What's New May 2013
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Leonard Nimoy Talks Star Trek Into Darkness
How did you enjoy participating in the festivities at the L.A. premiere of Star Trek Into Darkness?
NIMOY: Oh, it was a lot of fun, a lot of fun. They had a gigantic crowd. They were very enthusiastic. I had a lot of family with me, and we all enjoyed it.
What worked best for you about the film?
NIMOY: It’s hard not to enjoy this movie. There’s so much of a thrill ride happening. The relationships between the characters are terrific. The actors are all wonderful. I’m particularly proud of Zachary Quinto because of my connection to the Spock character. I think Zachary did a wonderful job. But they’re all terrific.
How humbled were you by the cheer that greeted your appearance as Spock Prime?
NIMOY: That was very touching. I appreciated that.
How did J.J. Abrams approach you about doing your cameo?
NIMOY: He just said, “Would you come in for a couple of days and do me a favor.”
Was your scene shot at Paramount? At Sony? At Bad Robot?
NIMOY: It was shot at Bad Robot. I drove myself over there, and J.J. directed the scene.
How amazed were you that no photos emerged? That the secret was kept secret for as long as it was?
NIMOY: I was very pleased that it worked out that way. I was asked time and time again if I was in the movie, and I managed to avoid answering without lying. (Laughs)
We believe you flat-out said no, actually.
NIMOY: Did I say “No”? Maybe I was confused. Of course, speaking, if you’ll pardon me, logically, I wouldn’t know if I was in the movie until I saw the movie.
Be honest, do you think you’ve NOW donned Spock’s pointy ears for the last time or are you still a never-say-never kind of guy?
NIMOY: Wow… That’s impossible to answer. I don’t know. I don’t know what J.J. is going to do. I consider him a very good friend. I think he’s done a great thing for Star Trek. I’m very grateful to him. We all owe him a lot. When someone comes along like he has done and picks it up and elevates it, we should be grateful. So when J.J. calls me, I take the call.
Last question. If J.J. Abrams rings you and says, “Come be in Star Wars,” what would you say?
NIMOY: Oooh. Ooooh, wouldn’t that be fun. I would love to.
You don’t think the galaxy would implode if Spock played a role in Star Wars?
NIMOY: No, no. I think it would work wonderfully. I think it would work just great. I think it would be a great idea, and somebody ought to tell him that.
Source: Star Trek.comSubmitted by Grace
What the press has to say:
Leonard Nimoy wants a part in Star Wars 7
The guys at StarTrek.com weren't exactly sure about it themselves, asking Nimoy whether "the galaxy would implode if Spock played a role in Star Wars." But the ageing science officer
"No, no," he explained. "I think it would work wonderfully. I think it would work just great. I think it would be a great idea, and somebody ought to tell him that.
Of course, 'Star Wars' fans have already expressed concerns about Abrams monopolising the two major sci-fi franchises… but while it's something most of us have come to accept, I'm not sure that hiring Leonard Nimoy (or any of the other 'Star Trek' actors) would really help matters. Still, there's a long way to go before we see who will appear in the latest 'Star Wars' movie… and whether or not Abrams will approach Nimoy for a part. Fascinating.
Source: Yahoo Movies
Submitted by Grace
Star Wars Bits: Al Pacino, Leonard Nimoy, Make-a-Wish, ‘Attack of the Clones’, ‘Return of the Jedi’
Microwarriors 2: "The Origin and the Destiny" "In this groundbreaking film series, "Microwarriors: The Origin and the Destiny," Leonard Nimoy will take you "inside the world" of these beneficial bacteria. For more information, please visit www.microwarriorsmovie.com" (via Trek Today) |
Leonard Nimoy Supports 'Star Trek' Writers' Kickstarter-Funded Project (Exclusive)
Leonard Nimoy and other big names in the sci-fi arena have endorsed a new project from original Stark Trek writers David Gerrold and DC (Dorothy) Fontana and producer David C. Fein that’s aiming to raise funds via Kickstarter. The trio are using the crowd-funding platform to raise money to shoot and create a new science fiction adventure series titled The Star Wolf. So far, they have raised $52,000 of their $650,000 goal.
