What's New September 2012
I'm excited. My self portrait will be on exhibition in Paris in November.LLAP
— Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy) September 27, 2012
My self portrait from the LACMA permanent collection to be shown in Paris in November. LLAP twitpic.com/ayvibb
— Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy) September 27, 2012
Taking a Time-Bending Leap Into a Final Season
Published: September 27, 2012
In just four seasons of the Fox series “Fringe,” the dogged F.B.I. agent Olivia Dunham has been used as a child guinea pig by a pair of mad scientists; kidnapped in an alternate universe and experimented on some more; surreptitiously replaced by her alternate-universe doppelgänger, who has a baby by Olivia’s boyfriend; possessed by Leonard Nimoy; shot and killed in 2026; and shot and killed again in 2012. (Yes, after she was shot in 2026.)
The abuse will continue when “Fringe” begins its final season on Friday night. Having been beaten, tortured, killed and put into comas while repeatedly saving the world, Olivia (Anna Torv) suffers her greatest indignity yet: she’s turned into a piece of furniture. Literally.
Source: New York Times
If the New York Times even writes that Olivia was "possessed by Leonard Nimoy," it's no wonder someone felt the need to update Mr. Nimoy biography :)

I don't think I've seen this picture before of the speaker's at Walter Koenig's star ceremony waiting to be called to the stage. This and more at Assignment X.
With Leonard Nimoy @ Ace Gallery in Los Angeles

I worked with Leonard Nimoy in 2003 @ Ace Gallery in Los Angeles. What a great space! It was fun, we had the entire gallery at our disposal. Leonard was great to work with, fun, smart ideas, open to collaboration and was extremely focused on what he was shooting. Alison Caterall modeled with me.
Growing up with Leonard on the television set all the time, it was a bit surreal because I was so accustomed to his voice already. Especially from “In Search Of…” I loved that show and his voice is singed into my memory from that. But, I quickly got over that and went about modeling business. It was fun. He has done some special things for me afterwards and I’ll always be grateful.
Source: Zoe
Host/Narrator: Mutual Radio Theater

First show: Mar 3, 1980 Original shows: 103 Last show: Dec 10, 1980
Number of programs aired including new and repeats: 210
Hosts: Lorne Greene, Andy Griffith, Vincent Price, Cicely Tyson, Leonard Nimoy
In December 1979 the Mutual Broadcasting System acquired the Sears Radio Theater renaming it, the MUTUAL Radio Theater. It retained the same format as before with the same theme for different nights of the week. Lorne Greene remained host for Monday's Western night, Andy Griffith handled Tuesday's Comedy, Vincent Price still was host for Mystery on Wednesdays, Cicely Tyson did Love on Thursday, while Leonard Nimoy was now the Friday night Adventure host. As before the series aired week nights, Monday through Friday.
The Mutual Radio Theater debuted Mar 3, 1980 and was to run for 13 weeks on almost 300 stations. The shows were then to be repeated over the summer and fall. It proved to be fairly successful and another 8 weeks of original programs were added; this was followed by another 8 weeks of repeats. The series was broadcast in stereo, making it the only commercial radio network drama program in the nation to use this technology at the time.
Great writers were employed for this series including Arch Oboler and Norman Corwin. Good choices were made when it came to cast members. Old familiar voices and names included Janet Waldo, John Dehner, Vic Perrin, Mary Jane Croft, Hans Conried, Marvin Miller, Parley Baer, Elliot Lewis, Jeff Corey, Virginia Gregg, Lesley Woods, Robert Rockwell and Lurene Tuttle. Then from movies and TV - Eve Arden, Keith Andes, Harriet Nelson, Aan Young, Tom Bosley and Marian Ross, Lloyd Bochner, Rick Jason, Frank Campanella, Toni Tennille, Arthur Hill, Dan O'Herlihy, Jesse White and Frank Nelson.
A curious note: Many collectors and vendors list a total of 104 broadcasts. Apparently what was done by them was to count a repeat of "The Ship", first broadcast on March 7, 1980 as another show when it was aired again during the first 13 week cycle (May 23, 1980).
The download links for the above website don't work anymore. Some shows can be downloaded here.
This page (MUTUAL RADIO THEATER compiled by Dick Judge Up-dated Dec 3, 2005), gives a complete list of shows and airdates.
A review and scans of the acompanying notes can be found at Booksteve's Library. From that we know Leonard Nimoy hosted "A Trip to Casablanca."
Like most of the latter-day attempts, MRT was an anthology series but this five day a week series offered a different genre and a different celebrity host for every night of the week.
Monday was Western night hosted by BONANZA’s Lorne Greene (himself a veteran of Canadian radio). Tuesday was Comedy night presented by Andy Griffith. On Wednesday, Vincent Price—a radio man from way back—offered Mystery. Thursday featured Cicely Tyson with Romance and Friday perhaps incongruously offered Leonard (I AM NOT SPOCK) Nimoy with Adventure night.
An immediate inherent fault in this format was the fact that if you liked mysteries and adventures, you would only listen on Wednesdays and Fridays. If you only wanted a few laughs, you’d only tune in on Tuesday. Since listening to radio in the evenings was hardly a regular habit for most folks by 1980, more than likely you wouldn’t even remember from week to week.
It might have helped if the series had gotten listings, reviews or other publicity in newspapers but quite frankly if the MUTUAL RADIO THEATER even played in the Cincinnati market I was never aware of it.
Source: Booksteve's Library
Also hosted by Leonard Nimoy was the episode "The Ship," which is available at Old Time Radio Fans. The Digital Daily Too lists him as introducing the story "A Decent Christian Woman." You can buy CD sets at Buy it at Nostalgia Merchant or Radio Archives.
George Takei and talented company giving heartfelt performances in "Allegiance" at Globe theatre, San Diego. Very moving. LLAP
— Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy) September 24, 2012
About the Show
Allegiance is an epic story of love, war and heroism set during the Japanese American internment of World War II, following the story of the Kimura family in the weeks and years following Pearl Harbor, as they are relocated from their farm in Salinas, California to the Heart Mountain internment camp in the rural plains of Wyoming.
Their story reflects the deep conflicts of a nation and a people divided, as younger brother Sammy strives to prove his loyalty and patriotism, while older sister Keiko comes to resist their internment and treatment by the government. The Kimura’s conflicts mirror the larger rift between the Japanese American Citizens League, which urged cooperation with the internment and unwavering loyalty to America, and the draft resisters of Heart Mountain, who steadfastly refused to serve a country that had put them in concentration camps. This universal story sheds new light upon a dark, under-explored, and wrenching chapter of American history. Through the remembrances of Old Sam, the painful past is revisited, and at long last, redemption and understanding begin to heal decades-old wounds.
Allegiance sheds new light upon a dark chapter of American history. One of the first Asian musicals in more than a decade, with a stunning and moving score, Allegiance connects the audience with universal themes of love, family and redemption.
Allegiance had its World Preview at The Old Globe theater in California in 2012, one of the largest and highly-respected regional theaters for development of new musicals in California and in the United States.
“Star Trek” icons Leonard Nimoy & George Takei together again after performance of “Allegiance”
Star Trek icon George Takei is currently spending his days at the Old Globe Theatre in San Diego as one of the stars of the musical Allegiance which he hopes to take to Broadway.
The musical is about the internment of Americans of Japanese descent during World War II resonates deeply because it is something Takei and his family had to live through.
Over the weekend, Takei posted a photo of himself with his former Star Trek co-star Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock) who caught a performance of the show.
Both of these guys still look terrific!
Source: GregInHollywood
Paul Nakauchi, @georgetakei, Leonard Nimoy & Michael K. Lee at Allegiance! #Broadway #StarTrek @startrek @star_trek twitter.com/TheOldGlobe/st…
— The Old Globe (@TheOldGlobe) September 24, 2012
Leonard Nimoy, @georgetakei & @msleasalonga backstage at Allegiance! #Broadway #StarTrek @startrek @star_trek twitter.com/TheOldGlobe/st…
— The Old Globe (@TheOldGlobe) September 24, 2012
Leonard Nimoy reunited w/ @georgetakei backstage at Allegiance today! @therealnimoy #StarTrek @startrek @star_trek twitter.com/TheOldGlobe/st…
— The Old Globe (@TheOldGlobe) September 24, 2012
so great meeting you, @therealnimoy. Thanks for coming to @allegiancebway. twitter.com/tellyleung/sta…
— Telly Leung (@tellyleung) September 23, 2012
There are a few more photos on the show's facebook page and Lockerz
Tony Piazza worked as an extra on Invasion of the Body Snatchers and shares a memory from the set.
