What's New July 2012
Selected Shorts
Submitted by venusianholiday. Thanks!
Leonard Nimoy on Fringe, Star Trek 2 and The Big Bang Theory
by Jodie Tyley, 30 July 2012
Star Trek’s original Spock Leonard Nimoy talks about his latest projects
Retirement Shmirement
Leonard Nimoy gave the Vulcan salute and bowed out of the business, but JJ Abrams yanked him back out. The original Spock returned for the season four finale, reprising his role as the dubious scientist William Bell. “It was explained to me that we’re opening up a whole world and William Bell is being recreated as something else,” he says. “He’s in another universe and has taken on other characteristics. There were challenges in the character itself that were attractive to me. I could play aspects of a character that I haven’t played in a long time, so it was very welcoming to me.”
Fringe season 5
“The William Bell character started as a very intelligent and rational character,” says Nimoy of Bell’s arc. “I think he’s still very, very intelligent, but I’m not quite so sure that he’s rational anymore. I think you’ll see some behaviours in the finale that have taken him quite a distance from where he started.” Now that Fringe has been granted one final, fifth season to wrap up the universe(s), will he be back? “I’m sure I’ll be getting a call. We’ll talk about it. It will depend on my schedule. It will depend on what they have in mind for the character. There are a lot of issues that have to be dealt with, but we’ll be talking.”
More at SciFi Now
Submitted by Grace. Thanks.
Update to Events 2010
In honour of @TheRealNimoy, and all things Vulcan
I also had the privilege of working with Vulcan Tourism a few years ago when Leonard Nimoy came home to Vulcan (he also attended a little show called The Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo) and I was asked to design a poster and shirt celebrating his arrival.
The first one I did was a play off of the Obama Hope poster (I know, everyone did that poster) which I was quite proud of, everybody loved it (@therealnimoy even tweeted about it which I am still geeking out about - and it's been two years) but we couldn't use it for whatever reason and I came back with an Andy Warhol-esque image that met approvals.
Just so you know, I have always been a Leonard Nimoy/Spock fan (I can remember drawing pictures of him when I was a kid using my "Leonard Nimoy presents: Mr. Spock's Music from Outer Space" and "Two Sides of Leonard Nimoy" albums for reference- of course I had them) so to be given this opportunity makes me happy all over.
To borrow a classic line, Live Long and Prosper
Source: Dean Reeves. Read his account of the actual event here Vulcan, Leonard Nimoy and R2-D2.
Mr. Nimoy will be interviewd for a documentary about George Takei.
This is the definitive documentary portrait of actor and activist George Takei.
Most people know George Takei as Mr. Sulu, the helmsman from the original STAR TREK television show and movies. Fewer people know that George was imprisoned for four years during his childhood in a Japanese American internment camp. In his activism, he equates the experience of Japanese Americans during WWII with the civil rights struggles that LGBT people face today. In 2005, after a lifetime of being “closeted” George “came out” publicly so that he could participate in the struggle for marriage equality.
The film chronicles George’s rise to fame, and how he went from a STAR TREK celebrity to becoming an active voice in civil rights. George’s personal struggles with keeping his homosexuality a secret are recounted. But, it was ultimately George’s priority and commitment to civil rights that compelled him to “come out” at age 68. Prompted by California’s struggle for marriage equality, George used this opportunity to advocate for the cause by publicly announcing himself as a gay man in the media, and in 2008, he legally married his male partner of 25 years, Brad Altman.
Also included in the film are perspectives and interviews of George’s friends, peers and admirers. Finally, the film will feature George’s equally engaging husband, Brad. George and Brad have become the poster-couple for same-sex-marriage and an example of grace under fire.
In his own words George navigates us through his life story – past and present. By recognizing the political and historical landscape of George’s life journey, and contextualizing the events that shaped his life and propelled him to boldly go where no man has gone before. The film aims to give an intimate account of a man who has broken barriers through courage, honesty and humor, but who only recently embraced his own truth.
Beyond his celebrity as a “Star Trek” icon, George Takei is an activist utilizing his grace and humor to bridge galactic social and political divides.
Lights - The Miracle of Chanukah. Animated short film made for TV (IMDB).

This is what it say on the DVD cover. Could I interest anybody in writing a summary and/or review of the film for this page?

Meeting Nimoy
Star Trek Uniform Horror Stories – Phase 1
When I was about 7 or 8 years old (many moons ago) the Mego company introduced a line of Star Trek toys. The “Star Trek Lives!” phenomenon I described in my last post was at its peak and so it was altogether fitting that the stars of my favorite show began doing personal appearances at retail stores to promote the new Mego toys. I had been dying to have a gold Star Trek tunic anyway and, to my knowledge, Donmoor had yet to release their collection of excellent Trek uniform shirts – or if they had, my mother didn’t know about it. All the same, she was willing to aid me in my quest to have a custom-made Captain Kirk tunic in which to greet Mr. Leonard Nimoy when he came to Alexander’s Department Store in New Jersey.
Read more at The Captain's Blog here...
Updates to Conventions
Creation Convention Sacramento (2006)
The James Doohan Farewell Star Trek Convention & Tribute (2004)
Convention Report: Doohan's Farewell
mirrored from StarTrek.com
"It's a goodbye but also a celebration"
Later that afternoon Shatner and Nimoy took the stage in the ballroom together, reminiscing about Doohan and engaging in their usual playful banter. Shatner recalled working with Doohan in Canada when they were both doing radio shows in Toronto. "Jimmy Doohan was a well-known radio personality. What he dealt with most of all was dialects and voices. He was famous for them. And when I came down here, and they were casting for Star Trek, if I remember correctly — which I'm not at all sure — I suggested Jimmy Doohan." Nimoy interjected, "Did you really? Good for you! You suggested him for the role of Scotty?" "That's my...recollection," Shatner said in a self-deprecating manner. "Does Jimmy know that?" Shatner replied, "I hadn't told him yet. I was waiting until now!"
