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Star Trek IV Delayed by William Shatner's Salary Demands


As reported in Daily Variety, preproduction on Star Trek IV has been halted in the wake of William Shatner's two million dollar salary demand for doing the film. Leonard Nimoy, who had been signed as director, was already on the lot working on the film, but upon Shatner's salary demand, Leonard's office was closed and he was moved off the lot. Leonard Nimoy's contract stipulates that his acting fee on the film will be the same as whatever William Shatner receives. Negotiations are reportedly underway even if the film isn't.

Star Trek III: The Search For Spock had grossed 75 million dollars by Summer's end, making it the fourth largest grossing Summer release.

Source: Enterprise Incidents, January 1985

Behind the Scenes on Star Trek IV

Behind the Scenes by Chis DoohanChris Doohan, son of the late James Doohan, wrote a guest blog at Trek Movie and shared some family photos that include pictures of Leonard Nimoy as director of the movie. More here and also, you guessed, on Tumblr.


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