“David Gerrold and Dorothy Fontana gave us some of the best writing we ever had on the original Star Trek series,” Nimoy says. “I, for one, will be eagerly looking forward to see what their creativity will offer us on The Star Wolf.”
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
That day every few weeks when I pull up the Ignore page and start blocking out social-justice folks whose logic is sufficiently impaired that they no longer catch their own tautologies.
(Due to way too much writing for Spock in my time, I have a sort of virtual Vulcan logic assessor that lives in the back of my head. When the classic errors in logic are committed, I can sort of hear it growling in Nimoy’s voice, “Ensign, please retire from public admonition until you learn to think without emotion becoming so engaged that it blinds you to your own fallacies.” And there’s another indicator that engages as well, more a function of a McCoy than a Spock: “I’d trust this schoolin’ a whole lot more if it didn’t smell so damn righteous.”)
Diane Duane (born 18 May 1952; age 61) is the author of numerous Star Trek novels, including The Wounded Sky,Doctor’s Orders and Spock’s World (Pocket TOS), Dark Mirror and Intellivore (Pocket TNG), and the Rihannsuseries – My Enemy, My Ally, The Romulan Way, Swordhunt, Honor Blade, and The Empty Chair. She also created aRomulan language for the Rihannsu novels.
Voices (Updated)
Real-life 'Tricorder' inventor on meeting Leonard Nimoy
Scanadu co-founder and CEO Walter De Brouwer, talks about hanging out with Leonard Nimoy, saying "it's one of the best days of my life."
The video is here. (Since I can't disable autostart, I've removed the video embedd from this page.)
Scanadu team talking #tricorders with Leonard Nimoy inspired by #startrek. @TheRealNimoy
Source: Twitter
Submitted by Grace
More from Star Trek Into Darness Updated
Why 'Star Trek Into Darkness' Suggests J.J. Abrams Needs To Leave His Mystery Box Alone For A While
But the twist in "Star Trek Into Darkness" doesn't seem to serve much purpose beyond creating a mystery for the sake of mystery. And beyond that, it actively hurts the movie as a whole. Because rather than developing a new take on the classic villain, Abrams and the writers simply drop him into the middle of the movie, and let Leonard Nimoy explain, not that clearly, who he is. The result is a villain who feels positively anaemic, not least if, like most of the target audience, you haven't seen the original series or 'Wrath of Khan,' and only have the vaguest sense of who the character is. Imagine if, rather than faking the audience out, the movie had used its first half to actually develop Khan's motivations, backstory and personality? It might not have made the film a classic, but it certainly would have solved some of its biggest issues. Ultimately, we can't see what anyone -- Abrams, Cumberbatch, the audience -- got out of Khan's identity being a secret.
Source: Indiewire
Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto meld a friendship for the ages
Star Trek fans everywhere have been watching, sharing and re-watchingThe Challenge, a sly Audi ad that, as a comedy vehicle, comfortably seats a pair of mismatched Spocks: Leonard Nimoy, the television and sci-fi icon, and his on-screen heir, Zachary Quinto, who wears the ears in Star Trek Into Darkness.
They are trash-talking frenemies in the mini-movie, but Trek producer Bryan Burke says that in grand Spock tradition there’s a vast emotion hidden behind that frosty artifice.”Their relationship is not a working relationship at all,” Burke said. ”They’re family.”
”We spend a lot of time together, we keep in touch,” Quinto said in February just a few days after he filmed the Audi ad. “He’s a great friend. I value his presence in my life far beyond the experience we had making the first Star Trek movie and I’m grateful that it brought us together but now the friendship is a thing — it’s own thing. I love Leonard a lot.”
