What's New March 2010
Entertainment Weekly asked:
JP: You will definitely see more of Leonard. He’s not going to appear on stage again until deep into the season, but he’s in the show.
Clips from Coral Jungle, a 1976 documentary series about life beneath the sea.
There are some really neat photos of Leonard Nimoy & William Shatner here at Flicker.
The East Tennessee State University has added a photo of Mr. Nimoy from a press conference to Flicker.
Happy Birthday Mr. Nimoy!
As Leonard Nimoy readies himself to leave behind the world of film and television production again, lets take a moment to be thankful for the multi facetted career he had, giving us much to read, watch, listen to, enjoy and provoke our thinking. May he continue to live in good health and prosper.
A Tribute to Leonard Nimoy by FaithfullNightmare |
Leonard Nimoy looks back at his life and career on the Whoopi Goldberg Show (1992).
The Los Angeles Times reports that "Leonard Nimoy will reminisce about his entertainment career, including his experiences as "Star Trek's" Mr. Spock, on Oct. 23" at the Carpenter Performing Arts Center in Long Beach.
The Calgary Herald talked to Mr. Nimoy about the next Star Trek and quitting acting.
"I don’t see it happening," says Nimoy, in an interview from his home in Los Angeles. "I’m comfortable. I’m not glad, I’m not sad. I feel like I’ve had a great ride with the character. . . we started making Star Trek pilots in 1964. I’ve been involved in Star Trek for 44, 45 years. It’s been a wonderful ride for me and it’s been great for my family. We got to do some very interesting work outside of Star Trek because of Star Trek and I’m very satisfied."
Currently, the actor can be seen in the recurring role of the mysterious Dr. William Bell in Abrams’ trippy, sci-fi series Fringe. While Nimoy praises the show and his character, he admits he did it largely as favour to Abrams. So will it be his final role?
"I certainly hope so," he says with a laugh. "I’ve been doing it long enough, so I hope so. I’ve had a great, great run and I have no unfulfilled dreams or aspirations."
A video of the cast shortly after they left their handprints in front of the Grauman's Chinese Theatre in 1991.
Jeanmarie Simpson very fondly remembers working with the man and out of that comes a very passionate request to the fans. (Thank you so much, Jackie, for finding this.)
It’s the summer of 2001 and the telephone rings in my lonely office at the old Knights of Pythias building in Virginia City, Nevada. We’re in performance, this hot, miserable summer, with Richard III and Twelfth Night in repertory. I’m hating my life. The voice on the other end sounds awfully familiar. It asks to speak with me.
“This is she.”
“Hello. This is Leonard Nimoy calling.”
“That’s funny. You sound just like Leonard Nimoy.”
He chuckles enthusiastically.
I feel as if I’ve won a hundred gallons of fresh strawberry ice cream.
How many times must he have heard that comeback or a variation thereof? Yet he responds to me as if I’m unique, clever, and spontaneous. He summers at Lake Tahoe and is looking for models for his forthcoming book, Shekhina, inquiring whether anyone in my theatre company might be attracted to the idea. Once we’re done with the details of his needs and the women in my company who might be available, et cetera, he offers to perform for us at a fund raiser. I ask about his fee and he, again, chuckles. He explains that his offer is to be of service to our non-profit arts organization, not to make money. Of course, I accept (how can he be so generous?! I mean, isn’t he inundated with requests all the time?!) and we set a date.
My experience with Leonard has been that uncomplicated ever since.
Make no mistake. This is no god, no angel, no saint. This is a man who eats and breathes and drinks (but not alcohol) and doesn’t smoke anymore (but used to be “an Olympic smoker”) and hollers at times, and fails every once in a blue moon, a gentleman who loves his wife, children, grandchildren, and various and sundry family members. He abundantly enjoys and fully lives in his various homes, and loves his dog and his friends and the world. He also gets weary and over-worked and over-taxed and bone-tired. He’s human and needs peace and quiet and, by god, he’s earned it. But his son’s come out with a memoir and Leonard has made a new Star Trek film. His life will not be his own again for a long, long time, if ever.