It was impossible not to acknowledge the well-documented reports of animosity between Shatner and Doohan over the years, but the pair on stage did so with a great deal of humor. "There's always this legend that Jimmy didn't like you," Nimoy broached to a big "Whoa!" from the audience. "You know," Shatner conceded, "Jimmy went around and said nasty things about me, but I know he didn't mean it. I have no idea why he said those mean things. Do you?" "I don't know, you're a very nice guy. Never forget that," Nimoy replied with a little tongue in cheek. Reiterating some things he expressed in the pair's "Mind Meld" DVD, Shatner said, "I have no idea why those guys were angry." Nimoy added, "I don't think it's true. I think he loves you." "Yeah — now!" Shatner laughed.
Earlier in the day in the Photo Op room, in fact, Shatner and Doohan did have a cordial conversation. Nimoy visited with Doohan subsequently, and — as Nimoy recounted on stage — Jimmy said to him, "I'm doing all right. Bill is here, and he's behaving himself."
Taking a more serious tone, Shatner and Nimoy both had high praise for their colleague's work ethic. "He had enormous professionalism," Shatner said. "They trained us well in Canada — be there at 9:00, you're there at 9:00, and you know your lines. It's remarkable how few actors there are, even back then, that had Jimmy's professionalism." Nimoy added, "He always went right to the core of the scene, and delivered what was necessary from his character."
They each noted that the weekend was a "bittersweet" experience, especially after losing DeForest Kelley five years ago. "It's a goodbye but it's also a celebration of Jimmy and a very, very long and wonderful career," Nimoy said. Shatner remarked that Doohan has had a fabulous life — "Not that it's over." He can still see plenty of life in Jimmy, especially when he holds his little girl Sarah.
On other topics, Shatner talked a bit about Boston Legal, the new show he's starring in this fall. He revealed that Rene Auberjonois from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine has been written into the show with a recurring role. Also, Shatner spoke about his discussions with Paramount regarding a possible appearance on Star Trek: Enterprise. "I came up with a story, and I met with everybody ... So I said, here's the story, and they said, 'Great story!' And I said, 'Here's how much money I want.' They said, 'Great story!' And that's where it's at now — I want too much money for it."
Nimoy closed the appearance by saying, "We truly have enjoyed being with you. And, we wish for Jimmy Doohan to live very long and be very prosperous. And the same to you."
The "Grand Finale" of the weekend was basically a chance for Jimmy to appear on stage one last time before the fans (but without speaking). With a ballroom packed beyond Fire Marshall standards (sadly, the room was locked down and many people had to be turned away), he was rolled in from backstage and helped to his feet by two of his sons, Montgomery and Thomas, and they helped him walk to the chair in center stage. Behind him, leading the applause were Majel Barrett Roddenberry, Grace Lee Whitney, Koenig, Takei and Nichols. Neil Armstrong also came on stage to honor the man of the hour. The ovation was thunderous, and Jimmy took it all in with a touching smile.
Source: Planet XpoHappy Memories At Doohan's Farewell
Although Shatner and Leonard Nimoy, forever known as Capt. Kirk and Spock, didn't appear on stage with him, they talked about Doohan earlier on Sunday. Appearing on stage with Shatner, Nimoy said he would never forget seeing Scotty standing in the turbolift on Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, holding his nephew's bloodied body after an attack on the Enterprise. Other memories throught the weekend played out on giant video screens, as clips were shown of Scotty from the original series and the movies. Fans in the audience knew the lines well enough to say them loudly and in perfect unison with the clips, such as "Captain, there be whales here!" from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.
Nimoy emphasized the convention's point was to celebrate Doohan's life, and Shatner said he likes the fact that Doohan, a Canadian, had created a character so loved by Americans. Shatner also is a Canadian.
Source: Trek Today
Shouldn't be so surprised about Fringe. Emmy has given short shrift to Star Trek for 46 years. Amazing. LLAP
— Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy) July 19, 2012
No Emmy nomination for Fringe. Ridiculous.So much talent. So much hard work. So much imagination. LLAP
— Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy) July 19, 2012
Leonard Nimoy on 'Fringe' Emmy Snub: It's Ridiculous
As "Fringe" is omitted from the 64th Annual Primetime Emmy Award nominations, Leonard Nimoy has sounded off his disappointment. Taking to his Twitter on Thursday, July 19, the Spock of the original "Star Trek" series wrote, "No Emmy nomination for Fringe. Ridiculous.So much talent. So much hard work. So much imagination. LLAP."
The 81-year-old actor, who has appeared several times as Dr. William Bell on the J.J. Abrams-co-created show, didn't only feel bitter about "Fringe" exclusion this year, but also because of the lack of appreciation given to "Star Trek" series. "Shouldn't be so surprised about Fringe. Emmy has given short shrift to Star Trek for 46 years. Amazing. LLAP," he added in another post.
"Fringe" was nominated twice at Emmy Awards in 2009 and 2010, but didn't win any. With the sci-fi show entering its final season this fall, it will only have one last chance to get a kudo from the prestigious event next year.
Source: Aceshowbiz
Leonard Nimoy: 'Fringe Emmy snub is ridiculous'
Leonard Nimoy has criticised the lack of Emmy recognition awarded to Fringe.
The actor - who has made several guest appearances on the Fox sci-fi drama as scientist William Bell - took to Twitter to complain about this year's Emmy nominations.
"No Emmy nomination for Fringe - ridiculous," he wrote. "So much talent. So much hard work. So much imagination."
The Star Trek actor also retweeted several messages voicing disapproval that his co-star John Noble (Walter Bishop) had not been recognised.
"Shouldn't be so surprised about Fringe," he added. "Emmy has given short shrift to Star Trek for 46 years. Amazing."
Last year, Joshua Jackson (Peter Bishop) also expressed his disappointment at Noble's lack of awards.
"Somebody's got to nominate John Noble," he insisted. "It's just getting silly now."
Source: Digital Spy
‘Fringe’ Emmy Snubs “Ridiculous” Says Leonard Nimoy
‘Fringe‘ fans were deeply saddened (thought not altogether unsurprised) to learn with yesterday’s 2012 Emmy nominations that the cult sci-fi series had been passed over entirely for any award recognition, in spite of years of groundbreaking work and the universally acclaimed performance or series star John Noble. Longtime supporter and sometime guest-star Leonard Nimoy too has felt the outrage, and has taken to Twitter to vent his frustration.
