. These scripts give us a couple of twists and turns where we wonder if we’ve been had by William Bell, which is great.
Here is a medley by FringeTelevision of what the characters had to say about William Bell in the first season.
From the Nimoy Library of Recorded Jewish Books

More here.
Leonard Nimoy talked to SciFi Wire about what we'll see in the upcoming episodes...
... and if there is some character trait of William Bell he might identify with...
but after announcing his retirement, this remark seems most...remarkable
The show's been picked up for a third season.
Nimoy: How about that? That's great.
Does that mean that your character might return in the third season?
Nimoy: I have no idea about any future plans. I answer the phone, particularly when J.J. Abrams calls me. "OK, I have to answer the phone." (Laughs.)
You can find two more photos from shooting the upcoming episode here.
The video Leonard Nimoy narrates for the Everychild Foundation that his wife Susan supports is now available on YouTube.
Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner presented the Award for special effects at the 59th Annual Academy Awards in 1987
What does it mean to be a Jew today?
What do Jews bring to the world today?
Leonard Nimoy
I’m a first-generation American. My parents were very ghettoized people; they were immigrants. For everything that broke in the news, their concern was: “Was it a Jewish person?” and “Is it good or bad for the Jews?” If there was something terrible that somebody did, you prayed that it wasn’t a Jewish person because it would inflame anti-Semitism. We’re past that to some degree. We don’t have Father Coughlin on the radio spouting anti-Semitism. Still, we take pride in the accomplishments of Jews and worry about the negatives. What can we offer the world today? It would be wonderful to say, “Oh, we’re honest, striving, liberal, educated, persevering, cultured, sophisticated, people of the book, all that good stuff.” But it’s not so easy today to hold ourselves as an example. Just look at the question of Israeli-Arab relations. I was having a conversation with an Israeli cab driver once and he said, “They lie to us! We can’t negotiate with them; they lie to us!” After a moment’s pause, he added, “And we lie right back!” Leonard Nimoy is an actor and photographer.
More here.
Mark your calendars: The first-ever Hero Complex Film Festival will take flight June 11-13 at the Mann Chinese 6 in Hollywood with five amazing films and on-stage appearances by three signature filmmakers.
On Friday, it's "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home," followed by a Q&A session with the movie's star and director, television and film icon Leonard Nimoy. Nimoy has just announced his retirement from acting and his plan to decline all future invitations to make public "Trek" event appearances. For "Trek" fans, this year is the final farewell to the original Mr. Spock, and the Hero Complex Film Festival will be part of that long goodbye.
More at the Los Angeles Times.