Either way, the Spocks stage their own reunions month in and month out. Star Trek Into Darkness writer and producer Damon Lindelof said the friendship is light years removed from that photo-op first meeting.
“Zach and Leonard mind-melded in first sight and have been inseparable ever since,” Lindleof said. “I have never seen a more wonderful shared respect between actors.”
Source: EW.com
Submitted by Grace
Zachary Quinto talks about the friendship formed with LN and making the Audi commercial. The video is here. (Since I can't disable autostart, I've removed the video embedd from this page.)
The movie did throw punches but it also drew laughs. In the end, the return of the original Mr. Spock, Leonard Nimoy, was simply the cherry on top.
Source: celebdirtylaundry.com
As Mr. Spock on TV’s “Star Trek,” Leonard Nimoy could be seen every week doing the whole seeking out new life forms and new civilizations thing.
But when the show was canceled in early 1969, Nimoy soon found himself in another place that — at first glance — might seem strange: onstage at the Music Hall.
In April that year, Nimoy was a featured performer at Sheriff C.V. “Buster” Kern’s 16th annual Night of Stars show. Now there’s two names I never thought I’d see in the same sentence.
“I’m not interested in doing night clubs,” he shrugged. “That takes a very special kind of training, and I haven’t got it. I’ve been offered jobs in Las Vegas and at the Latin Quarter in New York. I’ve turned them down. This is different. These people out here are coming here as my friends from TV. I feel comfortable with them.”
Source: Chron
submitted by ageofgreen
Voice Actor
THE PRIME MINISTERS to Make NY Premiere at AMC Lincoln Square, 5/7
The Prime Ministers is an epic film that looks at six decades of Israel's history-from its founding until the early 21st century. The film will debut on Tuesday, May 7, 2013 at 7:30pm at AMC Lincoln Square, 1998 Broadway, New York City.
Based on the best selling book by Ambassador Yehuda Avner, the documentary takes the audience inside the offices of Israel's Prime Ministers, bringing to life never before revealed stories about Levi Eshkol, Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, and Shimon Peres as well as United States Presidents LynDon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter.
The film has an all-star cast including Sandra Bullock, Michael Douglas and Leonard Nimoy. Moriah Films, the film division of the Simon Wiesenthal Center has won 2 academy awards and has had their twelve previous films viewed by over half a billion people world-wide. There is no doubt that Moriah Films, the film division of the Simon Wiesenthal Center has produced the most significant collection of documentaries on the epic events that shaped Jewish history in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Source: movies.broadwayworld.com
Submitted by Grace
The Prime Ministers
New York Premiere
Tuesday, May 7, 2013 at 7:30pm
Starring Sandra Bullock - as the voice of Golda Meir
Michael Douglas - as the voice of Yitzhak Rabin
Leonard Nimoy - as the voice of Levi Eshkol
Film screening 7:30 p.m.
Special Guest Ambassador Yehuda Avner author, The Prime Ministers
AMC Lincoln Square
1998 Broadway, New York, NY
The Prime Ministers, the thirteenth production of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s two-time Academy Award®-winning Moriah Films, is an epic film that looks at six decades of Israel’s history—from its founding until the early 21st century. Based on the bestselling book by Ambassador Yehuda Avner, the documentary takes the audience inside the offices of Israel’s Prime Ministers, bringing to life never before revealed stories about Levi Eshkol, Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, and Shimon Peres.
The film’s first half, The Pioneers will be screened at the upcoming Premiere. It covers the era of Prime Ministers Eshkol and Meir. Part Two will focus on Prime Ministers Rabin and Begin. Weaving a rich tapestry of history and personal testimonies, The Prime Ministers brings some of the most important events of the 20th and 21st centuries to life.