‘Fringe’ fans are certainly used to their share of heartbreak, what with the series continually passed over for mainstream awards, and escaping cancellation numerous times in spite of an outpouring of both fan and critical support. John Noble in particular, playing the delightfully eccentric mad scientist Walter Bishop is often touted as delivering Emmy-caliber work, yet never recognized by the voters.
With the 2012 Emmy nominations, the second-to-last in which ‘Fringe’ would be eligible for any kind of awards, fans were heartbroken to learn that not a single category chose to recognize the series. Former ‘Star Trek‘ icon and sometime ‘Fringe’ star Leonard Nimoy seems equally outraged by the snub, touting the incredible imagination of the cast and crew, and comparing it to ‘Star Trek’s own history of being ignored for major awards.
Speaking from his Twitter, Nimoy writes:
No Emmy nomination for Fringe. Ridiculous.So much talent. So much hard work. So much imagination. LLAP
— Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy) July 19, 2012
Shouldn’t be so surprised about Fringe. Emmy has given short shrift to Star Trek for 46 years. Amazing. LLAP
— Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy) July 19, 2012
For those unfamiliar with the signature, “LLAP” refers to Nimoy’s most famous character Spock’s Vulcan mantra, “Live long and prosper.”
First introduced in the initial season of ‘Fringe,’ Nimoy recurred as Walter Bishop’s former partner William Bell throughout the second and third season, before making a surprise appearance in the climax of the fourth as well. Though his involvement remains to be seen, the story would dictate that Nimoy should have some presence in the fifth, and final season as well.
Source: Screen Crush
Other pages responding to Mr. Nimoy's tweet:
The Mary Sue, blastr, TV Line, Carter, Yahoo TV. Thanks to Grace for contributing to this post.
Meeting Nimoy
To Boldly Go

I started to move away (because the needs of the many dictated not holding up the 900 people behind me) and he put his hand on my shoulder to stop me. No, Nimoy did not do the Vulcan Nerve Pinch. He stated, “I was very glad I did that.” I started to move again, and again he stopped me two more times, asking what had happened and if I was ok now.
Class act. A wonderful human being.
Source: The Legal Geeks
A Second Look: 'The Invasion of the Body Snatchers'
Philip Kaufman's 1978 iteration, also called "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," changes the setting to a post-utopian San Francisco, and fittingly this Me Decade update is less about the political than the personal. In the first film, the pod people try to sell Miles and Becky on the benefits of an emotionless existence ("Life is so simple").
One of the most memorable characters in Kaufman's version is a platitude-spouting self-help guru, played by Leonard Nimoy — one of the film's sneakier jokes is that we can't tell when exactly he became a pod.
Source: Los Angeles Times
Updates to Events 2010
Spock will finally beam home to Vulcan
Actor Nimoy to visit town he championed
Eric Volmers, Calgary Herald
Published: Saturday, January 23, 2010
Mr. Spock is finally coming home.
Actor Leonard Nimoy, who played the half-human, half-Vulcan first officer of the Starship Enterprise on the original series, will be visiting the southern Alberta town of Vulcan on April 23, prior to his appearance at the Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo on April 24 and 25.
The 78-year-old actor helped put the farming town of less than 2,000 residents on the map when he got behind the community's spirited campaign to host last year's world premiere of the blockbuster Star Trek reboot.
After reading about their plight in a Calgary Herald story online, he called the town's tourism office and the press to lend his support, deeming Paramount Pictures' reluctance "sad." Vulcan, which doesn't have a movie theatre, didn't get the premiere but Nimoy's cheerleading made headlines around the world.
He also told the Herald that he would happily visit the town, but had never been invited. Now he has.
"I would love to just roll out the green carpet," says tourism co-ordinator Dayna Dickens, an appropriately Trekkie reference to Mr. Spock's famous green blood. "We want to really thank him for what he's done for us and show him what we're all about and how we're hoping to grow and evolve it over time. And really just put a face to the community that he's made just a big difference for." Nimoy is expected to spend a few hours in Vulcan to help usher in its new status as the official Star Trek capital of Canada, which was recently bestowed on the town through a licensing deal with CBS Broadcasting. The actor will unveil a life-size bronze bust of Mr. Spock and provide a hand print for a plaque that will greet visitors with the Vulcan blessing "Live long and prosper."
Source: Calgary Herald
Vulcan throws stellar homecoming party
Eric Volmers, Calgary Herald; Canwest News Service
Published: Saturday, April 24 2010
Despite a spell of unwelcoming hail, rain and snow, Mr. Spock finally arrived in the small Alberta town of Vulcan on Friday, ending what some say has been a 10-year quest to bring the half-human, half-Vulcan home.
(...) "Wait until Bill Shatner hears about this," said Nimoy. "I have been a Vulcan for 44 years. It's about time I came home."
In town for only a couple of hours, the actor is scheduled to be a guest at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo this weekend. Vulcan is about 100 kilometres southeast of Calgary.
Nimoy's appearance caps off a decade-plus campaign to use Gene Roddenberry's popular Star Trek phenomenon to boost tourism for the town, which was actually named after the Roman god of fire.
"I think this is going to go down as one of the biggest days in Vulcan history," says Dayna Dickens, the town's tourism co-ordinator. "You know, certainly there's be some controversy with the town having its traditional Prairie roots. But I think the town has come together to welcome Mr. Nimoy here."
A pharmacy, an insurance office, the local tavern and even one abandoned building had been turned into makeshift shrines to Spock. New T-shirts had been designed, and a limited edition poster was produced that pictured an Andy Warhol-like portrait of the pointy-eared first officer of the Enterprise with the caption "Welcome Home."
(...) Nimoy, who recently announced his retirement from acting, was clearly touched by the attention.
"I've never had an experience quite as touching as I'm having here today and I appreciate it," he said. "I'm just sorry it took me so long to get here."
Last year, Nimoy famously got behind the town's failed bid to hold the premiere of J.J. Abrams's 2009 Star Trek film series reboot.