Captain, This is Not Logical- A Star Trek Memory by Tony Piazza
During 1977 my activities in the film industry started winding down- my last assignment for the casting agency was some “extra” work on a re-make of the 1956 science fiction film “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” This one starred DONALD SUTHERLAND, BROOKE ADAMS, and LEONARD NIMOY, and the setting was changed from Los Angeles to the Bay Area.
My scene was a book signing party. The location was a children’s bookstore on California Street. All the “extras” were separated into groups, given drinks and were told to act as if we were mingling (but quietly) among ourselves as Leonard Nimoy’s character- a psychiatrist made his way through the crowd to the back of the room.
Now, keep in mind that the original “Star Trek- The Motion Picture” had not been filmed yet. In fact the press had been going on for months with stories regarding negotiations with the actors and whether all the original crew would sign on- and even speculating the odds that it would ever be made.
Flashback to the bookstore. My little group was standing directly in Leonard Nimoy’s path- he had to weave through us to get to the back of the room where his scene played out. As we went through numerous rehearsals for the camera, I happened to glance down at a nearby bookshelf where I spied several copies of a children’s “Star Trek” book that featured a drawing of Mr.Spock prominently on the cover- pointy ears and all!
Well, I don’t know what got into me, but I instantly hatched a plan that my group would all be reading the books (held up close to our faces- so the cover could easily be seen) on the next rehearsal approach of Mr. Nimoy.
At first he didn’t see it, but was drawn to it by the laughter of the rest of the crew.
His response with a gleam in his eye, “Come on, guys, give me a break!”
As evidenced a year later (1979)- he had those pointy ears back on, and kept them on… up and until his most recent incarnation as the old Spock in 2009s Star Trek feature.
Source: authortonypiazza.com
Sadly, Daily Nimoy Photo is no longer updated. If you still need your fix, try TrekkerScrapbook, which has a My Daily Spock ("A daily picture of Spock or Leonard Nimoy — depending on which is sexier!") and My Weekly Spock category.
The page was on hiatus just when I discovered it some weeks ago, but seems to be back now with this great picture.
This article about William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy turning 80 last year had me going Awwww and falling off my chair laughing at the same time. A spot on analysis. Have a look at the photo that goes with the article, too. It prooves the point.
To Boldly Age
Talk about long voyages, this past week both William Shatner (born March 22, 1931) and Leonard Nimoy (born March 26, 1931) turned 80. That's right, Kirk and Spock are flying the Enterprise with the left turn signal on, complaining that the grandkids don't beam aboard often enough and yelling at Klingons to get off their lawns.
Jokes aside, the birthdays came up a lot in conversation this week, and every time it did there was much surprise the Shatner was 80 because, A, he's busier than most people a third of his age, and B, he doesn't look it all. This would inevitably lead to talk of plastic surgery, hairpieces, girdles, makeup and other things that apparently he does to appear younger. Sometimes he even looks like a giant baby, in my opinion. A few years ago, the subway in Toronto was plastered with advertising for Boston Legal, the lawyer drama that Shatner was on from 2004 to 2008, and anyone waiting on the platform was surrounded by gigantic images of his cherubic face. Between the apparent Botox, layers of makeup and extensive airbrushing on the image, he really did look like a massive toddler. Forget being watched by Big Brother, it was really unnerving to have dozens of Baby Bills staring at you.
Nimoy, on the other hand, has aged naturally, as far as I can tell. He doesn't look as young as Shatner but he doesn't look 80 either. While Shatner is reddish and puffy, seemingly crammed in his clothes, Nimoy has the hip old dude thing going on with his black blazer and turtlenecks. Shatner, much like Burt Reynolds, has decided to pull out all the stops to fight ageing, while the Nimoy, much like Sean Connery, has embraced his age. What makes the comparison interesting is how these opposite approaches have affected the two actors' careers.
For starters, as the Star Trek films went on, it was obviously tougher for Shatner to play Kirk as the action hero he needs to be in the Trek world. In 1994's Star Trek: Generations, where the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation sought out Kirk – thanks to the magic of a time portal, of course – Shatner was in his 60s but trying not to show it. Watch the trailer – he looks like an in-denial actor playing a character, rather than the legendary, starship-flying, fist-fighting, green martian chick-romancing Captain Kirk. In short, a parody.
Nimoy didn't appear in Generations, but did show up from time to time on the latter-day TV series (usually during ratings week) and reworked the character as a wizened sage. I watched the newest, J.J. Abrams, Star Trek last night, in which Nimoy reprises the Spock character, and was struck by how perfect he is in that role. This Spock is steeped in a long lifetime of Vulcany smarts tempered with human emotion. There's so much weight in both the way he delivers his lines in that raspy voice, and in the way he carries himself: weathered and wise. The entire rebirth of the series actually hinges on Nimoy being believable because Spock must be able to sell the crucial time travel plot point. If we don't believe in Spock's exposition, the who thing could've been a big joke. I can't possibly imagine a scenario in which bringing back Kirk would've worked in the film. It would've been goofy.
All that said, Shatner is absolutely brilliant for using that lack of graceful ageing to his full advantage to become perhaps the most successful self-parody ever. From appearances on Saturday Night Live, to his hilarious Priceline commercials, to playing a caricature of himself as a buffoon obsessed with staging a one man musical version of King Lear in the film Free Enterprise, he's in on the joke. And we all love it. Who hasn't attempted their own, Will-iam. Shat-ner. Im...per...son...at...tion?
At 80, both Shatner and Nimoy are more popular than they've ever been, but for different reasons. Respect to both of them for making it work. Happy birthday, gentlemen. Live long and prosper.
Source: msn
Boston Magazine
July 2010
By Jason Schwartz
Leonard Nimoy: Extended Interview
Are you nervous at all about your photo show’s opening?
No, I’m excited. A lot of people are coming from California. My family’s coming. It’s like a major event.
Are you going to charter a plane in?
I wish. I have considered it. But we’re not doing that, no. Too many people are coming in from too many directions at different times.
Well, it will be good for North Adams’s economy.
That’s true.
Back to Boston. Does it pain you that your old West End neighborhood doesn’t exist any more?
Very painful, yeah. Who was it, Thomas Wolfe, who said, "You can’t go home again"? Well, in the case of the West End, he really meant it, you know? It’s gone. It’s gone. I’ve been back there looking for my street, and the only way that I can identify anywhere near where I lived is by the St. Joseph Church, which still exists. We could see that church out the window of my apartment. I can get a rough idea of where we lived, but it’s all gone. The geography has totally changed.
Well, you know, the old jail on Charles Street is now a fancy boutique hotel.
Is that a fact? The Charles Street Jail is a hotel?
One of the fanciest in town.
Really? When did that happen?
A few years ago.
What’s it called?
The Liberty.
It’s called the Liberty? That’s funny.
They have a bar called Alibi.
That’s funny. Wow. My brother and I used to sell newspapers on Beacon Hill.
If I may ask, what’s the wildest thing that has happened to you at a convention?
Did you know I went to Vulcan a few months ago?
That would be pretty nutty. How did you get there?
There’s a town in Alberta, Canada, and it’s called Vulcan.
No kidding.
Would I kid you, a guy from Boston? No. It’s called Vulcan, and it was named Vulcan around 1915, by somebody who was interested in mythology, and they have a Star Trek center there. About a year and a half ago, I heard that the town had been asking Paramount for an opportunity to show a premiere of the Star Trek movie. And they finally got word that they weren’t going to get the movie — maybe because there’s no movie theater in Vulcan. We arranged for 300 people, drawn by lottery, to be bussed from Vulcan to Calgary for a screening, and then back. It’s a kick. The place really is Vulcan. They have a Vulcan bakery, a Vulcan bank, a Vulcan mortuary, and a Vulcan restaurant. You know, it’s all Vulcan.
When you say that, do you mean all the stores have the pointy ears?
No, I’m not doing any jokes here. I’m not doing any jokes about ridiculous, silly stuff. I mean, if you were in Newton and you had a Newton bank and a Newton bakery, this is what they have in Vulcan. So it’s a kick to see everything named Vulcan. It has nothing to do with jokes. It’s serious. It’s real.
Okay, before I go, can I make a fan request? I know you speak Yiddish, so can you please say "Live long and prosper" in Yiddish? All the Trekkies in Brookline will plotz.
Oh, my. The simplest would be to say, "Languh yoren osta lebn." It’s a typical Yiddish expression. Parents say it to their kids. It means, "You should live many years."
Can you say that again?
No! Once was enough.
Read more here.

If I read that sign at the end of the store’s page right, the costume is still available?

Star Trek At The Smithsonian - Leonard Nimoy Toga from “Plato’s Stepchildren”
From February, 1992 through January, 1993; a major exhibition of Star Trek: The Original Series props, costumes and model miniatures was held at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. This exhibition was part of the 25th Anniversary celebration of TOS, and attracted over 880,000 visitors during its 11 month engagement. It was the first time that the Smithsonian had honored a fictional as opposed to scientific achievement; and, to this day, represents the largest and most significant collection of Original Series screen used memorabilia ever to be assembled for public display.