Ladies and Gentlemen: If Leonard Nimoy has enriched your life, you can give him a wonderful gift. When you see him in person, remember that, despite the benefits the dual identity has brought to him and the joy it’s brought to you, he doesn’t belong to you. Give him a smile and a wave, maybe a “thank you for your career!” and leave him the hell alone.
Host (Updated 3/25)
Clips from the Star Trek Sci-Fi Channel Special Edition 1999. Hosted by Leonard Nimoy.
Where No Man Has Gone Before, Charlie X, The Naked Time, The Enemy Within, The Man Trap.
Get a behind the scenes scoop on This Side of Paradise at his blog from the director of the episode himself, Ralph Senensky, featuring also a thank you letter from Mr. Nimoy to him. See also Bread and Circuses and Obsession for more.
To promote the Star Trek movie, Leonard Nimoy did many, many interviews. This is the follow-up for the SciFi Wire one listed further down.
How Star Trek's Leonard Nimoy felt about playing Spock again
What was your first sort of feeling when you saw yourself as Spock again for the first time?
Nimoy: Well, it was gradual, you know, because it doesn't take place in a moment. It's gradual, because the first thing they have to do, they call you up and they say, "OK, it's time to go out and make a cast of your ears." And so that's the first step. They put plaster on the ears ... to create the mold. And then you come back and look at the molding of the sculpture that they've done to create the ear tips. And then you come back when the first pair are ready, and you try them on, and you say, "Well, they should be a little bit more of this and a little bit less of that." And you gradually have to refine it. ... It's not like dropping ... a couple of eggs in the pot and boiling them. It takes time to work it out. But eventually you get to a point where you say, "Well, that looks—now we look like we can walk out and get in front of a camera."
It must have been quite a moment when you first appear as Spock on stage. Can you tell me what that was like?
Nimoy: Well, the first time was actually a test, so it wasn't really in the production. The first day that I walked out into the room where they had a camera rolling and lights and what have you, it was a test. And I was in wardrobe, which eventually became changed. The makeup. I said to J.J. when I walked in, I said, "We're a work in progress." And we weren't there yet. And I knew it, and he knew it, and the wardrobe and makeup people knew it, but we wanted to see what it looked like on film. And we went through two or three of those processes before we finally arrived at a look where he said, "OK, we've got it now. We can go to work." And then it becomes exciting. Then you get Spock walking on a stage.
More here.
birdofthegalaxy's photostream: This is one of the finest collections of behind the scenes photos from TOS I've yet seen.
The first one is titled "Arrested Development" and birdofthegalaxy offers some info on the picture, which was new to me. I never got the joke before, but then I've not seen the picture in good enough resolution, I guess, to make out the handcuffs and pistol:
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"One of my favorite clips showing a staged gag where Leonard Nimoy in costume from Spock's Brain is handcuffed at gunpoint while reading the headline of the LA Times from July 11th 1968. On this day Benjamin Spock was sentenced to a two year jail term for supporting draft evaders and declaring the Vietnam war unconsitutional in the famous Boston Five trial. This is the exact same time as the thrid season episode Spock's Brain was filmed, hence the costume. A great reminder of the political climate of 1968 in addition to the production of Star Trek. "
And here, surly, the Romulan Commander is just showing her admiration for Spock's mind, right?
Leonard Nimoy at ComiCon (Updated)
Interview with KOMO. Favorite quote from the interview: "At my age you get awards for being around a long time" |
Mr. Nimoy reading from his poetry book (different camera angle from the YouTube video at the bottom) |
Q13FOX. This is the interview referred to in the bit on YouTube above. |
See a video by daedreams2 at Flicker, where Mr. Nimoy says he's not been contacted by the producers of the Big Bang Theory yet.
See photos here at LiveJournal and the "Spotlight on Leonard Nimoy" photostream on Flicker
At another LiveJournal entry Mr. Nimoy's panel is described thus:
Apparently one of the first questions he got was one about Zachary Quinto. Unfortunately the person relaying this at Mr. Quinto's official page did not mention his answer:
Also, the ComiCon people seem to have had some fun with the notion that they managed to secure such a high profile guest. See more here at Flicker.