Vulcan has already felt the benefits of Nimoy's plug. In 2009, it had 23,400 visitors. That's up from 16,800 in 2008. Now endorsed by CBS Television, which owns the licensing rights to Star Trek memorabilia, the town has been able to offer a new line of items at its tourism centre.
Source: Edmonton Journal

In truth, it was Leonard Nimoy’s first visit to this Star Trek-crazed town in rural Alberta, Canada. The man best known as “Spock” was greeted by thousands of adoring fans, many of them wearing Vulcan-style pointy ears and Star Trek uniforms. After serving as honorary parade marshal on a starship float, Nimoy unveiled a bust of Spock at the space-themed Vulcan Tourism & Trek Station. “I’ve been a Vulcan for 44 years,” Nimoy told the cheering crowd as he flashed his trademark “Live Long and Prosper” Vulcan salute. “It’s about time I came home.”
“Leonard has great affection for Vulcan,” says Pat Wisener, owner of the Vulcan Funeral Home and a longstanding member of V.A.S.T. (the Vulcan Association of Science & Trek, which has spearheaded the town’s promotional efforts). “He told me that his childhood home and many around it had been bulldozed in Boston, so he felt orphaned. So once he heard about Vulcan and our ‘Spock Days,’ he had a new hometown—and that coming here in April was like coming home for real.”
Nimoy’s visit is just the latest achievement in a rather strange tale of whimsy, marketing savvy, and attraction management success. The reason: The town that is now known as the “Official Star Trek Capital of Canada” only gained this moneymaking status by out-of-the box thinking, dogged determination, and a sense of humor that won the heart of Nimoy and Star Trek fans from across the globe.
How Vulcan Became Spock’s Hometown
The town of Vulcan, Alberta (population 1,940, up 10 percent from 2001), sits on the flat Canadian Prairie about an hour’s drive from Calgary. It was founded in 1915 and named Vulcan in honor of the Roman god of fire. “At one time, a million bushels of wheat flowed into Vulcan’s towering grain elevators from neighboring farms, and onto passing trains,” Wisener says. But those days are long gone. Only one of the so-called “Prairie Skyscrapers” remains in town, and the town’s business base has been in decline for decades.
By 1990, things were getting desperate in Vulcan. Businesses were going broke, local schools were closing, and the population was trickling away. In response, the local Chamber of Commerce got together to brainstorm ideas to revive the town’s fortunes. “Some people suggested that we build a heritage museum to attract tourists, but then it was pointed out that every small town seems to have a heritage museum,” says Greg Dietz, owner of Invisible Fence of Western Canada and a founding member of V.A.S.T. “Then someone mentioned how Trekkies liked to have their picture taken by the town’s cement sign that said, ‘Welcome to Vulcan,’” Wisener adds. “That got me to thinking: Maybe there’s a way to work with Vulcan’s link to Star Trek and get people to stop by for Star Trek-themed events here.”
The Vulcan Chamber of Commerce members agreed; perhaps “to boldly go where no Canadian Prairie town had ever gone before” could help generate some tourist dollars. So V.A.S.T. was born, and the quest to turn a dying farm town into Canada’s Star Trek capital began.
“It seemed a natural,” Dietz says. “After all, people who called me from out of town were always saying, ‘You live in Vulcan, eh? So do you have pointy ears?’ And I’d reply, ‘Yeah, so what’s it to ya?’”
Stellar Milestones
In 1993 Vulcan hosted its first Star Trek convention. Branded as Star Trek VulCON, the event attracted Trekkies from all over Alberta. The Star Trek fans wore their uniforms in town, which the locals supported by wearing their uniforms, as well.
Two years later, V.A.S.T. and the town paid a local welder to build a large, accurate replica of the Star Trek Enterprise 1701-A space ship (original movie version). Located at the entrance to town, the FX6-1995-A (FX6 being Vulcan’s airport designation; 1995 being the year the model was built) became a focal point where Star Trek fans could have their pictures taken. “It was something to get people to stop by and perhaps buy some gas or get something to eat,” Wisener says. “And it worked: People came to Vulcan to see the FX6-1995-A, and once they came they did stop in for a while.”
Now that people were stopping, the town needed something to make them stay longer. The answer was the Vulcan Tourism & Trek Station, a building designed to look like a spaceship that has just landed. Here visitors could look at Star Trek displays drawn from local collections, buy Star Trek merchandise from uniformed staff, and be directed to other local highlights such as Vulcan Lions Park (featuring a space-themed waterpark), the 18-hole Vulcan Golf & Country Club, and the Star Trek Walking Tour of Vulcan. This last attraction includes the murals, Vulcan Post Office with a Trek Station postmark, and the Vulcan Cemetary “where, beneath a handsome and unique gravestone carved in the shape of the Starfleet insignia, a Trekker has gone on to explore the next Frontier,” says the tour brochure. (To see the brochure and other Vulcan Star Trek attractions online, warp to www.vulcantourism.com.
As Vulcan increased its Star Trek attractions, it garnered more media attention and more visits by Star Trek fans, including its first Klingon wedding in 2004. Three years later, the town and province of Alberta hired GestureTek Technology to build “The Vulcan Space Adventure,” a dark ride inspired by “Mission: Space” at Walt Disney World’s Epcot. According to www.vulcantourism.com, “Players are cadets at Starflight Academy, where they are tutored by a character who bears a funny resemblance to one of the original Captains of the Starship Enterprise. Starflight Cadets pass through a set of ‘swooshing’ doors, and start the game off in training mode when all of a sudden a RRRRrrrrrred Alert!!!! is called, the Admiral Namuras of the Argon Invasion Fleet attacks, and the fun begins!”
The hook to the game is GestureTek’s control technology: Players can aim and fire torpedoes within a “control frame,” similar to the hand gestures and swoops Tom Cruise employed in the 2002 film “Minority Report.” Since they get to do this within a wraparound spaceship bridge, the “Vulcan Space Adventure” is a big draw for Trekkers. The game has since been reinvented to provide a completely different experience for future guests..
