What's New October 2010
Good news, Mr. Nimoy is out of the hospital and letting folks know on twitter that he's already making plans.
Full Body Project
The Emerson Gallery, Berlin, Germany, will be showing Leonard Nimoy's photographs from November 6th, 2010 through January 15th, 2011. The exhibition is part of the European Month of Photography Berlin. (Exhibitions in chronological order). The Gallery will also be representing Mr. Nimoy's work at the Art.Fair21 in Köln, Germany, from October 29th to November 1st. Here are two news items, both in German, about the events. Leonard Nimoy "The Full Body Project" about the Emerson Gallery exhibit and Alpträume als Wand- und Raumschmuck about the Art.Fair21 with a brief mention of Mr. Nimoy's work.
Fringe - Too Good to be True!
Maybe Christopher Lloyd became the victim of a wrong assumption? At Give Me My Remote the producers of Fringe clarified that, unfortunately, what he said at the convention wasn't true.
According to FRINGE show runners/executive producers J.H. Wyman and Jeff Pinkner, “as much fun as that would be, it is sadly untrue.”
Can you imagine how epic it would have been to have Lloyd, Nimoy and John Noble sharing a scene? Oh well.
As someone remarked in the comments: "If Lloyd wasn’t misquoted/mixed up, my guess is that his character meets a young William Bell and he just assumed it would be Leonard Nimoy." So, lets wait and see who or what (remember Brown Betty?) will turn up in episode ten of the current season.
The Needs of the Many...
Spock's famous last words make history in law in a Texas Supreme Court ruling.
In a ruling on Robinson v. Crown Cork and Seal, an asbestos lawsuit, the Texas Supreme Court struck down a lower court decision and declared a provision of recent legislation to be unconstitutional. As explained by the South East Texas Record, the court found that the legislature should not enact a law which in effect protected a single company.
Where things get interesting is in the written opinion where, in the section on "how the Texas Constitution allocates governing power" , Justice Don R. Willett cites a certain science officer:
"Appropriately weighty principles guide our course. First, we recognize that police power draws from the credo that “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” Second, while this maxim rings utilitarian and Dickensian (not to mention Vulcan21), it is cabined by something contrarian and Texan: distrust of intrusive government and a belief that police power is justified only by urgency, not expediency."
Please read on at Trek Movie for the footnote and Nicholas Meyer's reation.
Fringe - He'll Be Back!
Christopher Lloyed (Kruge, ST III) told the audience at the Chicago convention that Leonard Nimoy will be part of an upcoming Fringe episode, as reported by Trek Movie:
Harve Bennett was recently invited to participate in SOFaT's (Southern Oregon Film and Television) Filmmaker Series aiming to bring "filmmakers together with local audiences to discuss the business and the art of the theatrical film." (Source: Examiner)
During the Q&A following the screening he also talked about the cast and crew working on the movie. This is what he had to say about Leonard Nimoy.
I never understood why Leonard became an actor, he is a pure intellect... Very bright, very gifted, and there is something about his non-acting that makes him an authority figure. You put the ears on him and it all came together...
He talks some more about Star Trek II, being a producer, J.J. Abram's Star Trek, the humor in ST IV, and how he came to work on Trek and working in Television.
Mr. Nimoy is among the artist featured at the Damned III exhibition event at the Tangent Gallery (Damned III, 7 p.m. Oct. 28-29, Tangent Gallery, 715 Milwaukee, $10 in advance. 18+).
This is the third annual exploration of that terra incognita and (not surprisingly) it’s an even more polished and ambitious one than the two that preceded it. Eclectic to the nth degree, DAMNED III is nothing less than a royal summons to investigate artistic introspection and to see what kind of “enlightened darkness” results. It has a gothic patina in many respects, but it is NOT a Halloween bash. It touches on matters erotic, but it is NOT The Dirty Show. The masquerade party/six-course dinner that will highlight the final soiree on Devil’s Night will be more Baudelaire than Bela Lugosi.
And the art you will enjoy is intended to be the very ambiance of the show itself. 128 creative people have contributed or will contribute paintings, sculpture, installations, videos, music, dance, acrobatics, spoken word performances, and the like. And yes, there will be absinthe. Indeed, if the Tangent Gallery/Hastings St. Ballroom only had the additional virtue of being fashioned like that “castellated abbey” Prince Prospero resided in … well, the color scheme would be perfect.
It would be criminal not to mention a few of those remarkable contributors – and we hope that you will pursue a more thorough investigation of their works and remarkable skills in the months ahead. In addition to pieces submitted by Leonard Nimoy and the estate of Marcel Marceau, DAMNED III will feature Aunia Kahn, the cirque of Justine and Jade, Robert Morris, Gabrielle Pescador, Eddie Thiel, Sioux Trujillo, Robert Landry, Kristine Diven, Satori Circus, Ana L. Bar, the hypnotic swaying of Chantel and Amber, Jerry Shirts, the aerial graces of Flyhouse, the magic strings of Dixon's Violin, Miss Pussykatt and the Devil Dolls, the virtuoso presence of Sugar Hiccup who will be providing music for the masquerade ball - an ultra rare performance and an appropriately monikered person from somewhere named Weirdartist. That is not the tip of the iceberg, folks, that’s just an
More here.