Post number 39 in this series on Star Trek at the Smithsonian focuses on a toga worn by Leonard Nimoy in the 3rd season episode “Plato’s Stepchildren” (first airdate: Nov. 22, 1968).
The initial article on this historic Air and Space exhibition featured a rare 26 min video prepared especially for the event in which the Original Series Cast and Crew discussed the appeal and relevance of Star Trek. It can be seen at http://startrekpropauthority.blogspot.com/2009/05/special-1992-smithsonian-video-with.html
Penny for LN’s thoughts when he first saw the costume design…
Updates to Conventions in no particular order
Photo: Creation Convention Las Vegas (2006)
Beam Me Up to the World’s Largest STAR TREK Convention
August 20, 2010
Later that day, the Hilton ballroom was at full capacity for the star attractions of Bill Shatner (Kirk) and Leonard Nimoy (Spock), who appeared in succession.
They are still a study in contrasts. Both actors are pushing 80 years old. Nimoy declares that he is again retiring from acting (after a superb role in the latest TREK film), and that this go-around is his last one on the convention circuit.
Shatner, on the other hand, gleefully describes the FOUR television series he now has on the air. A favorite is “Aftermath,” where he interviews names in the news several months after their moment in the spotlight. He talks about a landing airplane manufacturer Bombardier as a production sponsor (providing an airplane for the production crew), after learning that the Canadian manufacturer’s CEO is a STAR TREK fan. Shatner is electric with energy, and answers questions from the crowd. He is rumored to have never seen the latest STAR TREK film, but quashes that rumor with a declaration.
Diembodied voice at microphone: “Why won’t you see J.J. Abrams STAR TREK film?”
Shatner: “I saw it! I saw that wonderful motion picture.”
All of the fans in the room know the undercurrent and backstory. Shatner actively campaigned for a cameo role in the latest film. But that never happened.
“I sat by the phone, day after day,” Shatner tells the audience. “And then the phone rang, and it was Leonard Nimoy telling me that he was going to be in the new film!”
Nimoy is up next. He wears a black t-shirt with four letters emblazoned on the front: “LLAP.”
“Do you know what it stands for?” he asks the faithful.
“Live Long & Prosper,” we all shout back.
Nimoy talks about his passions, beyond acting. Later in the day, he will lead a photography seminar. A fan asks him a question about the 1970’s book “I Am Not Spock.”
“I caught hell for that book,” the actor admits.
“What are your favorite STAR TREK episodes?” asks another fan.
It’s a question Nimoy has been asked hundreds of times, and he rattles off the answer – a list that is agreeable to many in the audience.
City on the Edge of Forever.
Space Seed.
Amok Time.
This Side of Paradise.
“Amok Time was very important episode for Spock character. Theodore Sturgeon wrote beautiful script. It was memorable because it was the first time that ‘Live Long and Prosper’ was spoken and also the first time that we introduced the Vulcan salute.”
Another fan asks the inevitable question: “Would you consider doing another STAR TREK movie.”
Nimoy is forthright.
“That question comes up regularly. I am very flattered. I have learned time and time again — particularly in my STAR TREK career — never to say never. But as we stand here now, I have no plans to be involved.
Together on stage at the end of the session, Shatner and Nimoy relish the opportunity to reflect on being working actors together on a 1960’s TV series.
“They were trying times and very physical work, typically six days a week. It was a great and proud experience,” Nimoy says, as he turns to look at Shatner.
And as they end another convention appearance together, the actor who played the non-emotional, logical science officer from another planet turns to colleague Shatner with a warm smile.
“You are an emotional brother to me, and you always have been.”
And in that moment, these two actors perfectly capture what attracts so many to the STAR TREK universe. After almost 50 years, it’s the human stories of conflict, adventure, love, and longing that continue to draw thousands to the world of the Starship Enterprise.
Source: A Note from Dave
Shatner, Nimoy, Quinto and more rock the last day of Star Trek Las Vegas
August 10, 2009
By: Kerstan Szczepanski
That afternoon William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy appeared together and provided a wonderfully entertaining session before an even more packed Barron room. Shatner admitted he hadn’t seen the new movie, and jokingly chided Nimoy for appearing in a Star Trek movie without him. Nimoy chided back: “You did a Star Trek movie without me (Star Trek Generations). And I saw it.” Nimoy for the win.
The chemistry between the two friends enthralled the audience, providing insight into the secret of the success of The Original Series. A telling moment during Quinto’s appearance: when asked how many had seen the new movie nearly the entire hall filled with raised hands; when asked how many were attending their first Star Trek convention, more than half raised again. Looks like the JJ Abrams movie has captured that magic too.
During Nimoy’s solo portion of the event, fans were treated to a photo op as Quinto and Young Spock Jacob Kogan came on stage to greet Nimoy. Kogan's poise had impressed during his own appearance between Quinto and Shatner/Nimoy.
All in all, a great last day for Star Trek Las Vegas.
Source: Examiner
Star Trek Convention Newbie!
March 14, 2011
I woud love to describe in exhaustive detail all my wonderful experiences at my very first Star Trek convention this past weekend at the San Francisco Hyatt, but my brain just keeps rolling the same astonished sentence over and over: "I met Leonard Nimoy, I met Leonard Nimoy..."
It may take me a week or three to get over that.
Many of my Facebook friends told me how jealous they were that I got to see Spock, and normally I would say something comforting like, "Oh, don't be, he was a real jerk!" But, he wasn't. He was gracious and talkative and had a smile or a joke for everyone. Nimoy was truly everything one hopes for when meeting someone special that you have been watching on television since toddler-hood!
Nimoy spoke for over an hour on Saturday, thrilling the audience with pictures from his childhood, his time in the U.S. Army, early acting work... including a portrait of him in his first feature film, Zombies of the Stratosphere, rare scenes from the Star Trek set back in the 1960s, a timeline through his many Trek movies, then on up to his most recent photography work.
What a treat, to see such a multi-talented artist share a lifetime of his work, just shy of his 80th birthday (which will be on March 26th). To think, he started out just driving a taxi around Los Angeles.
Source: Pillow Astronaut
Vancouver Star Trek Convention 2010
The Vancouver Star trek Convention took place last weekend at the Sheraton Hotel, (June 25-27) which brought together Trekkies from Calgary to Portland, and even New Zealand to celebrate their passion for the Star Trek phenomena.
This was my first Star Trek convention, so I didn't really know what to expect, and this was the first time in a long time that the con -- organized by Creation Entertainment -- returned to the city of Vancouver. For many Trek fans this was an opportunity that couldn't be missed, especially with rumors of Nimoy making his last appearance.
The convention was packed on Sunday, the final day of the convention where Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner would be making an appearance as well as photo opportunities with fans.
Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner chat like a married couple. Nimoy whined about Shatner not meeting him for breakfast that morning. Among other things Nimoy spoke about his trip to Vulcan Alberta for the Star Trek tribute, and his 'big women' photography, while Shatner spoke of his experience participating at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic ceremony, with his reward of six Men's Olympic Hockey tickets as well as his passion for protecting the BC wildlife/wild salmon.
Shatner also went on to talk about his future projects such as 'The Captains.'
Source: rez2cool.blogspot.de
The Search for Spock
How do you know when your life has been touched by an iconic character? When he can make you cry over buffalo wings and jalapeno poppers.
That’s how my story starts, at least, as I searched Twitter on my phone and found the update, “Leonard Nimoy prepares for final convention.” I was shocked to learn of his retirement, but not as surprised as I was to feel tears welling up in my eyes.
I’ve never been a person to fawn over celebrities; anyone who’s been to a convention with me knows that. I’ve never before paid for an autograph, picture, or commissioned a drawing. But somehow the knowledge that I would never again get the chance to meet Nimoy, the iconic Spock, brought me to tears.
Sunday is Spock Day
Finally, the day arrived. The train ride to the Westin was practically unbearable, and I busied myself with checking my phone’s battery incessantly, since it had died by noon the two previous days.
Before Nimoy, there were two panels featuring Nana Visitor and Rene Auberjonois, Kira and Odo from Deep Space Nine. They had a question and answer panel and then read a play called Cross Your Hearts. While they were very entertaining and charming people, I watched very little Deep Space Nine, so it was hard to get into their panels. It seemed that a lot of other con-goers felt the same, and I felt a bit sorry for them, having to be the opening act for Leonard Nimoy.
After one last auction (there was one every day), it was time for Nimoy. First, however, was a tribute video made by the cast of the new Star Trek movie, sending him well-wishes on his retirement. It was a funny and touching moment for everyone. The convention organizers had passed out signs saying, “We Love You Leonard! Live Long & Prosper”. We clutched the signs waiting for any signs of movement from the stage.