In 2008, Vulcan scored another first: It unveiled a plaque mounted in a red stone to Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry during VulCON: Spock Days/Galaxyfest weekend, with the honors being done by Eugene “Rod” Roddenberry, Gene’s son and an active force in today’s global Star Trek community. “I very much appreciate this tribute to my father, who would be humbled by the continued popularity of Star Trek in big cities and small towns around the world,” Rod Roddenberry said at the time. The unveiling was a big draw.
In 2009, Vulcan did not succeed in convincing Paramount Pictures to hold the world premiere of J.J. Abrams’ “Star Trek” film in town, despite Leonard Nimoy’s active lobbying. “We just didn’t have the theater facilities they needed,” says Wisener. “But Paramount was kind enough to host 300 of our residents—chosen by lottery—at a preview screening in Calgary two days before the world launch. And we got a lot of press as a result of this story, which is always good for tourism.”
This brings the story back to Nimoy’s visit to Vulcan in 2010. “Leonard was speaking at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo that weekend, and when he heard that he was within an hour’s drive of Vulcan, he insisted on coming,” Wisener says. “He’s been great to Vulcan. He even lent us his own personal pointy ears to put on display for a year.”
As for Nimoy himself? He was genuinely delighted by Vulcan’s enthusiasm and dedication to Spock, which included the bust unveiling, and then receiving the key to the city—and Vulcan’s transporter coordinates. “Wait ’til Bill Shatner hears about this!” he exclaimed.
Source: IAAPA
Since I had to reupload this picture (only 500 pictures for free anymore at ImageShack and this got deleted), I thought I'd have a look and see if there's any new information about the parade and there was... Wish I could get my hands at the two original articles mentioned in that one.
Mr. Spock: Pear Blossom Parade Marshal
Friday April 13, 2007
By Craig Stillwell
Welcome to As It Was: Tales from the State of Jefferson
Over the years, the Rogue Valley Pear Blossom Festival Parade has had many famous grand marshals. But forty years ago, the parade marshal was literally out of this world!
Leading the parade down Medford’s Main Street that Saturday, April 15, 1967 was Mr. Spock from the planet Vulcan. The alien spaceman was actually actor Leonard Nimoy, who was one of the main cast members on the television series Star Trek, a show about human space exploration set hundreds of years in the future. Mr. Spock was the ever-logical Science Officer aboard the starship Enterprise.
To the delight of fans, Nimoy appeared in the parade dressed in his powder blue uniform and sporting Mr. Spock’s distinctive pointed ears and slanted eyebrows.
Nimoy made local television appearances and was scheduled to visit the pediatric wards of both Medford hospitals.
Nimoy was also marshal of the longest parade in Festival history—around 200 entries of “floats, bands, beauty pageant contestants, walking groups, horses, antique cars, dogs, clowns, circus elephants” and more. The theme was “Pears in Circus Land,” and the largest street-side crowd in Medford history gathered to watch the parade march into Hawthorne Park.
There, Nimoy was reportedly mobbed by Earthlings eager to get his autograph.
Today’s episode of As It Was was written by Craig Stillwell, the program producer is Raymond Scully. I’m Shirley Patton. As It Was is a co-production of JPR and the Southern Oregon Historical Society. To share stories or learn more about the series visit asitwas – dot- org
“Pear Blossom Parade Marshal To Be ‘In Costume’ Saturday,” Mail Tribune, Thursday, April 14, 1967; “Largest Crowd Sees Longest Parade in History,” Mail Tribune, Sunday, April 16, 1967, p.1.
Source: Jefferson Public Radio
'Hava Nagila' opens Jewish Film Festival
We all know the song. We've all seen the dance it inspires - at weddings and bar mitzvahs, either in person or in movie and television. But just what is "Hava Nagila," where did it come from and what does it mean?
That's what documentarian Roberta Grossman, who was raised in the Los Angeles area and went to UC Berkeley, had to find out when she stopped and wondered about the song she had been singing all her life.
"I remember these moments when I was a kid, at a family celebration - a bar mitzvah and wedding - during the height of 'Hava Nagila' period in American Jewish history," Grossman said. "It felt like the primal, tribal experience - it was really one of the seminal experiences in my life.
"What is 'Hava Nagila'? Why is it so important in my life? I didn't know what the words meant. I didn't know where it come from, whether somebody wrote it - was it a thousand years old, a hundred years old? So I started looking, and then I discovered this wonderful history."
The resulting documentary, "Hava Nagila," partially filmed in the Bay Area, is a toe-tapping, entertaining celebration of the song, starring Harry Belafonte, Connie Francis, Glen Campbell, Leonard Nimoy and many others. The world premiere of the film opens the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival on Thursday.
Source: San Francisco Chronicle
Sample from the documentary.
87th Precinct Available on DVD

"Leonard Nimoy guest stars in 'The Very Hard Sell,' where a used car salesman is found dead, slumped over a steering wheel. (...) This series has largely remained in obscurity since it originally aired 50 years ago. In fact, I'm not sure that it has ever aired anywhere. So it should be no surprise that the video and audio quality is far from perfect. Nothing is too sharp in any of the episodes, and there is grain, debris, and scratches all over the place. But there is also some variance between the episodes. I'm sure that Universal (the rights holder) for the series hasn't really bothered restoring this series at all, so everything was likely left up to TMG to clean them up. With that being said, though, the episodes do not look terrible. They don't look like low-budget public domain episodes (and they shouldn't since this prints are "direct from the Universal vault" as the packaging indicates). The audio is a little low and has some crackle in it, but it won't be enough to bother most people. The episodes are neither closed-captioned nor subtitled." Review: Sitcoms Online. Buy at Amazon
Jimi Hendrix and Leonard Nimoy with Chuck Dunaway
This is about the meeting between the great Yiddishist, Leonard Nimoy aka Spock and the Master of the Stratocaster, Yiddel Mitt'n Fiedel aka Jimi Hendrix.
I've had this pic in my collection for some time, given to me by ace Hendrix historian David Pearcy. It chronicles a meeting in Cleveland on March 26th, 1968. The night before Jimi was already in town and played at Otto's Grotto jamming with local band Good Earth. The Experience played two shows on the night of the 26th, and Leonard Nimoy was in attendance. Later on, they met at the club and talked for hours. They even continued on to Jimi's hotel room and talked again until 2 or 3 a.m.