Maybe not without cause? The reference about stealing powers is to Heroes in this LiveJournal entry.
And here one more...
Leonard Nimoy gave an interview by phone to the David Boze Show at MyNorthWest yesterday. They talk about William Shatner, the impact on the science community he'd had, him being in Abram's Star Trek movie, Galaxy Quest, directing comedy, guest starring in other franchises and he doesn't need the money, so why is he doing it to himself going to these conventions. Then the show moves on to take callers for Mr. Nimoy. Topics included his poetry, photography, Roddenberry, Devil in the Dark, did he keep any mementos from the show, In Search Of..., the next movie, and Star Trek and Spock helping one of the callers through a difficult time.
Friday, March 12, 2010
3:00 pm-4:00 pm
3pm Dave Fisher Spokesman for Stop Washington hidden Gas Taxes Coalition3:30pmDave talks with Leonard Nimoy (Spock forn Star Trek) [sic]
The part with Mr. Nimoy starts at 18:10 min and you can listen to or download the show here.
Leonard Nimoy talked to The News Tribune about being approached by Abrams for the Star Trek movie, meeting Obama, Spock's continued success with the audience, photography and more:
“Star Trek” fans often are the punchline in the longtime image of the nerdy sci-fi obsessed fan. Nimoy acknowledges that he meets fans who are more into Spock than he is. Separating his “Star Trek” life from the rest of his busy and varied life is key, he says.
“I do compartmentalize them. I have to. I can’t mistreat the fans that love the ‘Star Trek’ stories and Spock character.”
Still, he tries to broaden the range of interests of his fans when he speaks at conventions such as ComiCon.
“I try to introduce other ideas. Sometimes they take hold.”
The actor acknowledges the enduring and strong hold Spock has on so many people. Just the day before this interview, Nimoy says he was in a New York City restaurant having lunch with his wife. The waiter, an immigrant from Bangladesh, related how he grew up watching “Star Trek” and how much the show had affected him.
Then the waiter started to cry.
When Nimoy went to pay the bill, the waiter told him another patron had also recognized him, paid Nimoy’s bill and left.
Later, when he got into a taxi cab, there was a cardboard cutout of Spock taped to the dashboard.
“This kind of stuff happens all the time,” Nimoy says.
He also said that 2010 would mark the end of him appearing at conventions:
The paper has some good news, too, for after the convention...
Nimoy’s scheduled visit to Vulcan finalized
Nimoy, who played Mr. Spock in the Star Trek series, will arrive in Vulcan at 2:30 p.m. on April 23, said Trish Standing, chamber president.
Local officials, including Tom Grant, the mayor of Vulcan, will get a chance to meet with Nimoy.
Shortly after, starting at around 3 p.m., Nimoy will be part of the parade, which will start at the Tourism and Trek Station and run down to the intersection on Centre Street and Third Avenue.
"We're thrilled and honoured that he'll be coming," said Dayna Dickens, Vulcan's tourism co-ordinator.
The community as a whole has been coming together to work towards getting ready for the visit, said Dickens.
"That's wonderful to see," she added.
After the parade, at around 3:30 p.m., the action will move on to the stage down town, where a few speeches are planned, followed by the unveiling of the Spock bust and Vulcan salute hand print.
Nimoy's scheduled departure is set for 4:15 p.m. His visit was made possible through coordination with the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo
Source: The Vulcan Advocate
Leonard Nimoy did two interviews to promote his appearance at the Emerald City ComiCon in Seattle:
Q: What else are you working on? I know you're a poet and a photographer, as well as an actor.
A: I have an exhibition opening this summer at ... the Massachusetts Museum of Arts ... of some portraits of people ... as their secret selves.
Q: Their secret selves?