Nimoy’s intro? His now-famous Bruno Mars music video.
Leonard Nimoy took the stage, and the room exploded. He quietly took the podium and began to speak. Not a single noise was heard except for the click of cameras.
He talked about his childhood, and his early love of acting. He showed pictures of himself in his youth and in his early acting roles, and then recounted a great story of how he came up with the “Vulcan hand gesture”.
“It’s a magic sign,” he quipped, “Every time I do it, flashbulbs go off.”
He talked briefly about his time on Star Trek, but then went on to describe his other achievements post-Trek. He worked on the Mission Impossible series. He starred in Fiddler on the Roof. Shortly before making Star Trek The Motion Picture, he graduated from Antioch College with a Master’s in Education. (Side note: PoP!-Star Thacher E. Cleveland and Superfly Czar Tony Barry both went to Antioch College in Somewhere, Ohio.)
Nimoy also showed the audience some of his photography and read one of his many poetry writings. As he raised his hand in salute to the audience with a final, “live long and prosper”, Knize, Kristin “Foxy” Allen, her father, and myself raced downstairs to get into the picture line.
The line was huge, but we were close to the start of it. It moved quickly, with each person only getting a few seconds with Nimoy. The closer I got, the dumber I began to feel, but I obediently inched forward, posed, and smiled without making a fool of myself. I did, however, forget to make the hand sign.
After pictures, we went back up to the ballroom to wait for our autographs and found that there was a goodbye cake. As we stood in line for cake, I started to cry. Now, we’ve joked that it was Foxy’s fault, but it wasn’t. My brain just happened to switch back into “think” mode at that very moment.
We got the last few pieces of cake and sat down to eat. I approve of Spock’s cake having a coffee ice cream center. It just felt right.
Source: panelsonpages.com
Leonard Nimoy and me,
Las Vegas Star Trek Convention,
August 10, 2008
These photo ops with stars move so fast, unless you slam on the brakes, they're pretty much drive-by shootings.
Here's what I remember about standing next to Leonard Nimoy:
His body was warm.
It surprises me how much that body memory stays with me.
Source: l'astronave
This I have to comment on, as that is one memory I have too. Just a very brief handshake at a photo op and coming away with thinking how warm his hand had been. On a rational level, after shaking a few hundred hands that's not unexpected, but still amazing to find someone who noticed that too.
The final day of the 2009 Las Vegas Star Trek Convention Special
Aug 10, 2009 by Jay David Murphy
William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy together again at the Las Vegas Star Trek Convention 2009.
Then the audience exploded with more applause, cheers, and a standing ovation. As if on cue, Leonard Nimoy came out on to the stage to join Shatner. It was good the thing the 1000’s of fans had a brake earlier because this convention was set to tear the roof off the Hilton in Vegas.
Shatner: “This is one of the great guys in the world, Leonard Nimoy.” He followed after great applause with, “The movies announced and I’m not it, you’re my friend for 40 years, and they have been odd,” speaking with a hurt inquisitive tone. Speaking about the Saturday Night Live skit Nimoy said they were concerned that Trekkies would like the movie, “To make them not like the movie, that would make them dick heads,” referring to the SNL team. Shatner shot back, “Ya dick heads!” It was all said in jest.
They touched on Kirks death scene one more time when Nimoy corrected him that he died when the bridge fell on him (a metaphor for the bridge of the Enterprise). Shatner reveled, “When it collapsed on me, I said ‘Bridge on the Captain!’ we didn’t use that line.”
Nimoy replied, “There was nothing heroic about your death.” This bought applause of recognition from fans.
Nimoy also told Shatner that Chris Pine, who played the young just starting out Kirk, did “a great honor” to him (Shatner and Kirk) in his portrayal of the iconic character that Bill has fostered for over 40 years.
Nimoy: “There’s a rumor going around that you tried to drown me in Star Trek four.” Shatner took his lead and described how he grabbed on to his robes which lead him to the top of Nimoys head and that it was only an instinctive move of self preservation.
Before Shatner left the stage Nimoy offered to show Shatner the movie at a private screening.
Shatner replied, “With two caveats, you buy the popcorn and hold my hand.”
William Shatner left the stage to a parting comment from Leonard Nimoy, “You are my dearest friend, always have been.”
It was time for Leonard Nimoy, actor, portraying the other Iconic Star Trek character Spock, director of Trek films and Three Men and a Baby, and renowned photographer who has an upcoming exhibit called The Identity Project to spend some alone time with Trek fans. You can get all the info on that at leonardnimoyphotography.com.
Nimoy first spoke on his work with Zachary Quinto in preparation for the new Star Trek movies Spock character, saying they spent a lot of time going over the “philosophy of the Spock, so he could get some idea of the thought process I went through.”
Nimoy continued, “He was giving us a Spock that was not quite the Spock that I played, he book ended the character.” This was an intriguing insight for audience members understanding that Quinto was playing an earlier version of Spock, before the Spock character that fans had known for 40 years.
A question from a fan asked whether Nimoy had anything on his bucket list. Nimoy referred to the question as “some days.” He said, “I don’t have any some days. I feel extremely fulfilled in my life.” He continued with, “I have had both bonuses and dividends. I’m just so happy,” which brought warm applause from fans. He then tossed out for fun, “Someday, I wanna be young.”
On acting Nimoy said, “I had a passion to act at 17 or 18.”
On directing he said, “I have no plans to go back to directing,” explaining the amount of time and dedication it takes to do it and that his time has now become limited, suggesting his advanced years.
On his favorite acting moment Nimoy spoke about “the one man show Vincent which I wrote, directed, and acted in.” In more detail it was about “Theo who supported his brother the artist Van Gogh.” He told how Van Gogh’s brother believed in his artists’ brothers talents and supported his art work, providing him with life’s essentials.
It was at this point that the audience went galactic with applause and screams at the entrance of Zachary Quinto and Jason Kogan.
It was history in the making on the Gene and Majel Roddenberry Theater stage, the three Spocks live! The fans went crazy and the digital camera flashes lit the theater up like a warp coil breech. It was a moment that everyone attending will remember for the rest of their lives and become part of the fan legends that will be told forever in the Star Trek universe.
Source: Digital Journal
Star Trek 30: One Weekend On Earth - Sept. 7-8, 1996
On Saturday, September 7th and Sunday, September 8th, 1996, a very historic Star Trek convention took place in Hunstville, Alabama in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the franchise. Named "Star Trek 30: One Weekend On Earth", this was the only Star Trek convention ever to have been directly sponsored and produced by Paramount Pictures; and featured both cast and production crew members from all four Star Trek television series in attendance.
A special two hour 30th Anniversary Tribute show was held on Saturday evening at the Von Braun Civic Center Arena, and this was the last time that the entire Original Series cast appeared together onstage. (Deforest Kelley, who portrayed the beloved Dr. McCoy in TOS; would pass away less than three years later in June of 1999.) In honor of Star Trek, the Mayor of Huntsville Steve Hettinger issued a special proclamation to temporarily change the name of the city to STAR TREK, Alabama.

Source and lots more photos at: Star Trek Prop, Costume & Auction Authority
'Real Deal' Las Vegas Convention Report - Day Two
By Kristine Huntley
Posted at August 8, 2002 - 3:12 PM GMT
Last weekend saw a massive Star Trek event take place in Las Vegas: Creation Entertainment's 'Real Deal' Convention. The event was attended by Star Trek actors from all periods of the franchise over three days at the Las Vegas Hilton.
On the second day of the Creation Convention in Las Vegas it was the Original Series cast's chance to shine. Saturday, August 3rd, featured four members of the original cast - George Takei (Hikaru Sulu), Walter Koenig (Pavel Chekov), William Shatner (James T. Kirk), and Leonard Nimoy (Spock). The day began with George and Walter taking the stage in the ballroom of the Las Vegas Hilton. They discussed the 20th anniversary and Special Edition DVD release of 'Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan,' which George jokingly referred to as "Walter's best movie."
Leonard Nimoy took the stage next, "hurt" that Bill had chosen kissing Uhura as his favourite moment, because, as Leonard said, "my most exciting day was the day I met [Bill]." Leonard had a different experience at the airport - he had no trouble with security, but as he was getting into his car, one of the airport people said to him, "a little while ago this weird guy came through imitating Bill Shatner!"
The Vulcan actor joked with the crowd, especially those who asked him questions. He inquired where people were from, and when the Vir-Con representative explained that the convention was being broadcast over the Internet around the world, he deadpanned, "this is a twisted situation."
One fan asked about Spock's death scene in 'The Wrath of Khan,' and whether he knew Spock would return in 'Star Trek III.' "No, and it was a depressing day," Leonard replied. But he did have a clue that Spock might return, since he was asked to come up with something to foreshadow a future scene.