Source: Museum of Tolerance
Star Trek Into Darkness L.A. Premiere (Updated)
Submitted by Grace
Submitted by Grace
Submitted by Grace
Also submitted by Grace

More Pictures
GQ, weheartit.com, washingtonpost.com, hollywoodreporter.com, Yahoo Movies, CBS News, ONTD, Image Collect
okidoki24, marlaruiz88, codywoodphotography, ifandomscollide (Submitted by Grace.)
lauralex.tumblr.com, verysherry.tumblr.com, mrssylargray.tumblr.com, paulturner76.tumblr.com, leonerdmccoy.tumblr.com
Zimbio, Trek Movie, Getty Images, The National, Contact Music.com, UPI,
What the press has to say
Leonard Nimoy is the only person who should do Vulcan salute
Spocks United: Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto meld a friendship for the ages
How many premieres does one blockbuster need?
‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ premiere: Chris Pine, Zoe Saldana, more
Las bendiciones del señor Spok
Why 'Star Trek Into Darkness' Suggests J.J. Abrams Needs To Leave His Mystery Box Alone For A While
Celebrities Turned Photographers - From Dennis Hopper to Kenny Rogers
One that comes to mind without any research is Leonard Nimoy. Nimoy’s photography is first-rate, in fact, it would be a valid argument to debate whether he is first and foremost an actor or a photographer. This would be no debate among Trekkies nor would it have been valid a decade or two ago. But today he is an accomplished photographer in his own right. Check his stuff.
Source: Blogger News Network
Stage: Voice Actor
The ‘light’-er side of Temple Israel of Hollywood
Temple Israel of Hollywood (TIOH) lived up to its name on April 28 when it threw a free biblically themed matinee musical, “Let There Be Light,” on Lag B’Omer featuring numerous celebrities.
One Hollywood star who was half-missing was temple member and “Star Trek” legend Leonard Nimoy. Slated to appear in the role of God, he missed the performances to attend the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Washington, D.C. He didn’t miss any lines in the play, though — his distinctive (recorded) voice still boomed throughout the sanctuary.
Source: Jewish Journal
Commercial (Updated)
What the web has to say:
Witziger Werbespot: Wettstreit zwischen Leonard Nimoy und Zachary Quinto
Star Trek trifft Audi und Mercedes
Adwatch: Audi’s Star Trek Challenge pits Leonard Nimoy’s Spock against Zachary Quinto’s
Leonard Nimoy, Zachary Quinto Audi Commercial [VIDEO]: Old & New Spock Face Off in 'The Challenge'
Zachary Quinto and Leonard Nimoy: Battle of the Spocks! - Watch Here!
Leonard Nimoy - Spock vs Spock: Car Commercial Pits Leonard Nimoy Against Zachary Quinto
The "Star Trek" stars team up in "The Challenge."
AD OF THE DAY: Old Spock Vs. New Spock In Audi-Mercedes Race
Old and new Spock converge in viral Audi ad
Zachary Quinto et Leonard Nimoy, les 2 Spock de Star Trek, se battent pour Audi
Spock VS Spock: Leonard Nimoy y Zachary Quinto protagonizan un anuncio de Audi
Star Trek phasers on fun for Spocks' car ad
Old Spock and New Spock Face Off in Hilarious Audi Commercial
Spock Squared: Star Trek Stars Battle for a Free Lunch in New Audi Ad
Audi's 'Star Trek' commercial pits Spock vs Spock
Zachary Quinto und Leonard Nimoy in Auto-Werbespot
Spock vs. Spock: Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto spar in Audi ad
Video: Leonard Nimoy und Zachary Quinto im Spock-Duell
Leonard Nimoy Races, Sings in New Audi Ad
Zachary Quinto Challenges Leonard Nimoy To A Spock-Off In New Audi Promo!