The man who put these two giants together was Cleveland radio veteran Chuck Dunaway. Here's how he tells it in his memoir:
"Two days before the phone call from Joe, I had made a fashion-show appearance at Higbee's department store with Leonard Nimoy of "Star Trek" fame. The night before the fashion show, Jerry Hall, the local promotion man for Nimoy's label and an old friend from Texas, had arranged for the three of us to have dinner together, even though I had nothing to do with picking music for the station.
"Nimoy and I hit it off, talking politics for hours after dinner in his hotel room. At the fashion show, I told Nimoy of the Time magazine article. Leonard said he had heard of Hendrix, and decided to stay in Cleveland another day, joining me at the Hendrix 'impromptu' guest shot with the local band. So we met Jimi at the club that night and the three of us began talking politics. We were all on the same wavelength, wanting to see the end of the war in Vietnam."
Only recently, in an interview with the LA Times' Hero Complex blogger Geoff Boucher here.
Nimoy recalls what that meeting was like (at 10:24 on the YouTube video):
"I was promoting a recording in Cleveland and [Chuck Dunaway says,] 'Hendrix is in the next room – he heard you were here and he wants to meet you.' I thought about it for a nanosecond, and I went to break some bread with him. He was a true genius – a great, great artist. A tragic end."
Jimi died on September 18th, 1970. He would have been 70 next November 27th.
Source: Doctor Noe's Gadget. The same picture as on the blog, bigger but lower quality is here.
Thanks to Grace for pointing this article out. I had the original blog entry by Chuck Dunaway, now gone, filed under "Voices/Other." Since even I didn't remember where I'd put it at first, I've moved the entry to "Sighting." I think that's going to fit better.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Plans to film entirely with unknown actors were shelved in May when Solo met Donald Sutherland at a film screening and soon interested the actor in portraying the main character of Mathew Bennell. Meanwhile Phil Kaufman had been working on the new Star Trek feature film with Leonard Nimoy until that project was canceled, and he soon interested Nimoy in joining the "Body Snatchers" project as Dr. David: Kibner, a pop psychologist.
United Artists originally scheduled Body Snatchers for a Halloween 1978 release, but later pushed it up to Christmas.
In terms, of publicizing its special effects and new plot elements, producer Solo has maintained an extremely low profile.
''This is not a hardware movie like Star Wars and Close Encounters of Third Kind," says Solo. 'I don't have flying spaceships, or laser guns or robots. I certainly don't want to blow the impact of the picture before it's out."
As to the fim's ending. No one is talking. Even Leonard Nimoy had to wait until a trade screening in August 1978 to find out how the film is resolved. His reaction: ''I was very satisfied."
Leonard Nimoy on Naked Ladies & Star Trek
Mission Impossible

LN & Lesley Ann Warren
Lesley Ann Warren on Victor Victoria and The Actors Studio
Mission: Impossible (1970-1971)—“Dana Lambert”
LW: When Barbara Bain and Marty [Landau] left, the producers were determined to go younger. They wanted a much younger image for the new female character; they wanted my freckles to show. [Laughs.] They were very supportive of what I brought to it. I was not happy doing a TV series at that time, especially that kind of series. Although I did become very close with Leonard Nimoy, and he went on to direct me in his first directing experience on television, Night Gallery, which was great. But I didn’t like the technological aspects of Mission: Impossible; I wanted it to be more acting. And even though they gave me some really wonderful characters to portray, I had a yearning to do something else. So I was the one that actually left after a season, and I think the next thing I did was a movie called Harry And Walter Go To New York, with Jimmy Caan and Elliott Gould, Diane Keaton, Michael Caine. That was just a glorious experience, with an alumnus from Actors Studio, Mark Rydell, directing. And that’s what I wanted to do more of at that time.
Source: A.V. Club
Leonard Nimoy's Autograph in Comic Con Mystery Packs

A Comic Con Mystery Revealed!
Today comes big news of another hit collectors will find randomly inserted. Packs will contain a Leonard Nimoy autograph card from Nimoy’s Transformers appearance as the voice of Sentinel Prime. Only 45 numbered cards will be found. Source: Non-Sport Update
Submitted by Grace. Thanks.
Conquer Monster - An Introduction Read By Leonard Nimoy
Joshua Faulkner, Rion Buhler, and Daniel Romero are the trio that makes up the electronic-experimental band: Conquer Monster. They are a local band that mainly perform in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Source: Pause and Discuss
Costumes, Props and Make-Up
Last month I posted two pictures from Wrath of Dhan, a costume collector's page, who acquired two costumes worn by Mr. Nimoy as Spock. This got me started on the subject and here's some more about how Spock comes about in in the process. Most hilarious were the comments on startrekauction.blogspot about the "Star Trek IV Spock Whale tank Swimwear" and Sickbay costume. Be kind in your judgement, he's a guy.
Making Spock’s Ears
A bit more history on the Spock ears for the first movie. After I made the ears for Nimoy the first set of molds were used for a long time. The molds were quite used from continuous baking which caused Rick Stratton to make the masters in order to make duplicate molds. Additionally Rick and Mike LaValley both replicated my ears and made new molds from scratch. Still faithfully made to duplicate the originals.
About mid production another makeup artist was added to the lab and re made the ears putting his own touch to them. They were wrong.
This artist was never a fan, certainly not a Star Trek fan and made no attempt to replicate the ear sculptures that John Chambers did for the original TV show. They had an entirely different shape. Shorter. Fatter and lacked those distinctive curves. If you watch the film you’ll see at one point toward the end that Spock has one of mine on one ear and the other artist’s on the other. Fred evidently mixed them up and I remember the big bag of Spock ears he had. Remember these old timers back then were’t fans. And they just didn’t’t notice such things or seem to care as we do today. Pointed ears were pointed ears. In fact as the movies went on the ears again did not appear as they did in the original series. They maintained that fat short look.