The friendship between Spock and Bones was also mentioned. "I think the loyalty and friendship expressed behind the bickering was once of the things that made the classic series so much fun to watch," Leonard said, to much applause. He also praised Bill Shatner's energy, claiming that set the tone for the show.
An audience member addressed a rumour that Leonard had been approached to create a new Star Trek series before Gene Roddenberry and Leonard chose his words carefully in replying. "Very interesting. I don't think I will [comment]. We had some conversations [around the time of Star Trek 4]." The actor didn't hesitate to praise the newer Trek series. "When they came up with the idea of a new series, with new actors, my ego kicked in and I said, 'how can they make it without us?' But they did, and it was great."
To Leonard's surprise, his fellow Original Series cast members began to file onto the stage to present him with Creation's Lifetime Achievement award. George Takei talked about Leonard's generous cultural donations and Walter Koenig praised his immortal portrayal of Spock, saying that, "I don't think anyone else could have played Mr. Spock." Nichelle Nichols (Uhura) saluted Leonard with a special 'Spock version' of the song 'One of a Kind,' while Bill Shatner read tribute letters from both himself and Leonard's son, Adam. Upon accepting the award, Leonard said, "I am deeply appreciative." The five original cast memebers - minus the late DeForest Kelley (McCoy) and James Doohan (Scotty) - who was kept away by health problems - posed together for pictures as the audience clapped enthusiastically.
Source: Trek Today
Also added to Conventions: Report from Las Vegas 2008 by Trek Movie and photo resources
Creation Con Chicago 2011: spamily, Daily Herald
Las Vegas 2011: preloc and kanar, Brian Wilkins, chadweisshaar.com, bob.thomson8
Creation Con San Francisco 2011: H. Archuletta, Wormholeriders
Las Vegas 2010: davidfillingham.com, wegrokspock.net, Star Trek Prop, Costume & Auction Authority, preloc and kanar, 2 photos from the photography seminar here
Las Vegas 2009: tigerhawkvok, ONTD Live Journal, Brian Wilkins, myjedilightsaber, StarTrekFans.net (the pictures are hidden you have to click the "click for spoiler" button), Vulcan Tourism
Las Vegas 2007: buddy TV, allstarscifi
Slanted Fedora 35 Years of Star Trek 2001: Warriordoc, silco.com


To us, he'll always be #1
In 2008 Leonard Nimoy spoke at the graduation ceremony at Brooks Institute. For two more photos from the event please see the photographer’s website.
Nerds rejoice with fall sci-fi
“Fringe” (Sept. 28, 9 p.m., Fox) Last season’s finale could’ve served as a tidy series ender — Peter (Joshua Jackson) and Walter (John Noble) vanquished William Bell (Leonard Nimoy) after he attempted to destroy both universes so he could be first in line at the petting zoo; Olivia (Anna Torv) died, as predicted by the Observer (Michael Cerveris), only to come back to life and reveal she’s preggers (busy day for that lady); and Walter enjoyed a Twizzlers with Astrid (Jasika Nicole). We could’ve all simply forgotten about Observer showing up to create havoc and moved on with our lives. But no. Now we have an entire final season of this “X-Files” heir to fill our Friday nights, and we feel obligated to stick around. We simply want to find out if they’re going to leap into that nerdy abyss and allow Nimoy’s Bell to grow pointy ears before boarding a starship; Rebecca Mader’s undead Jessica to reveal they’re on an island that can travel in time; or Katie Holmes to show up and take Pacey back to the Dawson’s Creek.
Source: New York Post
Stage: Igor Stravinsky's "The Soldier's Tale" (2005)
Pictures from the rehersal via mrssylargray
Exiled in Switzerland, Igor Stravinsky composed The Soldier’s Tale in 1918 towards the end of one of the bleakest periods in his life. Theaters were shut down, his career appeared to have come to a halt, and his royalties were drying up just when he had a family to support. It was at this time that he and his fellow exiles conceived of the idea to create a minimalist theatrical piece – “pocket theater” – that easily could be taken on tour around local villages. It premiered in September of 1918 in Lausanne with Ernst Ansermet conducting, and the Concert Suite premiered two years later.
Stravinsky suggested they base the story on a collection of Russian folk-tales, but with a French text by his poet/novelist friend C.F. Ramuz. Not a playwright, Ramuz suggested he write a story rather than a play and adapt it for stage presentation as a kind of acted narration. The soldier was intended to be neither Russian nor French nor even Swiss but rather Any Soldier, and “the music too was to turn its back resolutely on Russia.” The composer based the percussion on that of the jazz band, and he bought and learned to play each of the instruments as he composed the work, incorporating such musical references as march, waltz, church chorale, pasadoble, tango, and ragtime.
A Narrator tells the tale of a Soldier who is tricked by the Devil into exchanging his soul – in the form of a violin – for a magic book that will bring him wealth and power. Later the Devil, appearing each time in a different disguise, teaches the Soldier how to use his magic book, and then returns to taunt him after the Soldier has made his fortune but finds himself miserable and alone. The Narrator breaks through the imaginary barrier of the story and joins the Soldier in Part Two to advise him to lose to the Devil in a game of cards and thereby win back his violin. Successful, the Soldier sets off to a distant kingdom to cure a Princess of illness and win her hand in marriage. Not so easily defeated, the Devil returns vowing revenge…
Source: Ping Pong Productions
Leonard Nimoy Narrates
March 5 & 6, 2005
Theodore Kuchar, conductor
Leonard Nimoy, narrator
Kodaly Dances of Galanta
Beethoven Incidental Music from Egmont
Stravinsky L'Histoire du Soldat
Mendelssohn Symphony No. 4, Italian
Mr. Nimoy will do narration for Kodaly's Dances of Galanta and Stravinsky's L'Histoire fu Soldat (The Soldier's Tale). The son of a Boston barber, the legendary Leonard Nimoy studied acting in college but had few memorable parts until he catapulted to fame in 1966 as Mr. Spock in Star Trek, one of TV's most successful series ever. The role won him three Emmy nominations and launched his career as a writer and director, as well as numerous other film and TV appearances. Stage credits have included Fiddler on the Roof, Oliver, Camelot, and Equus. In addition to hosting the well-known TV series, In Search of and Ancient Mysteries, Mr. Nimoy has narrated with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Reno Chamber Orchestra, and others. Truly a Renaissance man, he has authored several volumes of poetry, recorded over 60 songs, and created a gallery of serious photography.
Stravinsky as a Crowd Pleaser? Who Knew?
"The Soldier's Tale" was presented in a delightfully updated English version of the original French libretto, written by Mr. Sheffer, who staged and directed this simple production. Mr. Thomas was wonderful as the befuddled soldier who sells his scrappy but beloved violin to the Devil, thereby losing his soul. The Devil was played to the hilt by the charmingly cagey Mr. Nimoy. The Purchase Conservatory Faculty Ensemble needed no conductor in order to give an assured and vibrant account of this enduring score.
Source: NY Times
Leonard Nimoy with the Reno Chamber Orchestra
Band: Leonard Nimoy with the Reno Chamber Orchestra
Title: A Soldier’s Tale / Incidental Music from “Egmont” Op. 84
Year: 2003 / 2005
Label: N/A
Genre: Classical
Notes: Twice, I’ve recorded Mr. Nimoy and his wonderful voice! First time was when he was doing Stavinsky’s “A Soldier’s Tale,” in 2003. It was a great piece with just an octet and narrator. It was the story of Faust, a story re-written by Charlie Daniels in “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.” It’s a tricky piece with a lot of odd time meters and changes. Rehearsal was interesting, to say the least.
Before he came in for rehearsal, I had to set up his vocal mic and improvise a split between the PA and the recording console. I nearly didn’t pull that off with what was available at the hall at the time. The next time I recorded him there, I was far more prepared with a splitter.
I had to set up his mic and asked him if he’d be willing to talk into it at a certain angle to avoid feedback. He asked why and I explained the acoustics behind it. Turning to him afterwards to see if I had perhaps blinded him with science, his reply was, “Fascinating!”
The last line of “Soldiers” is now one of my favorite quotes. Picture, if you will, Mr. Nimoy saying at the end of a very sad story of a man who got greedy and lost everything to the Devil when he should have been content with what he had:
“One happy thing is every happy thing. No one can have it all. It is forbidden!”
Second time was in 2005 when he was doing the Beethoven piece, “Egmont.” It’s a larger piece, with a larger ensemble, but nowhere near as cool as the Stravinsky. Some good moments though. He says “Riding” about a thousand times in it.
This time I was with my dear friend, Ray Silva, who assisted on the recording setup, took the photos and was able to tell Mr. Nimoy that he works on the same sound stage where Star Trek was shot. That was very nice. During a break, Mr. Nimoy signed some autographs for members of the ensemble which was also very nice of him. This is where I got my copy of the Spock album signed.