A: The idea of a secret self goes back thousands of years. Greek philosopher and playwright Aristophanes had the idea that humans at one time had two heads and four arms and four legs, and became very powerful and arrogant. The gods were upset about it so they sent Zeus to solve the problem, which he did by taking a big sword and splitting everybody in two, leaving everybody the way we are, but leaving us feeling somehow incomplete. Everybody is looking for the lost part of themselves to make themselves feel whole again. So I began to explore this idea of a secret — but I have some issues with identity, don't I?
Q: You put a lot of yourself into Spock, didn't you?
A: It's as though I have an alternate ego.
Q: Would Spock be your secret self?
A: Not very secret anymore!
Q: What is your personal balance between logic and emotion?
A: (laughs for a while) That's just funny. (more raucous laughing) I've worked on that balance all the time. (more laughing)
More here at The Seattle Times.
In another interview with MyNorthWest he talked a bit about what made Star Trek so enduring:
When he joined the cast of Star Trek in the mid 60's. He says the setting was science-fiction action but it was the great stories that kept the series alive.
"That's why it's lasted so long. It's not just about ships, and chasing, and guns, and explosions. I mean we have our share of that, but there's also some very interesting ideas behind all of the episodes and they're good stories.
Nimoy now shares the role of Spock with actor Zachary Quinto who plays a younger version of the character in the new Star Trek film series. Nimoy says he's pleased with the work Quinto did with the famous character.
"It made me very proud that the character was strong enough that it could be passed onto someone else so successfully. I'm very proud of him. I'm very proud of the movie."
More audio at MyNorthwest.com |
From the adventures of an autograph collector:
I had heard terrible things about him all around. He was unfriendly, he was a bad signer, blah blah blah. So I was prepared for the worst. I expected him to shoot me down. While he didnt put his arms out to hug me & embrace my presence at his hotel, Mr. Nimoy was willing to accomodate my quick autograph request before he was rushed away into an awaiting production vehicle.
I was plaeased to see that all the things I had been told seem to be either fabricated or outright wrong. Of course, we'll see if hes still as accomodating when he sees me for a 2nd or 3rd time.
To read about how that turned out and see some photos go here.
Ben Stiller told the audience at the Oscar's that he owns a pair of Spock's ears signed by Leonard Nimoy.
The producers of the Big Bang Theory would love to have Mr. Nimoy do a guest appearance on their show. More here at EW.com and Trek Movie.
Fringe was renewed for a third season, but will Mr. Nimoy be part of it? Airlock Alpha thinks so. Let's hope their enthusiasm isn't premature.
For the last couple months, "Fringe" fans have been asking the question on whether or not their series will survive the current year and earn itself a third season.
That question has now been answered and Fox has committed to a whole third season of J.J. Abrams' bizarre and weird scientific drama ... and there will be plenty more parallel universe antics and visits from Leonard Nimoy to keep fans glued to their screens.
One more Star Trek movie interview from last year. In this Mr. Nimoy is asked, among other things, what conceptual difference Paramount throwing money at Trek made.
More at Sci Fi Wire
This Is Your Life: William Shatner
Leonard Nimoy appears at the end of part two of the three part video. He tells the story about Mr. Shatner hiding his bike.
You can find photos here and here and here are some saved from a page that sadly no longer seems to exist:
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in 2007 "Leonard Nimoy introduced the winners and read poems from each of their award-winning books" at "Claremont Graduate University's 15th annual Kingsley and Kate Tufts Poetry Awards"
For more and a photo go here.
Anna Torv, FBI Agent Olivia Dunham on Fringe, talked to Digital Spy about her hopes that Leonard Nimoy would return to the series:
Any chance of Leonard Nimoy returning at a later date?
"I hope so, I really do. He's just such a beautiful man. He's extremely graceful and gracious. There's a presence about him that would be there whether he was Leonard Nimoy or just a man! He's got a gorgeous essense to him."
For the full interview go here
Review: T.J. Hooker - The Decoy
Hooker (William Shatner) gives chase to the killer of blondes and he has to suck in his stomach repeatedly while barely squeezing through gates closing on him. Directed by Leonard Nimoy. (more)
Leonard Nimoy at William Shatner's Hollywood Horseshow