Steve Neill
Source: http://sneillfx.com/page10
Mister Spock’s Odd Green Color: RCMA Color Process Foundation Make-Up “LN-1”
So, most Star Trek fans know that Mister Spock is “green.” But how green is he, really? What’s the story behind Leonard Nimoy’s make-up for Mister Spock?
Well, we know that Spock has “green” copper-based blood. (Well, it’s mostly green; it has some human elements in it, too.) And we also know that very early on, it was contemplated that the character would be a Martian with a reddish hue—like the red martian soil. However, actual make-up tests revealed that reddish make-up doesn’t actually look “alien;” it simply looks like bad make-up and it shows up very dark on old black and white televisions. (Leonard Nimoy would have looked like he’s performing in an old minstrel show.) So it was decided to make the character a Vulcanian and go for a greenish-ochre-goldenish color, that looks like—well, not quite like anything in the world—except maybe chicken soup. It’s actually not an extreme difference from regular human color; it’s fairly subtle. Mostly, it’s just weird and unworldly.
(…) For custom-colored make up, Star Trek make-up artist Fred Phillips went to The Research Council of Make-up Artists, Inc. (RCMA). This company could (and, in fact, still does) make custom make-up colors—and then they keep the formulas on file (something like paint color formulas) so the colors can be produced again later.
(…) Fortunately, the original RCMA 1965 Color Process Foundation “LN-1” (Leonard Nimoy #1”) for Mister Spock’s odd Vulcan coloration is still available—if you know what to search for and you have the money.
Gregory L. Schnitzer , Property Master (and occasional Make-Up Guy), Star Trek Phase II
[“LN-1” can still be bought at Mavis Theatrical Supply. It’s listed in “Special Shades.” LN-1 Lenard Nimoy RF219 RF220]
Star Trek I
(Paramount, 1979) Signature crème colored sleeveless robe of rubberized fabric geometric emblems with hook-and-eye belt attachment at the sides. Worn by Leonard Nimoy as “Mr. Spock” during the opening sequences of the film on planet Vulcan. Exhibits studio soiling and distress and bears the internal Western Costume Co. label handwritten, “Spock Nimoy.”
Source costume pic 1 and description: icollector.com, Source costume pic 2 : trekspace.org
The Spock TMP costume is totally overpriced. A $ 30-40,000 bid is just not realistic. Profiles started this last auction with the overpriced "Roberta Lincoln" and "Lenore Karridian" costumes in their last auction, both of which had absurd $ 20,000 opening bids and neither of which sold. This costume is cool, but a $ 15,000 costume max. And more like $ 10,000. So how do they get $ 30,000? It is far from iconic and I will say if you spend $ 30,000 on this you are nuts.
The two big fails, were, as predicted, the Spock costume from TMP (no bids) and the Shuttlepod (no bids). You didn't have to be a genius to know that the TMP Spock Robe was worth maybe $ 15,000 TOPS and that this one would never hit the $ 30,000 reserve.

The Spock Sickbay Costume at $ 2,9820 was a shocker. Yes, it is a key scene in ST: TMP, but still, it isn't a Starfleet uniform, so I think it is a bit much.
A new record for an item on the It's a Wrap auctions was set when the Spock Space Suit from Star Trek: TMP sold for $ 10,100.03. This is almost $ 4,000 more than the Captain Kirk Commando uniform from Star Trek V that sold for $ 6,253 two weeks ago. The down side was if you read the description carefully, there was a hole cut in the helmet. This also may have been re-used by Paul Winfield in Star Trek II. Of course that one had a handle in the front, and this one does not. Also, I really hate that it has no boots. I would get some repros for sure.
And best of all is the fantastic Spock Space Suit from that movie. It looks great, but sadly does not have the boots. This item is a gem and someone will have a great piece of movie history in their home. This will certainly set a record for these auctions. I find it hard to believe it will go less than $8,000 and could easily hit $10,000
The Star Trek: TMP Spock Class D uniform at $6,100.03 was the top costume of the week. There was no uniform insignia and no shoulder strips. This may have been because this jumpsuit was used at the end of the movie under their field jackets. You never see anything but the collar and legs of this uniform. So, for this to go so high I think is a bit much.
The Spock class D uniform went high, going for $ 7,810. A month ago, one of these went for $ 6,100. The costume,from Star Trek: The Motion Picture, certainly is recognizable and unique because of the Mandarin collar.
The Spock Class A Starfleet Uniform is at $ 3,750 and will go higher. What should be noted is that the shirt is NOT Nimoy's. Cool none the less, but I wouldn't pay high as I like having a costume that is 100% the actor's.
Star Trek IV

At $ 1,713, the Spock headband from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home was a pretty good deal. At Christies, this sold for $ 4,560 with buyer's premium. Pretty iconic and something that is easy to display.
An original Spock headband from The Voyage Home - $1999 shipped (or best offer) in the US. Comes with shown display stand and a COA from It's a Wrap who got the item directly from Paramount. The second pic shows the inside of the headband - the folds are stitched closed through the center of the piece but the ends are not so they "flare out" as shown.

The Star Trek IV Spock Whale tank Swimwear went for $ 2,092. Strong for a swimsuit, but important none the less and such a great scene in Star Trek IV.
The top item of the week was the Spock "Mindmeld" costume from Star Trek IV. Basically his underwear, it went for a RIDICULOUS $ 4,550. This one totally boggles my mind. Someone must love that movie a lot to pay that for this costume.
Worst Buy of the week: Spock's "Mindmeld Costume" at $ 4,550. Basically glorified underwear! Give me a break!
The Spock Whale Mind Meld Costume we have seen before, and obviously there were a bunch of these. Star Trek: IV Spock Whale Mind Meld Costume at $ 1,575
The Star Trek IV Spock Whale Tank Costume at $ 2,927 was a popular item and certainly very memorable. Not out of line price wise. Will be a cool conversation piece on display.