Leonard Nimoy Commercial: Old Spock vs Young Spock
Leonard Nimoy And Zachary Quinto Star In New Audi Ad
Zachary Quinto vs. Leonard Nimoy: The Challenge
Audi And Leonard Nimoy Mock Mercedes-Benz In A Funny New Ad
Leonard Nimoy Takes On Zachary Quinto In New 'Star Trek' Spock-Themed Audi Ad
Leonard Nimoy vs. Zachary Quinto: New Spock Goes Toe-to-Toe With Old Spock in Audi Ad
Two Spocks Duke It Out In TV Spot
Two Spocks go where many men have gone before: the golf club
Audi digs at Mercedes with the help of a pair of Spocks
Sorry, Spocks; Mercedes-Benz CLS550 Handles Golf Clubs Just Fine
How Audi Upstaged Mazda’s ‘Star Trek’ Campaign
Audi ad with Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto wins the Internet
Fascinating tool breaks down YouTube video popularity by region, age, gender
One of the most fascinating breakdowns is by gender. Among women, the Charles Ramsey interview is king -- the most viewed video by women in 88 percent of identifiable geographic locations. Among men, however, the Zachary Quinto and Leonard Nimoy video is the winner, and currently the most viewed video among men of all ages in 58 percent of geographic regions in the U.S.
Source: allvoices
Samsung’s Galaxy S4 campaign tops the Viral Video Chart for May
2. Audi: Zachary Quinto vs Leonard Nimoy – The Challenge – 566,013 shares
How could any self-respecting sci-fi fan resist two Spocks for the price of one?
Especially when you consider this commercial, which pits legend Leonard Nimoy against young pretender Zach Quinto in a battle over who can get to the golf club faster, was released when excitement around the release of the new Star Trek Into Darkness movie was at fever pitch.
Timing is everything in life, just as in advertising. And Audi timed their release perfectly, whetting the considerable appetite for all things Star Trek across the web, while also giving a tantalising glimpse at one of the stars of the new J.J. Abrams reboot.
It did the trick. During May, the ad racked up an impressive 566,013 shares, putting it light years ahead of all but one new ad last month.
The real success of this ad is that you don’t have to be a die-hard Trekkie to enjoy it. Sure, there are no doubt a number of in-jokes that whistled past my head faster than a spaceship in warp speed, but that didn’t matter.
The banter between the two very likeable and popular actors is very entertaining and the pay-off was worth sticking around for.
Source: Internet Advertizing Bureau
Events (Updated)
More pictures at Famous Monsters, I4U News (just one picture) and here (submitted by mrssylargray)
Star Trek 2009 and Leonard Nimoy at the Egyptian Theatre
After the screening, a clip of Zachary Quinto (Spock 2.0 for those of you not keeping track) and JJ Abrams introduced the man himself, Mr. Spock: Leonard Nimoy. Even at 82-years-old, he’s still such a presence in the room. He talked with Geoff Boucher from Entertainment Weekly about his experiences with the original cast, the new cast, and his travels throughout the world as an actor and director.
My favorite bits by far were his discussions on other franchises I’m a massive fan of. Few people know that in the early ’70s Leonard did a hardy amount of live theatre. One of his many roles included that of Sherlock Holmes, the world’s most famous consulting detective. I’ve been a fan of the Sherlock Holmes canon since I was a child, having started reading the books because my favorite Star Trek character, Data, often played him in holodeck adventures. Fast forward to early 2012 and the news that Benedict Cumberbatch, an actor who has delivered arguably one of the best interpretations of Sherlock Holmes, had been cast as the villain for Star Trek Into Darkness. The connections between Trek and Holmes are numerous, so when Mr. Nimoy was discussing his experience as Holmes, I couldn’t help but fangirl a bit.
Mr. Nimoy was also kind enough to sing us a little diddy: The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins. This is a song that he recorded and shot a video to many years ago. You can see that here: The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins. As a Tolkien fan, I was elated.
Mr. Nimoy also briefly mentioned that he’d be singing that song in a hilarious Audi commercial with Zachary Quinto to be released the following day.
Entertainment Weekly CapeTown Film Festival
HOLLYWOOD, CA - MAY 06: Actor Leonard Nimoy attends Entertainment Weekly’s CapeTown Film Festival presented by The American Cinematheque and sponsored by TNT’s “Falling Skies” at the Egyptian Theatre on May 6, 2013 in Hollywood, California.