Since he lives in Tahoe, I’m considering hiring him to do my answering machine outgoing message. That’s probably all I’ll be able to afford. Perhaps a V.O. for a solo album one day! That would be brilliant!
Note: Responsive
Photo Flash: Story of a Soldier Rehearsal with Nimoy and Thomas
On March 16th, actors Richard Thomas (A Naked Girl on the Appian Way, Democracy) and Leonard Nimoy ("Star Trek," Equus) rehearsed for Story of a Soldier, a music theater piece, at Symphony Space (2537 Broadway). Nimoy will narrate the piece.
Story of a Soldier will be presented as part of the free event Wall to Wall Stravinsky at Symphony Space on March 18th from 11 AM through 11 PM. "They rioted after the premiere of The Rite of Spring. But Igor Stravinsky represents more than that notorious day in musical history. His wildly eclectic body of work includes the neo-classical ballet Pulcinella and a big band concerto written for Benny Goodman – and this 12-hour event provides a taste of everything. With hundreds of performers, Wall to Wall will follow Stravinsky from St. Petersburg to Los Angeles, from ballet to opera, from neo-classicism to atonal fireworks," state press notes.
Pictures at broadwayWORLD.com

When the production takes a road trip.
Pop Culture Reference
Micky Dolenz Still Monkee-ing Around 46 Years After TV Show
Monkees Reunion Tour on Tap, Plus New Album from Dolenz
Dolenz characterized the band’s improbable success in a recent interview: “The Monkees really becoming a band was like the equivalent of Leonard Nimoy really becoming a Vulcan,” he said.
Source: Improper Music
Know of any other that should be collected here? Please mail me.
More photos from Walter Koenig's Star ceremony that Grace found for us. Thanks. Photo 1, Photo 2, Photo 3.
Voices (Fringe)
Five great bodyswap geek TV episodes
Tonight, the role of Leonard Nimoy will be played by Anna Torv: William Bell, determined not to let a little thing like death (or the retirement of his actor) get in his way, possesses Olivia.
Funny-ha-ha or funny-strange? That depends on how you feel about Anna Torv’s Leonard Nimoy impression. For some, it’s hilarious in a good way, for others, a cringeworthy disaster. Either way, it’s an impressively memorable performance.
Don’t they know each other at all? Everyone can instantly tell what has happened, and Bell has no desire to hide what he’s done. Which is lucky for Peter, who has only just got over being tricked by Fauxlivia and might have a complete breakdown if he ended up accidentally romantically involved with Leonard Nimoy.
This will all end in tears: At some point, William Bell is going to have to accept that he’s dead. Until the next time the universe reboots, anyway.
Well that was fun, but it’s a relief to get back to normal: However you feel about Torv’s Nimoy impression, you can only listen to it for so long before you want her back to being herself, so it’s something of a relief when the next Bellivia episode involves animation and, therefore everyone is in their correct, if two-dimensional, bodies.
Source: Den of Geek
Zachary Quinto: Star Man
By Aaron Hicklin
For millions of Americans, Quinto was being entrusted with one of sci-fi’s most cherished icons. He didn’t let them down. Quinto’s performance as Spock was pitch-perfect, almost uncanny, with unexpected grace notes of fallibility. A global smash for Paramount, Star Trek gave new life to the 40-year-old franchise and propelled Quinto into the first rank of celebrity. A highly anticipated sequel, set to open next May, wrapped this summer. Quinto says the new movie is more physically challenging than the last, although one suspects that Spock’s stunted emotional range could feel limiting for an actor of Quinto’s expressiveness.
“Tell me about it, man,” he sighs. “Whereas other actors will be doing scenes, and will be given, like, 25 takes, after I do five takes with that character, it’s, ‘OK.’ ” He claps his hands with finality.
One unexpected and happy consequence of playing Spock has been Quinto’s relationship with Leonard Nimoy, who had a cameo in the 2009 film. “I have such deep admiration and love for him,” Quinto says. “He’s an incredible man, and I’m so grateful that not only did I have this amazing creative experience, but that I developed this relationship with Leonard and his wife, Susan -- we go to dinner, we hang out, we go to the theater, we spend time together.”
There’s something endearing in the specter of Spock the Elder taking Spock the Younger under his wing, and I’m reminded of a line in Star Trek, when Nimoy offers his young doppelgänger the sage advice to “put away logic, do what feels right.” It sounds like the kind of dictum that Quinto has taken to heart, both as an activist stumping for Obama’s re-election and as an actor who is making increasingly interesting and eclectic choices.
Source: Out, page 2
'Star Trek' reunion on Hollywood Walk of Fame
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Leonard Nimoy and George Takei were among the Star Trek actors who saluted Walter Koenig on Monday as he joined his former castmates in receiving an honor on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Koenig, who played Pavel Chekov in the hit 1960s sci-fi show, unveiled the 2,479th star on Hollywood Boulevard, close to Takei's pavement plaque.
He was joined by his former co-stars Takei, Nimoy and Nichelle Nichols, as well as his wife Judy Levitt and daughter Danielle, at the ceremony - and he was overwhelmed by the accolade.
Speaking of his star honour when it was announced last year, Koenig declared, "This is something that you hope and wish for, dream about, but something you never expect to really happen. It's a joyous occasion and I am deeply honoured."
Source: Chron
Hollywood Walk of Fame website
German news bit about the ceremony:
Lots of pictures here:
GEMA News, Chron, terra (Spanish), g1 (Spanish), contactmusic.com, Zimbio, Yahoo 1 + 2, Image Collect 1 + 2 + 3, BBC, Getty Images, Bulgarian News Agency 1 + 2, Hollywood Walk of Fame on Facebook and here are three more that Grace found on Instagram 1 +2 +3 and some very fine ones via mrssylargray Tumblr page
In Search Of… on DVD

The studio has also confirmed that the 19-DVD set will include all 144 installments (six seasons) hosted by Leonard Nimoy (who is completely in these episodes and, as previously reported, is also contributing a new Featurette to this release as an extra). The two Rod Serling-hosted specials which aired prior to the start of the regular Nimoy series, "In Search of Ancient Astronauts" (based on Erich von Däniken's book Chariots of the Gods), and "In Search of Ancient Mysteries"...which is the source of the "146 episode count" seen on the outer package shown below. But as a special bonus, VEI is also including all 8 episodes of the short-lived 2002 series, hosted by Mitch Pileggi (The X-Files)!
Source: TV Shows on DVD
Star Trek's 46th Anniversary
. @therealnimoy twitter.com/ZacharyQuinto/…
— Zachary Quinto (@ZacharyQuinto) September 7, 2012
The Full Body Project
Leonard Nimoy recruits the Fat Bottom Revue
"Star Trek" icon Leonard Nimoy is focusing on large women in his second book of kinky nude photographs.
Nimoy shocked Jewish groups with the publication of his 2002 photographic collection "Shekina" with its juxtaposition of nude photographs with religious imagery.
The 73-year-old recruited the performance troupe the Fat Bottom Revue to model for him, and he used nude works by Helmut Newton and Herb Ritts as his inspiration.
He tells Page Six of his photographic subjects, "They are interested in fat liberation. Their self-esteem is strong. They will tell you that too many people suffer because the body they live in is not the body you find in the fashion magazines."
Source: SF Gate, March 17, 2005
This is an add I found in one of the tabloids from the end of the 60’s. How times have changed.
Some things aren't pretty and this is one of them. The light shed on our favorite actor and beloved favorite human being in those articles might not be one we'd like to see. Breakups can be ugly. Period. I've come across those three articles a long while ago but never got around to post them. When a few days ago venusianholiday on Tumblr submitted the link to the People magazine she said she was not sure if this was material for my page. I try not to censor. I would not post something just for the sensationalism of it, but if it's more than hearsay, it's part of the whole picture. So, this is as good or bad a time as any to add those articles and thanks for the incentive.
People Magazine
By Tom Gliatto
November 14, 1994
Hollywood Ex-Wives Club
Divorced from Your Spouse but Still Seeing Him on Nick at Nite? Quick, Call The...Hollywood Ex-Wives Club
ON A MILD, SUNNY AFTERNOON SIX years after her divorce, Sandi Nimoy, a petite woman in a blue pantsuit, is nestled into an armchair in the densely furnished living room of Jackie Joseph's Burbank bungalow. Talking about life after Leonard—who left her for actress Susan Bay, the current Mrs. Nimoy—Sandi is surrounded by the sympathetic company of eight other Hollywood ex-wives, including Joseph, who was married to former Mayberry RED, star Ken Berry from 1960 to 1977. "It's not easy to forget a person who still is in your face," says the 61-year-old Nimoy, who had two children with the man now internationally recognized as Star Trek's Spock. And last spring, she mentions, the couple had a close encounter of the unexpected kind. "I ran into him," says Nimoy. "He acted like I was some stranger on the street."