Star Trek V

The Spock Camping costume was very nice (all that was needed was Spock's rocket boots!) and went for $ 3,405. The same bidder won the McCoy Commando costume at $ 3,363 (and the Sybok robes!). I happen to know that this bidder has both the Kirk and Spock Commando costumes already and is something of a Star Trek V geek! Well, there had to be ONE is the entire galaxy! :-)
Star Trek: V Spock Camping Outfit at $ 4,225 was the best costume this week, but probably a bit high. We have seen a bunch of these and though this is the only one to have the Vulcan iconography on the shirt underneath, it is still a lot for a civilian costume. But a very cool jacket and very recognizable.
The Commando Spock went for $ 2,550 which was a steal! This is an important costume and used through most of Star Trek V. I can't believe it went so low.
The Star Trek V Spock Commando costume was a bit high at $ 3,050 I felt as the undershirt wasn't Spock's, and there were no rank or even boots. There have been a bunch of these, so I don't think they are too special, but none the less it is a Spock and so very cool for the new owner.
The Spock Commando costume is similar to the Kirk, though this is an actual Nimoy costume. It has a belt, though no rank pins or boots. Note that it was used in the turbolift shaft scene where Spock uses the rocket boots, so it has a hole in the back of the sweater.
Star Trek VI
One of the most well known costumes up for auction is Leonard Nimoy’s Vulcan Robe and Tunic costume from the Undiscovered Country. We don't see many Spock costumes, and this is a nice piece, though incomplete.
Star Trek '09
Ambassador Spock's gray leather parka and gloves as he is marooned on Delta Vega by Captain Nero in "Star Trek" (Paramount Pictures, 2009) and worn by Leonard Nimoy.
Sources: The Star Trek Prop, Costume & Auction Blog and Star Trek Auction Listings
Wah Chang and the Vulcan Lyre
The Vulcan Lyre (also sometimes called a harp or lute) made its first appearance in the early episode “Charlie X.” It made several other appearances in TOS (“The Conscience of the King,” “Amok Time” and “The Way to Eden”). Chang’s original prop was made of a single piece of solid wood and featured a filament strung up and down multiple times to give the impression of many strings. It was not a functional instrument. After TOS, it was painted black and featured in an episode of Mork and Mindy (many Star Trek props and costumes found their way on to this show).
(…) In 1989 Paramount engaged the services of Dominick Giovanniello at Creative Guitar Studios in San Diego to create licensed replicas of the prop. Unfortunately, the company only held the license for about two years before going out of business but in that time they created at least 25 replica lyres. These are working instruments that make sound when plucked though all the knobs are non-functional. Instead of being solid, they are hollow which allows for the strings to vibrate and create sound. They are strung with 12 wire-wound steel electric guitar strings. Besides only having 12 strings there are a couple of other differences between this replica and Chang’s original. First is that the bottom corner is rounded where the original is pointed. Also, on the original, where the neck meets the body, the neck is thicker than the body. Because these replicas are hollow they have a thin piece of wood on the front and back which makes the body thicker than the neck.
Sources: Wah Chang and the Vulcan Lyre, Star Trek Blueprints: Vulcan Harp
TOS Costume Designer William Ware Theiss
Also in "Amok Time," Theiss created two beautiful costumes for the Vulcan women T'Pring (Arlene Martel) and T'Pau (Celia Lovsky). The T'Pau costume began a long tradition of including elaborate jewelry for Vulcan Masters. Source: The Star Trek Prop, Costume & Auction Blog
“Star Trek; The Motion Picture” Spock’s Kolinar Necklace Prop
From the movie “Star Trek; The Motion Picture,” this is Spock’s Vulcan initiation “Kolinahr” necklace prop. Excellent one of a kind piece, looks almost like 24kt gold with red resin & Vulcan print. Artist’s name (Marion Woodfield) inscribed on back. This was originally obtained from someone who worked on the film. (...) Price:$2499.99. Source: Reel Art
Where to get more information about Star Trek's Vulcans
The Star Trek Prop, Costume & Auction Blog: Vulcan Symbology and Clothing Part 1
Vibrant Oxymoron. She combines a passion for Dr. Who and Star Trek and writes fantastic articles about the Vulcan culture and language and why you shouldn't feed them sucrose.
Star Trek: Vulcanology "[vul-kuh-nol-uh-jee] The study of Star Trek's Vulcans".
Vulcan Calligraphy Another page dedicated to Vulcan as a language.
Ex Astris Scientia: Why Vulcan has no moon.
Have Phaser, Will Travel: Do you know the way to ShiKahr?
Where to get more information about Star Trek Auctions
The Star Trek Prop, Costume & Auction Blog
Star Trek Prop, Costume & Auction Authority
Star Trek Auction Listings (No longer updated)
2008 Licensing International Expo
Leonard Nimoy . promotes the Star Trek franchise at the '2008 Licensing International Expo' at The Javits Center. New York City, USA - 10.06.08
Sources: Aceshowbiz, Contact Music, Absolutely.net, Bart Cop E!, Who2, sulekha.com, spokeo, TV.com, Getty Images, Rex Features, www.nxtbook.com
CBS Consumer Products was promoting the Star Trek franchise as well as the 2009 J.J. Abrams Star Trek film currently in production. Leonard Nimoy made an appearance and was very cordial and candid as he posed for photos with the attendees.
Source: JeffLangeDVD
Hoffman & Nimoy!!
It was at the 2008 Licensing Expo at the Javitz Center, where bare cereal boxes go to find branding. L-Nim was there for sixty short minutes, allowing Nerds to get polaroids with Spock. That’s all I did. I got a press pass, allegedly covering the event, zipped up in a cab, got my photo(s) and zipped back.
I waited on line, stepped up, said “Mr Nimoy, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” I pronounced Nimoy correctly. (It is NiMOY, not NEEEmoy.)
When I gave my Vulcan Salute he said, “Ah, very good!”
And that was it. I wanted to say something funny to him, or something M-O-T (like “You’re a Space Tzadik!”) but all I did after was smile.
Nimoy promotes Trek
As reported by TrekMovie.com earlier in the week, Leonard Nimoy (Star Trek’s original Spock) attended the NYC Licensing Expo on behalf of CBS and the Star Trek brand. Here he is keeping it real…Vulcan style.
Source: Trek Movie.
Please also go to Trek Licensing Gearing Up At NY Trade Show