You can watch the documentary here at Ocean.com or go directly to Vimeo Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5. The description on the page reads, "Jellies and Other Ocean Drifters is a 35-minute program produced by Sea Studios and The Monterey Bay Aquarium, in collaboration with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. Narrated by Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock of Star Trek), Jellies features breathtaking images of never-before-seen jellyfish and other deep ocean creatures: predatory comb jellies, web-weaving larvaceans, colonial salps and 30-foot long siphonophores."
While there are no news about Mr. Nimoy's condition, which hopefully means he's continuing to get better, here's a link to Ribbonrain's (you might know her from YouTube) wonderful tumbler page to ease the wait. (Thank's, Grace, for the kick in the butt to move posting the link to the top of my to do list.)
Best wishes and a speedy recovery, Mr. Nimoy!
Mr. Nimoy Recovers from Surgery
According to Trek Movie Mr. Nimoy had to be hospitalized for emercency surgery this Friday but is recovering well. For more please head over to their page.
Playwright Vern Thiessen talked a bit about the play commissioned by Leonard and Susan Nimoy.
Meanwhile, Thiessen remains a writer in demand, with commissions from the Manitoba Theatre for Young People (an ecological musical he is penning with local composer Olaf Pyttlik), Shaw Festival (stage adaptation of Somerset Maugham's Of Human Bondage) and one for Leonard Nimoy, the one-time Spock from TV's Star Trek.
He was in Los Angeles recently for a reading of his commissioned play Saving Grace, which Nimoy's wife Susan is directing. She also helmed his play Shakespeare's Will in L.A. three years ago and Thiessen formed a friendship with the couple.
"They are generous and talented people," he says. "Leonard is just a good Jewish boy from Boston. He's filled with emotion, not like Spock at all.
"I did hear him say 'fascinating' once and that made my ears perk up."
More here.
Honors & Awards
Cultural Awards Serve Up Feast for the Soul (2003)
Lauding Leonard Nimoy’s devotion to Yiddish, Symphony Space artistic director Isaiah Sheffer dubbed the performing arts award he presented to the multitalented actor — aka the well-loved Vulcan Spock — as der emeser mentsch award. “My parents came from Russia [as] immigrant aliens,” Nimoy said. “I was born in Boston and became an alien.”
Nimoy, whose photographic book “Shekhina” created controversy recently, recalled starring in “founder of the Yiddish art theater Maurice Schwartz’s California production of ‘Shver Tzu Zayn a Yid’ (‘Hard to be a Jew’).… When I spoke to him in Yiddish, Schwartz, who was trying to develop an English audience, would say, ‘Speak English!’”
More here.
TV Guide
By Damian Holbrook
May 2010
"We liken it to the post-Beatles Paul Mc-Cartney and John Lennon working on a song together," jokes exec producer Jeff Pinkner. Whether Bell and Bishop can really work it out remains to be seen, considering that even Leonard Nimoy, returning for his fourth appearance, isn't so sure that his enigmatic alter ego is to be trusted.
"I wouldn't count on anything with William Bell," laughs the Star Trek icon. "You just don't know which way this monkey is gonna fall."
Nor do we know if we'll ever see "Belly" again, once the smoke settles. As Noble puts it, the seemingly sinister scientist "takes us all by surprise and makes an extraordinary sacrifice for the greater good." And .while Noble will only allude to- "a wonderful redeeming moment for the character," anyone who can read between the lines knows that "extraordinary sacrifices" usually spell tragedy.
Also upping the odds of a Bell farewell is Nimoy's own recently announced retirement from acting, although the man who was and always will' be Mr. Spock remains logical about the future.
"I never say never. JJ. and his producers and writers treated me extremely well on the "Star Trek" movie, and they did a great job. My nature is to want to be involved with-people who can do very good work."
The interview is gone from the TV Guide page, but a reprint can be found here.
Hubbub: Leonard Nimoy
Boston Magazine
By Jason Schwartz
Posted on 6/24/10
So you brought together 95 people in a Northampton art gallery over two days, asked them who they thought they really were inside, and photographed them? The idea was to come as your secret self that you typically don't get to express, and I would do a portrait of that. We chose 25 to be in the show.
Did anyone stick out to you? The guy who looks like a wood nymph.
I saw that. It looks like he spent about four days rolling around in the mud. He came looking exactly like that, and he became sort of the poster guy for our show.
In a retrospective tri-cityherald.com reprinted an article online in which Mr. Nimoy is interviewed about campaigning for Sen. George McGovern in 1972.
Mr. Spock says he senses movement for McGovern
By Tom Rigert, Herald staff writer
Published on Oct. 11, 1972
"In the last 12 to 14 days, I'm beginning to sense the same kind of movement for Sen. McGovern as in the primaries," Leonard Nimoy said at a rally in Richland today.