"Sandi," soothes Lynn Landon, 61, who was for 19 years Mrs. Michael Landon No. 2 and is the mother of five of his nine children. "There's nothing you can do about his reaction."
"I know," agrees Nimoy, "but we were married for 32 years and 10 months. I grew up with him." She recalls the lean years when he was a struggling actor. "I had a $10 a week food allowance. We lived in a housing project. I took our babies to a clinic."
"That was probably a good time," says Landon, providing an upbeat spin, "a time of building together."
But Nimoy is back in the exasperating here-and-now of a marriage she never expected to end. "I got a letter from Brandeis University," she says. "They invited me to some Star Trek: The Next Generation fund-raiser! This is crazy! Why are they sending this to me? It shakes me up."
To read the full article, please go to the magazine's website. The organization was also called the "First Wives Club" and later a movie based on the idea of spurned women banding together for mutual support was made. While the actual club was more about healing and dealing with the aftershock from the separation the movie, a comedy, was more about getting revenge on the men, as you might have guessed.
Taking Action Is Best Revenge for First Wives
Divorce: For women of a certain age, the end of a marriage can be an emotional and financial free fall. But--as a new movie shows--it doesn't have to be.
October 04, 1996
Rather than revenge, the goal of LADIES (Life After Divorce Is Eventually Sane), formed 14 years ago by ex-wives of Hollywood celebrities, was healing and mutual support.
"In the end, living well is the best revenge," said Sandi Nimoy, 64, who was divorced eight years ago from "Star Trek" star Leonard Nimoy. She said she suffered a breakdown after the public breakup of her 33-year marriage and had to learn who she was besides somebody's wife.
"Now I'm not somebody's wife. I have built my own image," she said. "I say to people, if I can make it, anybody can make it."
The other women not only provided social support, she said, but they also exchanged valuable information about which lawyers to trust and accompanied one another to court.
Now, the former celebrity wives are helping other women become emotionally and financially independent, speaking at community colleges and volunteering at organizations such as Women Helping Women Services in Los Angeles and Women Work! in Washington, D.C.
The hardest women to reach, Nimoy said, are wives like she was--those who "don't want to give up the fantasy that it's never going to happen to them. . . . We have to look at it a little more pragmatically."
Source: Los Angeles Times
'Star Dumps Wife' Headline Sparked Birth of Group
March 12, 1988
He walked out on her birthday, a few months shy of their 34th wedding anniversary. She was devastated. For two weeks, she stayed in bed under heavy sedation.
Weeks later, she was still so depressed she could not lift her arms and was barely able to walk. Somehow, she managed to get to a therapist, who is now helping her put together a life that focuses on her, not her husband.
She is Sandi Nimoy, former wife of actor/director Leonard Nimoy, better known as Mr. Spock of "Star Trek" fame. When she saw the supermarket tabloid headlines shouting, "Star Dumps Wife on Her Birthday for New Love," she "started to scream," she said last week at a women's conference at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo.
Many of the divorced women in the audience cried as Nimoy, also tearful, told her story. Their own breakups may not have made the front page of the National Enquirer, but otherwise they strongly identified with what she was saying.
"I met Leonard in 1953; we were married in 1954. I believed--well, we all did, then--that my husband and children came first, and I put all my energy into that. I read scripts for him. I did whatever I could to help his career.
"I went from my father's house to being with my husband. I didn't have that time in between when you find out you're a person."
Nimoy is now one of several wives and former wives of the famous involved in a group called L.A.D.I.E.S (Life After Divorce Is Eventually Sane), which offers support not only to women who have been married to celebrities but to other divorced and separated women rebuilding their lives.
It was with other L.A.D.I.E.S members, not her husband, that Nimoy celebrated her 34th wedding anniversary. At the Saddleback conference, she was joined by Jackie Joseph (former wife of actor/dancer Ken Berry) and Tasha Schaal (once married to actor Dick Schaal).
Although former wives of celebrities have unique problems to deal with ("Sandi opens a magazine, and there's an ad for a commemorative plate with her husband's picture on it," Joseph pointed out), their stories are those of divorced women everywhere. Joseph said when the first group of wives got together at the home of Lynn Landon (former wife of actor Michael), "in essence, it seemed we all were married to the same person."
Source: Los Angeles Times
Next Monday Walter Koenig will finally get his star on the Walk of Fame. Leonard Nimoy will be in attendance at the ceremony. To celebrate the event, Planet Xpo is organizing a convention limited to 600 attendees over the weekend.
For the schedule and list of celebrities expected on site on Monday go here.
William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy still the brightest stars in Star Trek galaxy
By John Katsilometes (contact)
Monday, Aug. 9, 2010 | 2:51 a.m.
Maybe William Shatner hasn't been overacting all these years. Maybe he hasn't even been acting at all, if his performance Saturday before several thousand emotionally orbiting Trek fans is an indication.
Shatner is, to put it in Earth terms, a genuinely dramatic individual.
Shatner was a beyond-this-galaxy superstar at this weekend's Star Trek Las Vegas Convention at the Las Vegas Hilton. In this culture, Shatner doubtlessly needs no introduction. So during a co-headlining appearance Saturday afternoon with the comparatively easy-going but equally beloved Leonard Nimoy, Shatner swept onstage in the midst of Nimoy's question-and-answer session with fans in the temporarily renamed Gene & Majel Roddenberry Theater.
"Eh?" Nimoy said as he noticed his close friend appear unexpectedly as the crowd rose, stunned at the lacking-in-pomp onstage arrival of Captain James T. Kirk. "What is this, a camera?"
"Let me film you!" Shatner called out. "Let me film you!"
Oh, there was a camera. Among Shatner's many projects is a documentary he's working on, titled, "The Captains." He's recording footage of everyone who has ever portrayed a Starship commander in the "Star Trek" franchise's long history. He's recording a lot of his own activities, too, such as mingling with old friends and the fans he encounters at Trek conventions. There were 15,000 to choose from.
Later, in his solo appearance before the standing-room-only audience (the format was Nimoy solo, Shatner solo, then the two together), Shatner took a question from a man who was likely in his mid-30s. The guy wanted to know about the 2009 film, "Star Trek."
Shatner and director J.J. Abrams never found common ground on an ideal role in the film for Captain Kirk, and Shatner was left out while Nimoy appeared as an elder Spock. Shatner's omission from that film is sort of a sticky subject in the Trek universe — he reportedly hadn't watched the film yet — and the self-confident actor seemed to expect this question was heading in that direction:
Questioner: "With your busy schedule, sir ..."
Shatner: "Yes!"
Questioner: "... it has been over a year since the J.J. Abrams film came out the theater."
Shatner: "It is!"
Questioner: "It's been out on disc and home video ..."
Shatner: "Yes!"
Questioner: "... for several months, and I'm just curious, Mr. Shatner ..."
Shatner: "Yes! What!"
Questioner: "... why don't you want to see it?"
Shatner (pausing with the crowd laughing nervously) "Have I got a surprise for HIM! I saw it! I saw it!"
Shatner then was drowned out by cheers, but appeared to say he'd seen it just before the Las Vegas convention. When the applause subsided, he mentioned an earlier comment by Nimoy, who said he'd learned, "Never say never," when assessing his role as Mr. Spock. Filmmakers always seem to write a role for him, even after he has actually died onscreen (as he did in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan," which was released 28 years ago).
"I heard my friend Leonard, backstage, saying, 'Never say never.' I said, OK, 'I'm here!'" Shatner said, telling the audience how eager he was to return to feature films as Kirk. "I sat by the phone, day after day, then the phone rang. It was Leonard Nimoy!"
Responding to the laughter, Shatner forged ahead.
"He said, 'I'm in the next Star Trek movie, Bill!' I said, 'They're doing it without me?' And he said, 'Yes!' I said, 'What's it about?' He said, 'I can't tell you!' I said, 'You're KIDDING ME! Tell me what the hell it's about! He said, 'NO!'"
Imagine that: Captain Kirk, with no juice in a "Star Trek" film.
The audience relished what was the biggest event of the three-day festival, a glut of Trek culture that included a Propworx auction of Trek artifacts, displays of such old props and stage effects as phasers, communicators, Tribbles (pretty ugly up close, actually), the original series' multileveled chessboard and captain's chair (which seemed like the front seat of an old Chevy Bonneville tricked-out with little plastic buttons and oversized armrests) and appearances by every living "Trek" star who matters. Among them were George Takei ("Sulu" from the original series), Walter Koenig (Chekov) and Sir Patrick Stewart, who did briefly cut into Shatner's solo appearance Saturday to plug his own appearance Sunday.