Nimoy Beams Down For EW's CapeTown Film Fest
In talking more about his relationship with Zachary Quinto, Mr. Nimoy was asked about his singing of “The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins” in an upcoming Audi ad, to which he delighted the crowd by singing a small snippet. Replying to another question about meeting Quinto, Nimoy noted that he never gave the younger actor advice. They had lunch and talked about the character of Spock – his duality, the philosophy of the character, and how that character interacted within the framework of the philosophy of Star Trek. He never said “You should do this” or “You should do that.”
Segueing into a question about his personal life, Nimoy revealed that he had six grandchildren, and even one great grandson. ALL of them were Star Trek fans – he said emphatically! He also reiterated that he is retired. When asked about his one-man play Vincent, he recounted that he wrote and acted in this play over 35 years ago. A new production, starring Jean Michel Richaud was recently mounted, and Nimoy was asked to attend a showing, which he initially found to be uncomfortable, as he didn’t know if it would be good, if he would feel awkward. Fortunately, the play is wonderful, and Mr. Richaud did an excellent job.
Mr. Nimoy spoke about the recent White House Correspondent’s dinner – and related that he was invited to the event by the Boston Globe – which prompted him to speak briefly about being from Boston. The real Boston. Not a few miles away, from some suburb. He was born and raised in the heart of the city, describing it as being a wonderful place to grow up, with all of the art and culture. Asked if there were any Star Trek moments at the dinner, he replied no, but added that Obama had given him the Vulcan salute years earlier in Los Angeles at a mutual friend’s house.
As the evening drew to a close, Boucher presented Nimoy with a life-size wall-cling – of himself. This made Nimoy laugh, and he said he’d now have to find a place in his house to hang it, where everyone would have to see it as they walked in the door.
With that, he saluted and thanked the audience for coming. Another standing ovation, and the evening was over.
Source: StarTrek.com
Is it May already?
So, where have I been? On vacation for two weeks, and recovering from jet lag for half of last week. I'm also doing some housekeeping on the page here. In the past one of the sites (ImageShack) I used to store pictures on has been a bit unreliable. Which is why I’m transferring the print interviews to Tumblr. I’m also going through that category on my website with a fine comb to see if all links still work. Which should keep me quite busy for a while. I’ll also make some of the pictures rebloggable and or available by themselves, divorced from the interviews they originally appeared in. (As it would be too much effort right now to embed all of them them here, please go have a look at them on my Tumblr page.)
One of my stops was in Seattle, which has a Science Fiction museum (who knew?) that has original props from Science Fiction and Horror movies and TV series on display. But then, maybe, that's not so surprising for a city that created kind of a UFO landing site as an attraction for the world fair in 1962. The exhibits are organized around the main themes of the genres, like "Destiny" and "Heroes". If you're ever going to Seattle, the museum is well worth a visit.
Wether due to the imminent release of the next Star Trek film, or a general love for Spock, I found this on a wall close to the public market in Seattle.
It was also such a pleasure to see Bonnie and the guys again. Not to mention talking about our favorite subject until our eyes fell shut. Thank you so much for inviting me again, Bonnie.
Wether due to the imminent release of the next Star Trek film, or a general love for Spock, I found this on a wall close to the public market in Seattle.
It was also such a pleasure to see Bonnie and the guys again. Not to mention talking about our favorite subject until our eyes fell shut. Thank you so much for inviting me again, Bonnie.
Already in October last year I visited Irene and always wanted to say thank you for the wonderful time I had. Last October I didn't get around to putting something up here, though, because I got a really nasty cold while in the Netherlands and wasn't much use when back at home. And then life happened... So, let me take the time now to correct that grave oversight. Thank you Irene, I enjoyed seeing you, and the cold was a small price to pay ;)