Nimoy, who stars as Mr. Spock in the television series Star Trek, said he's seen the growing movement during his nationwide campaign for the South Dakota Senator's election.
He has spoken in 30 states in a tour that began in January during the New Hampshire primary.
"I'm at a disadvantage. I've spent most of my previous life on Vulcan, so I don't know too much about the people in this country," he said with a grin, referring to the extraterrestrial background of Mr. Spock.
But he does know that people are intelligent enough to start asking questions about the issues, and these questions will ultimately win the election for Sen. McGovern, he said.
One of the most important questions is what the Watergate affair really means, Nimoy said.
More here.
Shakespeare’s Will (2007) Written by Vern Thiessen. Produced by Leonard Nimoy.
Directed by Susan Nimoy. "The fascinating story of Anne Hathaway, wife to the world's greatest playwright and a woman hiding dark sorrows of her own." (more/close)
In advance of the opening of the play Mr. Nimoy was interviewed by Cultural Events in Los Angeles in June 2007:
- On a different note, you are currently producing “Shakespeare’s Will” by Canadian playwright, Vern Thiessen, starring Jeanmarie Simpson as Anne Hathaway. The play is directed by your wife, Susan Bay Nimoy. Why did you choose this particular play?
- The play was brought to us by the actress Jeanmarie Simpson who for a long time has been the artistic director of the Nevada Shakespeare Festival. She is a very wonderfully accomplished theatrical actress, whom we’ve known for some time. We have a house in Northern California and we’ve seen some of her work and some of her productions during the Nevada Shakespeare Festival. We have become fans and friends of hers.
And she came by this play, brought it to my wife, Susan and asked her if she would look at it. Susan fell so in love it with this play! It’s a very beautiful piece, very beautifully written, very moving, and funny. It’s an amazing piece of work; an amazing piece of writing. Susan showed it to me and I agreed with her. Jeanmarie Simpson asked Susan if she would direct it and I agreed to produce it and that’s how the project came about. It’s a piece that Susan - with her partner Chase Mishkin - has now optioned for the rest of the United States, including Broadway and for English-speaking territories: UK and Australia. It is now being submitted to directors for the Broadway production. It’s been done before but only in Canada as far as I know.
- So this is the United States Première!
- And this is an extremely well written, very beautiful piece of work and Jeanmarie Simpson is going to be brilliant in it. This a wonderful opportunity for Los Angeles audience to get a glimpse of it BEFORE it goes to New York.
- It sounds terrific; I like Theatre 40 because it frequently features interesting, original plays.
- You’re absolutely right, and this is one of those. It is the story of Anne Hathaway, she is the character on stage, reminiscing about her life as William Shakespeare’s wife. It is quite an extra-ordinary story.
- Your wife, Susan Bay Nimoy is directing “Shakespeare’s Will”, what could you tell us about your wife’s work?
- My wife is a long time director. She’s been away from it for some years but this is a return to something that has been a great love of hers for 40 years. She is one of the first women to be a member of the Directors Guild of America, while she was directing television. She has directed various documentaries over the years. One in particular is a documentary about an artist by the name of Liza Lou who is a wonderful Southern California artist. So Susan has had an interesting career in directing and this is a return to something that she loves and does very well.
Source: http://www.culturaleventsinlosangeles.com/Interviews/InterviewWithLeonardNimoy.htm Note: the page is no longer available. More here. A pdf of the flyer for the play can be found here.
Primortals #0 Cross Country: World in Flames
In one of MacMahon's more remote studios, Stewart prepares for a broadcast. He has something to tell humanity, and something to keep to himself. The Primortals have knowledge of when the human civilization will meet it's doom. He thinks that's a bit much to reveal given the destabilization of world order already caused by our galactic neighbors merely dropping by. In the interview he's asked if the aliens pose no threat in his opinion. He denies this, as Zeerus clearly does, but cautions against vilifying all aliens because of him. more
William Shatner feels convinced he can get Leonard Nimoy to appear on TV again, he told Access Hollywood
Source: Trek Movie.
Clip promoting the 60th Annual Academy Awards
In 2005 Leonard Nimoy sponsored a concert series:
Even during the tensest days of the intifada, the four Jewish and four Arab musicians of the SheshBesh ensemble performed before mixed -- and appreciative -- audiences.
The ensemble's fusion of western and Asian music and instruments can be heard Sunday, June 26, at Temple Israel of Hollywood, as part of the temple's Nimoy Concert Series.
"This unique group of classical artists from the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO), and their equally skilled colleagues from the Arab musical tradition, reflect the best of multicultural Israel today," said actor Leonard Nimoy, who with his wife, Susan, is sponsoring the series.
More here.
Insatiable Curiosity (1983)
Here are some excerpts from another classic zine from my collection. Since it has over 80 pages, uploading every single one would be too time consuming and make the page take long to load. Therefore, I've prepared a folder with the entire zine for you to download. Again, I crossed out last names for reasons of privacy. (more/close)
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