Fifteen thousand Trekkies turned out for all this, and a few hundred gathered Sunday to take part snapping the Guinness World Record mark for the largest mass of costumed Trek fans, ever. The target was 507; 543 turned out.
Shatner, who during a now-legendary 1986 appearance on "Saturday Night Live," implored fans at a Trek convention to, "Get a life, will ya?" today still seems enamored of the show's remarkable longevity. He'd even walked among the commoners with his camera crew, recording it all for his documentary.
"It's good to see all of you, and in such wonderful numbers!" he said. "It's a delight to see how many people are in here. And out there, it was an experience." Oh, and then some. The only fan in attendance who seemed not to get it was the guy dressed as Darth Vader. Honestly, this guy was on another planet in more ways than one.
And since Trek fans can't seem to get enough, yet more we learned — or were reminded of — during the icons' dual-headlining appearance. Consider this "Bonus Material":
Shatner once stole Nimoy's bike: A story becoming more popular over recent years is that of Shatner organizing a theft of Shatner's bike during the filming of the original series. Nimoy purchased a bike, "and it even had my name on it," he says, to save time during lunch breaks on the series' set. "I had some makeup issues that he didn't have (Nimoy's Vulcan ears had to be removed and reattached during these lunch breaks), and to save myself five or 10 minutes of walking from the stage to the studio commissary and walking back, I bought a bicycle."
One day Nimoy went to retrieve his bike and it was gone. He asked the cast, "Did someone borrow my bicycle?" And Shatner began laughing. "He was going, 'Hoo-hoo-hoo!' and told me to look around. I around, I looked down, I looked up, and there it was hanging from the rafters by a rope." Shatner also chained the bike to a railing on the set, locking it with a Master Lock, "The type you could shoot and would remain locked!" Nimoy was forced to free the bike loose by cutting the chain with bolt-cutters. This gag went on and on — Shatner also placed the bike in his trailer, with a pair of his trained Dobermans watching guard; and when Nimoy placed the bike in his Buick Riviera, Shatner had the entire car towed from the lot.
"Is this an appropriate way to treat a friend?" Nimoy asked, as the fans — who get giddy during these behind-the-scenes tales — shouted, "No!"
Captain Kirk hates flying: True. Shatner has an artificial hip and invariably is stopped as he walks through airport security devices. "Every time I go through that arch it's BEEEEEP!" Shatner said. "Then all the people around are looking at me, saying 'He's Captain Kirk! What's going on?"
Shatner's plan to visit the hometowns of all the actors who portrayed Starship captains in his documentary project nearly unraveled as he considered flying across the country, to Canada and to London for video interviews. "The prospect of going to all of these airports was more than I could bear," but the Canadian airplane manufacturer Bombardier donated a private jet (at a cost of about $200,000) to Shatner because one of the companies top officials was a fan. "He said, 'Shatner! I became an aeronautical engineer because of you! Take our plane and have a good time!"
Nimoy's favorite original "Star Trek" episode is, "Amok Time": As he explained, "It's a very important episode for the Spock character, where he had to return to Vulcan to fulfill a marriage commitment. It was a beautiful script, written by a very good writer named Theodore Sturgeon (the renowned science-fiction writer who died in 1985) — the writers often don't get enough credit. There were two very memorable moments that came out of that script. One was, the words, 'Live long and prosper," were spoken for the first time in an episode. The other was the introduction of this (holds hands up in the universally recognized "V" sign)."
At age 79, Shatner might be the hardest-working man in show business: Along with "The Captains," Shatner is set to star in the CBS sitcom "Bleep My Dad Says," based on the Twitter feed of (roughly) that some name; he hosts the interview show, "Shatner's Raw Nerve" on The Biography Channel (among his guests have been Gene Simmons, Regis Philbin, Valerie Bertinelli and Rush Limbaugh); he hosts the news magazine-format show, "William Shatner's Aftermath" also on Biography Channel (the series debuted with Shatner's interview of "D.C. Sniper" accomplice John Malvo); and the Discovery Chanel reality show "Weird or What."
Nimoy, who at the same age as Shatner says he is retiring from acting and directing to focus on his photography (Nimoy hosted a symposium of his work Saturday night), seemed surprised at Shatner's workload. "Four series?" he said. "How many more do you need?"
When Shatner mentioned "Weird Or What," which will examine some of the more unusual unsolved cases centering on paranormal phenomena, medical oddities and unexplained natural disasters, Nimoy said, "That sounds like, "In Search Of," his own similar series from a generation ago. Shatner quickly responded, "Yes, but we're after a younger, more vigorous audience!"
Nimoy outsmarted himself with the title of his own book: The title, "I Am Not Spock" sent ripples through the "Trek" culture when the book was released in 1977. Nimoy agreed that his autobiography, even 33 years ago, would be interesting reading. He dedicated one chapter in the book to the differences between himself and his famed TV character.
"I was writing it, I was in the San Francisco airport and a woman recognized me. She had a little boy who was about 9 years old and said, 'Look who's standing in front of you!' The kid had no recognition," Nimoy said. "She said, 'This is your favorite person on television! You watch him every week!' But there was no recognition. Then she said, 'This is Mr. Spock!'
"Well, I'm standing there with my glasses and street clothes, no uniform, nobody else is talking to me in the San Francisco airport," Nimoy said, laughing at the memory. "I found this very interesting. She was using a kind of a language that was a shortcut — she meant to say that this was the actor who plays Mr. Spock. But she said, 'This is Mr. Spock.' Well, I wasn't. I wrote chapter about this — I am not Spock, and he is not me. I have a brother; he does not. I have a brother, Spock didn't — at that time (laughs). Later, of course, we found a brother (he would be Sybok, who hijacks the Enterprise in "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier"). My parents were Russian immigrants, his were not. Spock had a Vulcan father, I did not. I'm an actor, Spock was not. So we talked about this identity issue, and when it came time to publish the book, I thought, 'I am not Spock' was an interesting title."
Nimoy's publishers warned him about the title's negativity hurting its sales. Nimoy held up, "Gone With the Wind" as a negative title did work. "But I was too smart for my own good. It didn't sell well, because people thought I was rejecting Spock and got very angry about it. They read the book, but they didn't read the title," Nimoy said. "If I had the choice to play any character on television, it would be Spock. But I caught hell for that book. It didn't stop until 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture' came along.
"I certainly am Spock, and I am happy to be."
The Trek fans, hundreds of whom were wearing pointed ears and replicas of Spock's faded-blue Starship Enterprise officer's shirt, shrieked with delight: Live long and prosper. A message for all time.
Source: Las Vegas Sun
SF Gate
March 17, 2001
By John McMurtrie
Leonard Nimoy's Personal Quest / The actor seeks the divine in his photography
The wine and cheese are going fast by the time the man of the hour shows up. Wearing dark clothes and stylish glasses, his hair closely cropped, Leonard Nimoy eases into the room largely unnoticed, becoming just another hands-in-pockets visitor in a crowded gallery.
Nimoy likes it that way. The photos on the walls are his, but he'd rather the art itself -- and not its creator -- draw attention. As Nimoy acknowledges, sometimes it's not easy being known as a pointy-eared Vulcan who will appear in television reruns for what may seem like eons.
"I'm trying to reach an audience that is inclined to take the work on its own merits," says Nimoy, who years ago published poetry and, with his "Star Trek" co-star, William Shatner, recorded cover songs. "I understand that in certain quarters there's a disdain for people who cross from one art form to another. . . . I guess that's just the way it is."
Any die-hard trekkie knows it is Nimoy who introduced the famous split- finger Vulcan hand gesture into the show. "It was something that I had seen in the services in synagogue (as a child)," Nimoy recalls in his deep, inimitable voice. In synagogue, as Nimoy explains, "when that gesture is used, the suggestion is that this being -- called the Shekinah, the feminine presence of God -- enters the sanctuary to bless the congregation." (The v-like gesture represents the Hebrew letter shin.)
Years ago, Nimoy, 69, made a photographic image of the gesture, one of many photos the former photography student has shot in his free time. Nimoy, who lives in Bel-Air, was also shooting female nudes, and he says, "It just struck me one day that there was a possible crossover (between the nudes and the gesture)."
Nimoy's exhibition, "Sight Unseen," represents his attempt to make that connection, to convey his sense of a divine presence.
Shot in black and white, often distorted and featuring veils, the photos offer his own glimpse, Nimoy says, of what can't be seen by the naked eye, but what he says he conjures up, often in dreams.
Regarding any parallels between his quest to understand spirituality and Spock's quest to understand the universe, Nimoy says, "I've never really verbalized this before, and that's the honest truth, but I've always seen Spock as a spiritual figure. He's a searcher for values, for ethics, for insight."
Nimoy sees himself on a similar journey. "Trying to figure it out," he says.
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